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Fishing regs books heads up


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I thought our licence fees and ads paid for these books??


OK here's another example----I just move to this area where Trout opens Jan 1 across the board


Now ice out happens in April so Gerritt and I say head to lake Clear for some perch---perch alone---we know there's walleye in there but it's widely known oos


so we catch an inadvertent trout (I have elsewhere while perchin)---now we're unprepared--can we keep it??


We didn't bother looking up special regs for perch---well answer would be no


Even though the area opened jan 1 ---Lake clear has a late may opener and "Slot Size"


This is when the book we paid for would come in handy


when you get older slot sizes and special rules tax the old memory banks---and again why look for special rules when just perchin

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So Boss how do you do it ,i have down loaded the file but then I can't save it or if it does where is it. :wallbash::wallbash:




you need to download adobe reader, or google quickoffice or some other pdf viewer app.


once downloaded, it will open automatically when you click a pdf file or link.


once saved, you can access it from my files




what type of phone is it?

Edited by Boss
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So those people in rural areas don't have phones either? Can't call up the MNR and ask about the regs? Anymore excuses you'd like to share with us for not knowing the regulations in a FMZ you're fishing?


If someone wants to figure out the regs they will, if not they won't. You're crazy to think a judge will toss a case out of court when the guy who was 13 walleye over his limit stands up and says 'Well the Canadian Tire didn't have a copy of the regs and my dial up internet was too slow to download the PDF'


If anything, the regulations are even more available today then they were 15 years ago.

Any chance your a govt. employee Bill, you take the position that its no big deal that printed regs are not readily available and you supported their move to e lic. issuing.In both cases you had an answer for every senario were losing the type of service we had might be detrimental to the public, except 1, the elderly, explain how no printed copy of regs or not being able to get a lic. in nearly as many locations doesnt impact them negatively again????

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Hey Hirk I agree with you about older people NOT using the new forms of communication.I am not to bad at it but lots of my peers DON'T even have a cell phone...Thats not ignorance of the rules it the inability to get them !!!!




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We have One cell phone (basic---no apps or anything)---my wife uses it to text the kids---as we learned kids will answer texts before calls


Me---no cell----and I've fished and travelled all my life---unplugged-----want to keep it that way

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Ok, sorry i forgot to report back earlier, i have the day off so i was outside hitting golf balls lol. So i called my local MNR and she said yes there have been a drastic reduction in copies being printed this year. She also said they are indeed encouraging online use of the site or printing off copies for your FMZ at your local MNR. She said she is unsure about the future of this as The office in Peterborough has not yet made a decision. But she does believe they will be weened out in the next few years. Now, in my area the books are already gone, checked 8 locations, all out. I'm in NW ontario though and maybe this area got less paper copies because if population? Who knows? Anyhow, lots of good points being made here. I have everything on my phone, PDF and screenshots, so no excuse. I do like one copy though, and i carry a copy in my walleye as well. Everyone can adapt to this for the most part but i agree with this being a major nuance for seniors

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BillM, sorry you are wrong here. Not everyone can be poured into one mold. The loss of the printed regs is a detriment to our sport, our license dollars pay to have them published, so where is the money going if they are no longer printed on paper?.... That should be the question we are all asking.....


Think I could get an 80ish year old uncle to download a PDF to a cell phone he refuses to own? Let alone operate a computer.


This same Bull happened when there were limited copies of paper tax forms.... Seems nothing changes...


Doesn't make it right...


The lack of access is the problem here. So many advances in technology, with generations that have no clue how to use it, or no access to it.


I bet you would be singing a different tune if your grandfather great grandfather got charged for not knowing the slot changed from 15.9 to 15.4 I would lay money, you would be the first to complain.



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The regs are still being printed are they not? If you are that worried about not having a hard copy, make sure you're down at your local Canadian Tire and get a copy before they are all gone,. Same goes with the hunting regs... I can't believe some of you are complaining about the lack of hardcopy regs in this day and age... There is no 'lack of access' How do you figure that? Because there aren't 1 million copies available at your local Canadian Tire? If it's that hard, go down to your local library, use their FREE INTERNET and priint out the regs.


If I actually had grand parents, or great grandparents they'd be smart enough to ask me about the regs before they 'assumed' they were the same as last year.. Actually scratch that, they'd have internet and know how to use a simple computer..


Again, nothing but excuses from you guys... Too funny.


Embrace technology man, it's here to stay and it doesn't matter how much you complain about it, it's not going anywhere.

Edited by BillM
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Any chance your a govt. employee Bill, you take the position that its no big deal that printed regs are not readily available and you supported their move to e lic. issuing.In both cases you had an answer for every senario were losing the type of service we had might be detrimental to the public, except 1, the elderly, explain how no printed copy of regs or not being able to get a lic. in nearly as many locations doesnt impact them negatively again????


I'm not an government employee, I am simply embracing technology.. It's not going away! So you better prepare yourself for a paperless society! As for the elderly, they'll need to change with the times as well... The good thing is, they don't even have to worry about a license anymore :)

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Scratching my head...... I would rather have the regs in my hand.... Then to rely on a family member who may have been incorrect... Sorry your honour, I was told by my nephew I could keep pickeral above 15.4....


You make it sound so easy, furthest thing from the truth for many.


Regardless of your ease of access.... many do not have the same luxury. They count on the printed regs as I did growing up... As we all did.. Yourself included... Seems you seem to disagree for disagreements sake. We are losing here plain and simple, we are worse off without having the printed regs at our disposal... This you cannot argue about.



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I'm not an government employee, I am simply embracing technology.. It's not going away! So you better prepare yourself for a paperless society! As for the elderly, they'll need to change with the times as well... The good thing is, they don't even have to worry about a license anymore :)

bill hates old people, lol. Most of us would be fine with zero paper books, I'm sure 95% or more of this board use the computer phone technologies quite often. As for the seniors i still think it kinda stinks. Again i dont think anyone is crying over the issue. I thought it was interesting and brought it up for the intent of information sharing, via technologies haha
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budget ain't getting fatter, paper/printing is an opportunity for savings, I'd like to see the budget number, wouldn't suspect it to be material but I'd be happy to see 100% paperless regs and put that money to field work


if you have a printer at home, print your regs, or download the pdf to your devices....save the store copies for the elderly and technology challenged....

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Heck...talk about technology...The paper tonight says that Mr Orrazetti was "suprised" by being taken to court over his bear hunt...why would he be suprised...I found it on the interwebs...didn't suprise me a bit



plus, them regs are a 50 page book...I'm not gonna print them myself when I can stop at the store, buy a candy bar, and grab a couple copies for free.

Edited by Dara
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Scratching my head...... I would rather have the regs in my hand.... Then to rely on a family member who may have been incorrect... Sorry your honour, I was told by my nephew I could keep pickeral above 15.4....


You make it sound so easy, furthest thing from the truth for many.


Regardless of your ease of access.... many do not have the same luxury. They count on the printed regs as I did growing up... As we all did.. Yourself included... Seems you seem to disagree for disagreements sake. We are losing here plain and simple, we are worse off without having the printed regs at our disposal... This you cannot argue about.




Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the regs are still available in printed form? If you want them that badly, then make sure you're there early enough to grab a copy before they are gone. All you're doing here is making up excuse after excuse.. Now its your nephews fault that he can't read and told you the regs wrong?? ... MORE EXCUSES!!!!! There are countless ways to get the information from the MNR regarding the regulations.


1. Print

2. Phone

3. Internet


How many more choices do you want? Perhaps dropped shipped by airplane to your house? If anyone is here to complain just to complain its you... Oh no change! Bah humbug! Also, stop using the 'elderly' excuse, they aren't as helpless as you make them out to be. If the MNR printed out a 10 million copies, you'd be here complaining about all the trees they cut down. Give it a rest.

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Well if I could input "Real time " issues


my 2 brothers----60 and 66---go to their tackle store and the books are gone---that's one


neither use the internet----that's 2


and when they come up here to fish---they'll likely hit 4-5 bodies of water----can you imagine calling the ministry and asking detailed info on numerous bodies of water


It's hard to get one sometimes


They used to get the book though---and it's too easy to say be the 1st there---not even close to possible most times


many scenarios under the sun

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I've always been a fan of the paper based regulation booklets. I'm one of the few people left on this earth that doesn't own a smart phone.LOL


It sure came in handy last September when some idiot decided to play CO wannabe on me on the last day of Trout season (Sept 30). He stopped by the bridge in his car, picks up a big rock and throws it off the bridge into the water pretty much wrecking my chance of hooking into anymore brookies from that spot. He says trout season closes last Saturday of September. I tell him it's Sept 30. He disagrees. I pull out my regulations booklet and show him. I then rush to his car, jot down his licence plate. He asks why am I doing that? I tell him he is in violation of the Fish & Wildlife Conservation act 1997 for obstructing my fishing by throwing a rock into the water and disturbing the fish (I also had several pages I printed off in my jacket which I did show him). I threatened to report him to the MNR. He apologized profusely.


I always like to have the regulations booklet on me if I can get a copy. It's not just for my own benefit, but also for the stupid people I run into each year who try to enforce the wrong regulations as in the example above.

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