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More tragedy. One home soil this time.. NF


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Terrible news.


Back around 1965 while in the Navy, I was heading home on leave, and was travelling by train thru rural Quebec and we hit a car and killed a young boy who was standing beside it.


After we cleared that accident we travelled on to Montreal where we had to change trains to travel to Toronto. A train ahead of us had hit a school bus and killed a bunch of kids and closed the tracks so we ended up hitch-hiking to Toronto


A pretty brutal trip for all involved that night.

Edited by lew
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The bus drivers in Ottawa have a "get out of my way, I own the road" mentality. Unfortunate but true.

As a custom home builder Project Manager with many jobs on the go at any time, I spend a considerable amount of time on the road daily visiting and managing these jobs. I see bus drivers, their conduct and driving practices all day, every day! Their driving practices lead to high probabilities of avoidable occurrences regularly, and they don't give a rats a$$.


A woman and her baby were killed by a bus driver a few years back on a sunny day, on a long stretch of road with clear site and no obstacles. They pulled over into a bus lane due to car troubles and paid with their lives. Bus driver was cleared of any wrong doing. Clearly he was not watching the road, probably texting, as many other OC drivers have been caught on video doing.

Now this guy tries to run a railway crossing and killed 6 people, personally I hope the families sue the city for billions!!!


The Oc drivers, their attitude and training has to be improved NOW!


While driving down Carling ave ( 3 lanes each direction , split with median) this morning while listening to the accident on the radio, 2 not 1 but 2 articulated busses pulled out of their stopped position on the right side(only signaling once in the pull away from the curb)at the same time. They then proceeded to cut directly across all 3 lanes in order to make the next left at the lights. The result was chaos, cars swerving, bake light going on, horns going off, people swearing, it was brutal and avoidable. All due to the drivers feeling they own the road. How would it have looked if a 6 car 2 bus pileup occurred immediately after this horrible tragedy this morning?



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I think it's a bit early to start blaming anyone.. Also, you wanna pay that 'billion dollar' lawsuit tab if/when it ever gets paid out? Let's be realistic.


Victim and eyewitness accounts are pouring in. How else to you hit a train unless you are trying to beat it or aren't paying attention? The lights were on and the crossing guards were in the process of lowering. And no, obviously a billion is a bit of an exaggeration, even a ridiculous expectation that would be anyone's worst nightmare to pay. It was the point of it all.

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Early reports say it was a brake malfunction and not driver error. Lets treat this as a tragedy and not a jump off point to rant about OC Transpo.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those affected.


There is no reports of brake malfunction, only speculation by OC transpo, of course they will say that. Victims say the brakes were applied at the last second when the drive realized he couldn't beat the train.

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Muskymatt must be apart of the Ottawa CSI team or something. All this indepth knowledge about the crash and who's responsible!


No, just going by first hand accounts and reports from the media! Why is that hard to consider as having any degree of truth or accuracy?


What are ya, a leaf fan or something?


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I thought Ottawa was praised for their transit system... I must have been ill informed.


Just imagine if he was a few seconds earlier, and the train hit the bus... Rather than the bus hitting the train. Could have been much worse.

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Early reports say it was a brake malfunction and not driver error. Lets treat this as a tragedy and not a jump off point to rant about OC Transpo.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those affected.


Wow !!


Talk about spreading false rumours right there !!...There are ABSOLUTELY no reports of brake malfunctions !!

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I consider myself to be a very good driver and I have never been involved in an accident with a human being or another vehicle while behind the wheel.


Although I would be the 1st to admit that I have had a few narrow escapes that would have been 100% my fault if not for pure luck. So it's pretty hard for me to criticize someone else's driving. A split second of not paying attention is all it takes.


Accidents happen. Just be thankful if your not involved in one like this. I feel bad for the families involved.

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