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Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?


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Actually, spoiling a vote is a tangible action, not voting is a non-action. Spoiling means a lot more than not voting at all and is the best way to say that you are not pleased with our current political options.


I'm just making sure people know there is another option on the ballot.

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This is getting slightly off topic ...but there is more to this issue within society than should I vote for Nutty or Nuttier?


Within many of our lifetimes there has been a huge social change---sometimes so gradual--hard to notice--- but still there


1st---it's now a smaller world where we are competing for $$$ and jobs with a tipped set of scales---we are having difficulty competing--in an exploding world population


Essentially removing our once content middle class---leaving us with Very rich and almost poverty for the most sake (middle is still there but falling fast)


Now Whatever Gov't is in place can't change the wall streets of the world---Remember Regan saying you don't tell the head of Exxon what to do>


So when our wages get shipped to a cheaper source----tax revenues fall for Gov'ts to waste----cuts are a comin


This can go on but thinking that one party can change your life or livelihood for the better----would'nt want to tread water waiting

Is the middle class really disappearing, or is it just changing? We are losing manufacturing jobs for sure.....but I see a lot of middle class people in software and IT jobs.


It's a different economy now. No one (including Hudak) is bringing manufacturing back to Ontario. At least not in a big way.

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I have involved myself in the political process since I have been old enough to vote. I vote religiously, I have campaigned, written party literature and speeches, worked as part of the electoral process at all 3 levels of government. I am having a hard time this go around. To many lies from all sides. Not one leader with any real skill, potential or vision. A whole lot of waste and greed. Far too many political dynasties that have controlled policy in this province for decades, and they are not interested in listening to John Q Public. No one party gives a hoot about the MNR, unless it pertains to winning urban votes.

On the topic of a spoiled or declined ballot... They only really take note of these irregularities during a close/ contentious/ appealed vote.

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I think we have arrived at that feeling of helplessness------we turn to our gov't for leadership and vision---to make our lives better---for the $$$ we contribute


We get less though now and pay more---and as in this election----we seem to be drowning and none of them have a rope to throw to us


I look at the ballot and It looks like a question----Do you want to be clubbed in the head---the stomach --or the knees?


None of the options are very appealing

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Actually, spoiling a vote is a tangible action, not voting is a non-action. Spoiling means a lot more than not voting at all and is the best way to say that you are not pleased with our current political options.


I'm just making sure people know there is another option on the ballot.


Yeah... an option to let someone else choose. The winner won't care, the loser might look at it and wish he had those but there is nothing to say who you are what you believe or what you want. Think that those in favour of "Occupy" or Sharia etc. will spoil their chance??? Hitler was awhile ago... how about just a couple years ago In Egypt the Muslim Brother hood and Morsi got in by 3% on a 54% turnout...... then promptly trying to impose a Muslim state through violence, laws etc. until the military stepped in.


The real middle class is doing OK when you look at the statistical middle group, the problem is where do you draw the line on "middle" class. Justin Trudeau called it anyone living pay cheque to pay cheque, Sun news brought in economists and showed the middle %s and how they have changed etc.



Take a look at the difference.... LIEbrals have doubled our provincial debt, want to increase our electricity rates by 42% and pull another 1.5% off your pay rather than leaving it for you to pay your mortgage, credit cards etc. If you can't see a benefit then you are looking at personality and Hudak is a wet noddle true but you had better take a look at the policies.


Ontario ALONE now has twice the debt as the Ukraine or to put it individually about $20,000 PER person.

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Tired of the current Liberal Government in Ontario?


Can't decide or don't like the other choices, then make your displeasure known, spoil your ballot or stay home!!!





This ad is approved by Whinne and Liebral parties victory at any cost in 2014 committee.

L LIEbral



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Tired of the current Liberal Government in Ontario?


Can't decide or don't like the other choices, then make your displeasure known, spoil your ballot or stay home!!!





This ad is approved by Wynne and Liberal parties victory at any cost in 2014 committee.



You do realize that this may represent both a libelous misrepresentation and a violation of electoral law?

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Sorry, the way I read it made me think you fit in with the slackers.


They tick me off and just don't seem to have any clue about history or what is at stake in voting. We have people in Canada that would vote for a politician that supported Sharia law, and considering the money given to the charity that was supporting Hamas there are many,support UN policies (just a note, Iran is on Women's rights council etc.) and on and on.


I think this picture sums it up best, Benjamin Levin, Justin Trudeau and Kathleen Wynn, the media usually leaves out Benjamin


Benjamin Levin,

education advisor for the Liberal party under Wynne who was Minister of Educaiton and part of her transition team when she came to power - Levin is charged with multiple child porn charges and arranging to meet with a girl under 16.


Justin Trudeau

admitted and unapologetic illegal drug user that wants to legalize mj

many liberals spoke/voted against raising the age of consent for sex from 14 to 16 (Levin would have been OK on those charged,not the child porn, before unless the girl was under 14)

wants to repeal the mandatory sentences

wants to repeal election bill that would require a person voting to supply an ID

admires China's dictatorship

won't allow pro-life or those that don't support man made global warming to be liberal candidates



Kathleen Wynn

education Minister that was in power when the new curriculum was created and then abandoned after parents saw it and started protesting.

in cabinet during gas plants etc yet knows nothing about it ?????

has someone wandering around her office formatting hard drives and knows nothing about it

wants to increase electricity rates by 42%

wants to increase payroll deduction (individual and company) for a new pension plan. Talks about CPP yet that is a small fraction of most pensions. Estimated another 100,000 jobs to leave Ontario

etc. etc.





Edit: posting in a new comment

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mosquito, this is just so 'on the money' that I'm re-quoting it. Very well said, and you covered all the bases.

Like you, I have no patience, sympathy, understanding, etc etc for those arguing that 'spoiling their ballot', or not voting in protest, makes a statement. That's just so pointless, stupid, lazy, the list goes on.


Good grief people... wake up! YOUR VOTE, is the only way that positive change can happen. Hiding your head in the sand will help no one other than those you see in power today in this province get stronger and stronger and care less about your tax dollars and frankly, all they care about is remaining in power. They couldn't give a crap about your love of fishing, outdoors, camping, your kids, your grandkids, none of it.


A recent credible poll, Ipsos-Reid I believe, indicated that 73% of Ontarians want change in the upcoming election, including 1 in 4 LIberals!! That is the highest percentage ever recorded in this type of statistic.

But its not going to happen if ya'll don't get off your collective a**ses, on JUNE 12th, again, that's JUNE 12th, and VOTE for someone in your riding. hopefully someone who has integrity, and values other peoples tax dollars. Obviously 73% already know who that isn't.





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Good thing this thread is about saving the MNR.. otherwise it would be a political thread! :D

good point ... I'm done!


I do hope that whomever forms the next government will do what is needed to protect the critical fishing resource we have enjoyed, and our families have enjoyed during our lifetime. It IS important, and all we can do is fight the good fight.


Now ... let's GO FISHIN :excl:;)

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Yeah, I think I made my point, now let's get back to the MNR /environment.....

I planned on talking and now am sending an email to the local candidates, I was by the candidates PC office today but there was no one there today.


Other than what will be the cutback criteria, management efficiencies (Smoky Thomas “There’s probably 60,000 too many middle managers in the entire Public Service”??....will it be aimed at recent hires (the liberals increased the public servant count by almost 100,000 since they came into power) or early retirement?


Here is what I have but besides that what I want to know what are the main points here?


1) Lack of funding for field officers to enforce the existing laws. Poachers, polluters, ....

2) Inconsistent enforcement especially among the reserves ( in case you missed it

http://www.wiartonecho.com/2014/04/30/fishing-altercation-at-colpoys-bay and I have heard many stories but have nothing to back them up so won't go there)

3) Invasive species funding (lamprey spraying)

4) Stocking priorities (based on scientists? OFAH? )

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Can't wait to apply some Moxie type heat to those who should be honoured to serve us. Even the one that belong to the party I plan to vote for. They owe Ontarians the best public service and more and must be reminded of that at every turn. No one gets a free pass from now on. No one.

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Oh well back into politics....


Still a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Yes the Liberals broke the law. Then again, so did you.


You seem confused with reality, I made a mocking ad to make a point about the consequences of spoiling or not voting... it is called sarcasm and no sensible person would have thought the post serious. "Grump" yeah that seems to fit if you are actually serious... either that or you are a Wynne/ Trudeau Liberal with their aversion to free speech.


The Liberals spent billions of dollars on windmills, gas plants, coverups..... and you are comparing it to a sarcastic post....



Just so you have some exposure to reality....




and MacKay often has a good one...



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Not confused at all. I despise all politicians. Hence my direct participation in the electoral process. Someone has to try and make sure they play fair. As for the mock ad, that's all fine until you put it up as an election ad. I merely pointed out the problem as a responsible voter. Don't be surprised if someone brought it to the attention of Elections Ontario. I've seen heavy handed responses for far more trivial breaches of "political etiquette' during elections.

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To Mosquito, don't lump me in with the slackers, I worked at elections for 11 years, delivered every general and by-election from 2003 to 2011, at the provincial level, not just one riding. I know more about the electoral process than anyone on this board, working between 30 and 35 days straight to make sure people were able to exercise their franchise. I am out of that game now though and while I still care that we are able to vote democratically, my focus has changed.


People have a right to vote or not to vote, it's that simple. It just boils down to what choice does a person have, I really don't see one out there that I can hang my hat on. Im not going to put their pictures on the dart board and decide that way, if I don't believe in something, feel strongly about it, I don't do it. Perhaps something will resonate with me over the next couple of weeks, but right now the thing I feel most strongly about is either spoiling my ballot, or not voting at all.

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Ok...... Can we get back to my original question? Given the divide and given the lack of options, if one candidate said they would stand up, help to rebuild the OMNR..... Would you vote for that person/party?


Given this is political, I never meant this to become a political debate. I simply wanted to know if there could be a way to have our votes have ANY meaning in regards to the sport/life we all care deeply about...


The louder we are as sportsmen.... The more they have to listen to us. It seems as though we have done a terrible job, compared to other " interest" groups.


So my question remains, would you give your vote to someone that wants to preserve your heritage and birthright.... We are no different, we have Grown up, hunting, fishing and trapping. Or are you willing to stand by idle and let those that make the rule stomp on what you, and your family have done for generations?


I think it is time we say enough is enough... I feel we do have a choice.... We have been Been crapped on far too long from our elected. Have you ever watched a sitting of parliament? Worse then the bullies in highschool... No wonder we get nowhere....


I think as a collective something can and should be done. A strong voice from our own "special" interest group.... Once they know votes against them in the thousands I bet we would be heard.


Surely this is how OFHA started..... And we all know how that worked out.....:(



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That's what I was thinking Gerritt----when a group organizes with an agenda at hand---it cannot help but become political


The heads of any organization (including Political Parties)---are constantly bombarded with lobbyists---looking to swing directions


Just look at this thread how it evolved----right on que---the conservative mothership parachutes in those trying to sway votes---like apparently we cannot decide for ourselves??--I believe they turn more away than get--but anyway?


Like the OFAH----eventually sides are chosen---likely by the group leadership----then your back to square one---alone in the wilderness without your concerns being addressed.


So herein is the challenge---form a true democratic group to "Lobby" those that make the calls

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Ok...... Can we get back to my original question? Given the divide and given the lack of options, if one candidate said they would stand up, help to rebuild the OMNR..... Would you vote for that person/party?



In answer to your question, and in the spirit I think you intended, Gerritt .... YES, I think I would. It's an area of Great importance to the folks here, including myself. My dad took me fishing on Lake Nipissing, 60yrs ago, and I've been hooked (no pun intended) ever since. I've tried to expose my son and daughter to this great sport as well, and we've actually had 33 wonderful family vacations at a Lake Nipissing Camp, since them. So yeah, I'd definitely vote for the person/party that would commit to preserving our stressed fisheries, and wildlife. If someone comes a knocking between now and June 12th, I will raise this subject with them.


Now without getting overly political, this video is just too funny, and too well done, not to share. Speakers ON.

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