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Winners of the auction for a weekend at Big Cliff's

Big Cliff

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Jeff and Augusta were the winners of last years auction for the weekend at Sue and Big Cliff's and this was the weekend that was decided on.


They arrived Friday afternoon, they didn’t have any trouble finding the place as they have fished up here in the Kawarthas before. Besides, Augusta was doing the driving and Jeff was navigating and we all know a man doesn’t have to stop and ask directions! LOL


The wind had been blowing hard all day out of the NW and there were white caps on the lake, a cold front was coming in. The forecast didn’t look too promising either with showers and thunder showers in the forecast for Saturday evening and Sunday; not a good start to a walleye fishing weekend.


Being the true fisher people they are, we just decided to make the best of it but to play it safe we’d just fish off the dock on Friday evening (usually good to produce a couple of walleye in the evening). Jeff and Augusta did give it a try but 25-30 k winds blasting you in the face make most fishing uncomfortable and the walleye didn’t cooperate so we settled in for the evening.



The dogs adopted our new house guests within minutes.


Saturday morning started off cold but Jeff and I headed out and I showed him a few places I thought we might be able to scare up a walleye or two, he got a bit of a tour of the lake but that was about all. About 9:00 am we decided to head back in, have breakfast, and warm up. It was a good choice.


Our tummies full and some feeling back in our hands, Jeff, Augusta and I headed out to try our luck again. The day was starting to warm up a bit and the sun was peaking out here and there, the wind had died down to something much more comfortable. Unfortunately, the fish still weren’t cooperating, Jeff managed one small walleye and we got a nice feed of decent size perch but not much else so we headed back in for lunch.


Jeff and Augusta decided to try a bit more fishing for a couple of hours in the afternoon.




By now, things had warmed up to the very comfortable point. The fishing was still slow but at least you weren't freezing.


Saturday's supper was a fish fry, good thing I had a few walleye fillets in the freezer. Now we had the taste we knew what we were looking for and we were pumped. Saturday evening we headed out to one of my favourite holes and finally managed to boat two decent walleye with a couple of hits and misses.



Sunday morning, the rain had started but Jeff and I headed out and decided to try a bit of exploring. Wet and cold after a few hours with nothing but pan fish and we headed back for some hot coffee and dry cloths. With breakfast out of the way we decided we still had time to head back out and give it another try; Jeff lost a nice walleye near the boat then nailed this bass.




A quick picture and back it went.


Not long after the bass, Jeff hooked into this guy and with no leader, in an area full of stumps and weeds and on light tackle Jeff did an amazing job of landing it. This guy really knows how to handle a fish!




Again, a very quick picture and away he went.


A few more spots and a little more fishing, the winds were starting to pick up and you could feel the storm moving in. We decided to call it a day and head back to the house. Shortly after we got back the rain started so I guess we called it right.


The catching might not have been the greatest but the company was fantastic! Jeff and Augusta are awesome house guests and we are looking forward to many more fishing trips in the future.


Thanks guys for being so generous, so easy to please, and such good sports. You are welcome in our home anytime!


Sue, Big Cliff, & the dogs!

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What a nice weekend that must have been, just for the company alone. I can only image how breakfast and supper must have tasted, mmm, mmm.


Great report Cliff. Wish I'd have won it.



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First of all I want to thank Big Cliff and Sue for their hospitality and generousity. Augusta and I had a wonderful time with you guys and we are lookin forward to visiting with you again soon. We had a very relaxing weekend....even though the weather didn't exactly co-operate fully. As I said before that's why it's called fishin not catchin. The fish were a bonus.

Secondly the largemouth and the musky I caught were caught, landed and gently released as always. The season for them as you know hasn't opened yet and they were accidental catches.

Sure wish we could have brought those four-legged beasts home with us...lol. If ya ever need someone to watch them for a weekend let us know, we will be there in a minute...well not quite...lol.






We leave you with an awesome sunset but we will be back to try our luck again soon.




Thanks again Cliff and Sue and Andy and Brandy.


Jeff and Augusta Becker

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Glad to hear your weekend was grand!!!...Your hosts are two of the nicest people you will ever meet...That Cliff burns a great burger as Cph mentioned last Wednesday...I was hoping to get down that way on Saturday to say ''hello'' but it just never happened...Andy sure likes to go fishing eh?

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