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Let the fun begin!!! Quite smoking NF


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I quit Copenhagen 17 months ago after shoving that heavenly garbage in my face for 25 years. I did the laser thing and it worked for me because I WANTED to quit. I think that is the key, you have to want to. If you have the desire, you can do it. Triggers be damned! I still to this day would love a dip after dinner, on the ride to work, FISHING!!!! Etc etc



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nah. Whey protein=garbage, whey protein isolate that is undenatured is well worth the money. Glutathione production alone is well worth the cost. Pubmed can be your friend ;)

Good luck man....it's encouraging that you have done your "research". However that is such a very very tiny piece of the puzzle. Will power and commitment are far more important. The first 60 days are easy...the upkeep is the true test.

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Good luck man....it's encouraging that you have done your "research". However that is such a very very tiny piece of the puzzle. Will power and commitment are far more important. The first 60 days are easy...the upkeep is the true test.

the "research" is a part of my profession lol. I agree with commitment, and thats me, im 100% or nothing. The only problem i foresee is sleeping for the first few days/weeks. I know what works for me and thats too bust my ass day in and day out. Thanks everyone else for the input/support! Id multi quote to address each but i dont know how to on my phone.

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Congrats on making one of the smartest decisions of your life.


Giving up those filthy things isn't nearly as hard as you may think and when you really get a craving for one, just don't do it....it's that simple.


22 years for me now.

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Congrats man!!!


The wife and I quite in the early part of the summer. The first couple of days are always the worste. We quite using Champix although we were only on it for a month or so. We both really wanted to quite so when we had stopped for long enough we decided to put the money we were spending on smokes to use on something better. We both bought new vehicles. Now, even if I wanted to start again, I couldn't afford it... It is also nice to be able to look out at something as a constant reminder that it wouldn't be there if you were still smoking...


On a fishing related note, I find the years I am fishing and not smoking, I catch more fish. I don't know if it is in my head or if the scent of the smoke transfers to the bait and I get less hits but this summer was a great one for fishing.



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If it was easy Lew. We would not have addiction in the world. Ask Mr Ford. :)


I didn't say it was easy, I said it's not as hard as some think.


I know plenty of people who smoked for years then quit cold turkey and never went back, including me, my dad, my brother and my best bud.


Just gotta be sure you really want it before you try.

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we had our filing lady at work, smoked for 52 years, quit cold turkey.


my old man was an extremely bad alcoholic - 26'er of vodka straight a day for 25+ years.


quit over night.


all depends if you want to do it, or if you "kinda" want to do it.....


if you want to do it, you can do it....over night, cold turkey.

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OK I'm not a big poster, but I see some people on here are frustrated at not being able to stop smoking. I'll get to the point... if you started smoking with the thought that you would quite some day and think maybe that day is near, read a book first. Don't use willpower alone, nicotine gum or patches or other drugs. Just read a book. Continue to smoke while you read it, but do read it to the end before you put out that last smoke. No big health scares, etc. but you will want to stop and will be able to stop relatively easily when its done. I know, I didn't believe it either when I heard it and thought what a load of ... I've seen it work with me and three others I have provided the book to... they all agree they can't believe it.


The books name is "Stop smoking the easy way" by Allan Carr. Goggle it if you want, It'll cost you about $30 at Chapters... don't try to figure it out, just do it.


If you have already quit and find the going tough, get the book, you'll have a completely different outlook that will make things so much easier (but don't start smoking again while you read it LOL).


Don't say Bull... just do it!

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Hi Everyone,


Regarding smoking .


Find below my list of things that are healthy and positive

for you and your family members in regards to smoking and second hand smoke.












Enough said!!!!

Just quit...

I did 17 years ago, what a great feeling to be smoke free.

You can do it to.















Enough said!!!!!!!!

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how did it go today Manitoubass?


you can do it, get through this weekend and the worst is over, feel free to be grumpy and lean on your family and friends

actually i never even thought about it all afternoon and up until now. It was a good day but felt abnormally long. Its only 8 and im dead tired ready for bed lol
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