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Rob Ford rehab. Whos paying for this


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Most addicts don't have an additction or need help! Most don't have underlying problems to deal with! And those two statments are so far from the truth it hurts!


The fact that he has finally admitted that he has a problem and is seeking help goes a long way in my books. I don't support Rob Ford and I don't like some of the things he has done but I do give him credit for finally admitting that he does have a problem and I do give him credit for trying to get help to deal with it. I truly hope he is successful not only for his sake but for his families sake too!


Now if we could only get Justin Beber to follow the same path, he has all the basics down pat (drugs, drinking, lies, assault) but he is still idolized by so many and refuses to admit that he has a problem!


Cliff, do you think a 30 day stint in rehab is going to cure or even curb his addictions? Addicts will admit that it takes a lot longer than 30 days to subside the cravings of crack cocaine. Will the rehab address his bigotry, racism or sexism?? All this rehab stint is doing is making him look good for the upcoming election, as others have said. As for those who claim people on here think they are perfect and we are criticizing Ford because of our shortcomings, give me a break. I am far from perfect but I don't hold the position of mayor of the largest city in Canada. I am not in a position to influence large crowds of people or have children, other than my own, look up to me. I am not on the news daily with my "imperfections" taking center stage. If you are in the public eye, as politicians are, you will be held to a higher standard. Smoking crack, being a bigot and racist will not be accepted. Is this kicking him while he is down? The man is a bully and has been since he was younger. I worked with a guy that went to high school with Rob and Doug. I have heard the stories and you see it in his actions. He has brought this all on himself. If he didn't want the criticism and backlash he should not have behaved as he has while holding the position he holds.


Just look at last weekend with Donald Sterling of the NBA. There is no room for this behavior in society.


I do feel sorry for his kids, it is too bad really.


As for Beiber... where do you start.

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the one thing that has really bugged me about the whole Ford story is that for months before the proof of the crack video, Ford was attacking the media claiming they were lying, it was a witch hunt, slander etc etc etc.


and it was all true and they were correct in their reporting all along.


where is Ford's apology to the media?

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Cliff, do you think a 30 day stint in rehab is going to cure or even curb his addictions? Addicts will admit that it takes a lot longer than 30 days to subside the cravings of crack cocaine. Will the rehab address his bigotry, racism or sexism??


Every journey begins with one step and sometimes it can take several attempts. I don't know if he will suceed, all I know is he has taken the first step of what will be a very long hard journey and I wish him success for himself and for his families sake!

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Sorry all but imo, if he can't even stick to his efforts to lose weight (to much self promoted fanfare) then this is even more of an uphill battle. I would love to see him get better for the sake of his kids but I'm not expecting much change at all and he should have done this last year when the first video surfaced. I think this is why some people are quick to jump on Rob, because he HAD the opportunity to deal with it earlier. That's one year wasted. People (myself included) are just skeptical that this is a sincere effort and not just more pr spin.


I've known a number of alcoholics in my life (one a relative) and their stories weren't the ones with happy endings so I understand the Herculean struggle that Ford now trods.


Regardless, this is a very sad story that I hope doesn't end in an obit.

Edited by woodenboater
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Every journey begins with one step and sometimes it can take several attempts. I don't know if he will suceed, all I know is he has taken the first step of what will be a very long hard journey and I wish him success for himself and for his families sake!

To quote Mark Twain " Quitting smoking is easy I've done it thousands of times ".

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He is a clearly not a nice man and there are lots of stories going back to high school apparently.


My grandpa was a nice man. He came back from WW2 an alcoholic and was not so nice for a period of time. He battled and rebounded and returned to being himself.


Being an alcoholic or drug attic does not make one a bad person but some bad people become alcoholics. I think Rob Ford is in the latter group.

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I'm amazed at how polarizing this guy is. I'm also amazed at the sympathy being shown. I'm all for giving anyone a 2nd chance, 3rd chance, heck, however many chances as they need, and while surely we all make mistakes, I have to wonder how anyone in there right mind would want a bullying addict to represent them as their mayor. That is what he is, an addict, and a bully, So it comes down to what we mean by the term "give him a chance", a chance to turn their life around through counseling, sure. A chance to continue on as mayor, "Are you kidding me?" It is inconceivable to me that someone would be willing to vote for a person with this track record.

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It is inconceivable to me that someone would be willing to vote for a person with this track record.


You and me both. But that's part of what being in a democratic society is all about...giving people the choice to make silly decisions and allowing them to get brainwashed by some simple talking points like - It's a consipracy by the Star; Left Wing Pinkos are out to get me; I've apologized, I've made mistakes and I'm moving on; or the one that he has recently become his favourite - Sorry, I am not perfect, but maybe you are. That last phrase alone seems to resonate with many of his supporters to the point that it's used by them to continually condone or excuse his behaviour (even on this forum).

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Can someone tell me a better mayor that Toronto has had in the last 20 years? Ignore all the off the clock Bull Ford has done.. Just stick to the hard facts (ie budgets, etc)


Odd, now all I hear is *chirp* *chirp* from the crickets outside... :dunno:



Ford has been a target since day one simply because is a Conservative. Take a look at past mayors before Ford back to 1980 (where I stopped checking)








Do you Ford haters think it's a coincidence that it was a liberal who made false accusations against Ford that he sexually assaulted (groped) her? Do you think it's a coincidence that the Toronto Star and Global news, who are both liberal in their views, just happen to be the ones airing the most dirt on Ford?

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Can someone tell me a better mayor that Toronto has had in the last 20 years? Ignore all the off the clock Bull Ford has done.. Just stick to the hard facts (ie budgets, etc)

If you are suggesting that Rob Ford is/was the better Mayor, maybe you can provide some hard facts/comparisons to substantiate that illusion/view?


What's funny is that you cannot measure the negative reprecussions he is having on this city (ie. negative WORLD view of Toronto)...Even the city manager cannot substatiate his claim that he saved a billion dollars...what services has he cut to do that, what effects will the city realize today or years from now because of those service cuts? He cut library funding, he cut daycare funding, he cut XXXX....all of these services are what makes a society function in a manner that is most efficient and enjoyable to its residences. Sure he may have cut more from the budget than other Mayors, but what effect will that have on the city in the long run. For example, he closed down a firestation and four fire trucks, saving the city taxpayers an average of $0.02 per day (or about $1 million a year), but what will that do the homes that that station serviced...it may not be felt today, but maybe it will be realized the next.


Saving money is not what a Mayor should have as his top priority. It seems like that is his go to phrase and many are gobbling it up.

Edited by fisher
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It's amazing how folks read the Toronto star's headlines and conclude people must be guilty --no trial --no personal knowledge-- just he's guilty -- thank goodness we have trials with a real jury --it's really tiring hearing people judge folks by headlines or videos shot without his knowledge while enebriated--sure his language is colorful --i'll give you that --but that begs a question --is your language different while fishing with the guys then while with your family --it's street talk--plain and simple -- let's not forget fellows that Clinton got a blowjob in the White House and he survived -- but some have Ford and Sterling DOA without a fair hearing -- I say give him a chance to quit drinking --what kind of friend would I be to tell you that you'll never quit --you're just an alcoholic who doesn't deserve my pity - God forbid are we that heartless!!

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Actually all his hard working, money saving and stopping the gravey train claims have been debunked one by one,

Almost every one on his ( and Dough's ) speeches start or end with ". Saving taxpayer's money "

Makes you wonder why some people can't see right through both brothers.

I feel sorry for his kids and a little for his wife

But his brother, sister and mother no so much, they know the guys well, but did nothing to help him. Worst one is Dough,

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It's amazing how folks read the Toronto star's headlines and conclude people must be guilty --no trial --no personal knowledge-- just he's guilty -- thank goodness we have trials with a real jury --it's really tiring hearing people judge folks by headlines or videos shot without his knowledge while enebriated--sure his language is colorful --i'll give you that --but that begs a question --is your language different while fishing with the guys then while with your family --it's street talk--plain and simple -- let's not forget fellows that Clinton got a blowjob in the White House and he survived -- but some have Ford and Sterling DOA without a fair hearing -- I say give him a chance to quit drinking --what kind of friend would I be to tell you that you'll never quit --you're just an alcoholic who doesn't deserve my pity - God forbid are we that heartless!!

He has lied about everything questionable that he has been asked about - drugs, drinking and driving, etc.......not only lied about it, but STRONGLY opposed any assertion that he was involved with any of those activities, only to finally come clean when he was confronted with indisputable evidence. I don't need a trial or jury to tell me he is guilty. How can anyone believe him about anything going forward?

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If you are suggesting that Rob Ford is/was the better Mayor, maybe you can provide some hard facts/comparisons to substantiate that illusion/view?




Like I said, stick to the facts and ignore all the stuff that's happening OUTSIDE of his 9-5 and tell us he's done a horrible job. You seem to be taking this way too personally, and we are the ones buying into all of this? Heh.

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Well I did see him tackle a Councillor in city hall between 9-5----how's that fact


Looks like the act of a bully to me----did'nt need the star or global news to tell me what can be clearly seen

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Can someone tell me a better mayor that Toronto has had in the last 20 years? Ignore all the off the clock Bull Ford has done.. Just stick to the hard facts (ie budgets, etc)


He doesn't work in a factory, he is a politician. There is no off the clock, there is no 9-5. Being a public figure you are working 24-7, 365. That is what he signed up for. That was his choice. I don't care if he eats quarters and sh!ts toonies. He is a bigot, racist, drug addict and bully. His behavior is unacceptable, period. I am tired of this low life being the face of the largest city in this country. He makes a laughing stock out of all Canadians from coast to coast.

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Like I said, stick to the facts and ignore all the stuff that's happening OUTSIDE of his 9-5 and tell us he's done a horrible job. You seem to be taking this way too personally, and we are the ones buying into all of this? Heh.

more like 1-4pm

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He doesn't work in a factory, he is a politician. There is no off the clock, there is no 9-5. Being a public figure you are working 24-7, 365. That is what he signed up for. That was his choice. I don't care if he eats quarters and sh!ts toonies. He is a bigot, racist, drug addict and bully. His behavior is unacceptable, period. I am tired of this low life being the face of the largest city in this country. He makes a laughing stock out of all Canadians from coast to coast.

x 2


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I just wanted to know who was paying,and why he had to go outside this country for rehab.


Feel free to lock it mods. .


Looks like it,s getting a bit over the edge.Hope he does the right thing.

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