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Today's chuckle - Hunting and Newfie related!


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Having shot a moose, two Newfies began dragging it by the tail to their pick-up..


On the way they were stopped by a game warden.

"Let me see your hunting licenses byes," he said.


When he saw that everything was in order he asked if he could give them some advice.


"Sure!" the hunters agreed.


"Well byes, I think that you would be finding it a lot easier to be draggin dat moose by the horns and not the tail."


"Aye, O.K. And tanks," said the lads.


After about five minutes one said to the other, "Bye, draggin by the horns is sure some easier?"


"Aye, you're right," said his friend, "but have you noticed that we are getting further away from the truck?"



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Ever heard the one,they followed the tracks? HAHAHAHAHA


Tree good byes,went on a hunting trip. The game was to get a great buck.


These byes hung out together since they were young lads.


The Italian bye,always thought he was the number one hunter of the trio.


Always bagged his game the first day.


Well,it was no different then any other year. Yup,great 12 pointer.


The other two had to ask how he does it.

He tells them,you got to find fresh tracks first see, Once you find them,you follow them. Sometimes it takes an hour to catch up,sometime a little longer see.


The other two byes are like,ok,this makes sense.


The French bye heads on out the next day. Lo and behold,fresh tracks. He follows the tracks for about 3 hours. Lo and behold,the stands a 14 pointer. Aims and shoots.. Big buck down. TABERNAK,it does work he says to himself.


Mean while the udder bye,yup,the newfie,he,s been following tracks all day.


The french bye and the Italian hook up and drag the deer back to the trucks.


Sitting there and celebrating,their harvest,they start to worry about their newfie brudder. As they decide to go and look for him,they see him rounding a corner up the dirt road. He,s not looking so good.


As they get up to him,they can see he,s a bloody mess.


What happen me bye?


Well me brudders,I found some tracks. I followed dem track for miles.Just as I was about to give up,there it was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,




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