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Disposing of old gas


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Just put it in your vehicle gas tank, mix it in when filling up from near empty. I put all my old gas in my truck tank since it holds 20 something gallons, it won't cause any problems whatsoever, and you won't be wasting it or losing any money that way.

Edited by tjsa
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Got an old Viking 9.2 that is being particularly ornery this season, as a matter of fact I'm taking it to shop for to get her running right. Read somewhere that old gas may cause probs with old motors or something. I had in running for a few minutes but started to see small pieces of dirt in the clear gas line just before the fuel filter...don't know how this could have got into the gas for it was a brand new tank last year and I had taken the carb off and cleaned it all and made new gaskets for it. Cleaned the fuel line filter out. Just never got around to getting it going again last season.


The starter cord rewinder broke on me last year as well, but thought I had that fixed....not. So me fed up....time to take it in to a real doctor!

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If you don't want to use it take it to the recycling depot and give it to the house hazardous waste people there and it will be taken care of properly. They might only accept them on certain days so call ahead to find out when.

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I've always put it in my cars or trucks.

A bit of extra oil in the gas won't hurt, especially when it's diluted with the rest of the fuel in the tank.

Took a course in snowmobile repair and the instructor woked on high performance racing engines.

He said gas begins to go bad after about a month, but the average person wouldn't notice.

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Got an old Viking 9.2 that is being particularly ornery this season, as a matter of fact I'm taking it to shop for to get her running right. Read somewhere that old gas may cause probs with old motors or something. I had in running for a few minutes but started to see small pieces of dirt in the clear gas line just before the fuel filter...don't know how this could have got into the gas for it was a brand new tank last year and I had taken the carb off and cleaned it all and made new gaskets for it. Cleaned the fuel line filter out. Just never got around to getting it going again last season.


The starter cord rewinder broke on me last year as well, but thought I had that fixed....not. So me fed up....time to take it in to a real doctor!


Yes, old gas can cause problems for sure, it breaks down chemically and basically turns into a varnish that adheres to any surface it contacts, clogging the fuel filter, carburetor jets, etc., depending on how "old" it is. Some may say 6 months, others would say longer, but if you can see dirt and grit in the clear fuel line, something else may be happening.


New tank you said??? Do you mean a 5 gallon cruiseaday?? Metal, or plastic? Strain the gas from it into another gas can to see if there is dirt and grit in it. If it is a metal tank, and dirt and grit comes out of it, get rid of it. If it is a plastic tank, clean it out well, who knows what got in there, put a bit of new gas in there and swish it around a few times, strain it, and repeat, but get it clean. There should not be any dirt or grit coming out of a plastic tank.

And, clean the lines out and replace the fuel filter. Fuel filters are cheap compared to getting the outboard serviced.

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My new tank is a red plastic type for Canadian Tire...was thinking of straining it but since its old gas from last summer will just ditch it. Will swish some fresh stuff around, but darn, where the heck would the sediment come from eh?


As for servicing it...I tried last summer, repairing the pull cord mechanism and all, where I live I'm not really set up to do much of that kind of stuff and house with garage is pipe dream material....lol. This year, would much rather just hand it over to a pro and get it back working good, so can concentrate on fishing...sounds reasonable to me :)

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