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Another local tackle shop goes down!


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Anyone who was familiar with the fishing in Niagara knows that Gill Finigans, run by Reg and Lorna Jones, was the only spot in Niagara Falls to get tackle. Well that is about to come to an end. Two consecutive years of unusually weathered winters and trying to compete with the big box stores finally took their toll.

They will be having a closeout sale starting next Wednesday and going to Saturday. Everything is at least 20% off.

The store is at 4400 Queen Street in Niagara Falls.


Sad to see another one go especially when the owners are dear friends.

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Anyone who was familiar with the fishing in Niagara knows that Gill Finigans, run by Reg and Lorna Jones, was the only spot in Niagara Falls to get tackle. Well that is about to come to an end. Two consecutive years of unusually weathered winters and trying to compete with the big box stores finally took their toll.

They will be having a closeout sale starting next Wednesday and going to Saturday. Everything is at least 20% off.

The store is at 4400 Queen Street in Niagara Falls.


Sad to see another one go especially when the owners are dear friends.



I am sadden to read that another tackle store is shutting down and I do wish Reg and Lorna Jones all the best. I am always saddened when a business is shutting down and this is usually attributed to lack of sales and support by many of their previous customers. Yes Big Box operations have taken their toll on small businesses such as Gill Finigans. After performing considerable research I have learned the devastation that a Big Box operation such as Bass Pro can do to an area. Bass Pro draws from a 150 mile radius and that means disaster for the local tackle shops within that radius. There will be many more that will tumble under that the same circumstances in the near future.


Some information that seems to be a factor when businesses such as Bass Pro sets up in the geographical area of devastation. Bass Pro negotiates their lease where they will get 5 years rent free in a mall location promising to draw many customers to the mall. After the 5 year term is up then they will have to pay rent. In the meantime they still have to pay common fees etc. They also negotiate with suppliers better deals on their purchases with additional percentages off on large volumes, as well as anticipation on early payments which again means additional percentage off of their wholesale price. Bass Pro also arranges for a bus ride to their store from areas well within the 150 miles radius.


After learning all of this I decided to move our business to an area that hopefully will be out of the way of Bass Pro's threat and also to an area where people will hate driving through Toronto to get to Bass Pro. So far so good and my only downfall is the population base does not exist in this area.


Another very disturbing area is watching all of the OFNer's on this board that rant and rave on how great Bass Pro is or get all of your products from Cabella's great deals there. True that maybe the case at times and store owners in Canada have to deal with Distribution Centers, Customs Brokers and shipping etc. all taking it's toll on the shop owner and these fees do not apply to anyone when ordering just one or two items from Cabella's. Big Box stores will have lost leaders in the store that attracts them there and then of course they will purchase other items and pay more for it than if they shopped at their local tackle store. I agree that there are some real good deal there and mentioning the great deal only assists Bass Pro with their advertising, after all the shoppers there are now helping to promote them. Whenever this happens it is difficult for small businesses to try compete against this mentality. In the end you will read that another tackle store is going out of business and let's all hurry and stop buy to see what deals we can get so that lid nailed in that tackle stores coffin. Everybody is sad to see them go out of business and do not realize that everyone had an important role in making sure that he did or did not succeed.


Eventually when all of these local stores are shut down I guess you can all order from Cabella's or go to Bass Pro shop to get what ever you need. Keep in mind tha many years of the local stores and their life savings that they have placed into their business to get it to where it once was a good business. How long will it be before others are swallowed up by the same methods. Let's look at JB Fishing Depot, they are great guys and really know there stuff there. How many of you shopped there in the past and now have reduced the amount that you purchase from there and are sending your money to Cabella's or Bass Pro. I know that there are many of you that are doing this very thing.


Many of you always mention that customer service is what you are looking for and that you will pay a little bit more to receive it. Many shops including myself have lowered many of our prices to just move some inventory without making any profit. It just happens to still be a little higher than the Big Box stores and price becomes the big factor and not customer service is not an issue any longer. I do realize that everyone wants to get the best bang for their buck and want more for their hard earned money. The difference between the customer and a shop owner is the customer wants to get the most he can for his hard earned money and a shop owner is not allowed to earn any money. It seems only in a retail business are the words, "What is the best you can do on that price?" Do you ever use that line at the grocery store when you go to purchase a steak or a roast. Do you ever go to a restaurant and ask what is the best you can do on that prime rib dinner?


I once had a restaurant owner come into my store and consistently ask me what is the best I can do on a rod and then again on a reel. I then felt like going to the local butcher and getting a steak and going to his restaurant and ask him if he would cook it for me since I got a better deal else where.


I read this over and I do apologize for ranting.....I just hate seeing good people loosing their life savings and dreams when they have to close their businesses. In the past year I have lost considerably well over 300,000.00 and I do not know how to repay my family back as I already lost all of my life savings and pension fund as they were used to open up my business. I am now hoping that over the next few years I will have enough customers to keep my business floating.


Tough sleeping at night not know where we are going business wise or if we are going to make it, it can just change over night and then poof we are gone. To become a millionaire in owning a tackle shop first to have to invest 2 million dollars and after one year you will have a million dollars left and there you have it you will be a millionaire.


For those of you that are in the GTA, take a serious look at supporting your local tackle shop before he goes the way of the dinosaur.


Best regards,


Edited by DT10Sam
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That really does suck.. Last year I had bought alot of stuff from LeBarons because it was cheaper than anywhere else, but because of the poor management I started to go to other local Mom and Pop shops. I wish I had done this in the beginning, yes I would have to pay more but for one they are nicer and more personable and the customer actually matters to them. Also with Le Barons, they would run out of stuff pretty quickly that people wanted and it wouldnt come in for a long time or not at all. Apparently they order in bulk and when its gone its gone for a long time. At a particular mom and pop shop I was able to find the stuff I needed everytime I went in and if they didnt have it they would order it. Last year was the first time I went to Quinte and I wanted reefrunners and rapala deep divers, well the big box store didnt carry the reef runner brand at all and they didnt have any rapala deep divers left and never got any until Feb. Bottom line is I would rather shop at the local mom and pop stores.

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Not a rant. Thank you for the insight. I must be one of the few that does not purchase fishing tackle through Bass Pro or Cabellas. I have enjoyed visiting the Bass Pro shop, other than some clothing, they really have nothing that appeals to me. All my purchases are done through small local retailers, and I like it that way.



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Well said Sam...Up here in Bobcaygeon we have an excellent bait and tackle shop but...alas...he is only open from the end of April to the middle of November...(Kawarthas fishing season)...and sometimes during the winter season I have been guilty of shopping at BPS but only if I have a doctor's appointment that takes me to Richmond Hill...next best to actually fishing is seeing all the new lures etc...a gift certificate for BPS sent me there last time...and that is all I spent... ^_^

Edited by Beans
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You are not ranting. I beleive that you need to support your local stores no matter what you do. My reason for this is that you become friends with these guys and you end up getting better deals than you can anywhere else then anyways. I will not lie, i've been to Bass Pro and Le barons as well as the other stores. I buy some stuff there sometimes because they are cheap. The bulk of my money goes into the local store.


My favorite store is five minutes away from my house and if he doesnt have it he will order it for me. The main reason for my going to a local store is that they are a wealth of info , you learn so much from them that its not even funny. Try doing that at bass pro. I myself had the pleasure to meet Sam last weekend. This man stayed open all night just for us. I made sure as to go there to buy my minnows and we ended up buying a coffee thermos and minnow bucket. By the way thanks for the coffee fill. It was great. Guys this man donated gear for our derby for the kids and even came there to meet everyone. This is what you get when you support your lacal tackle store, a person who cares.


I myself live in Toronto and will make it a point to stop in and get my stuff there every time I go that way even if its just to say hi. I have told all my friends to go there as well. This is what you get from them. You gain knowledge. You dont have to wait in line and the best is as long as you know what you need you can call them in advance and they can have your stuff ready for you when you go there . I have accounts set up so they can charge my card for me when the stuff comes in. Most will order it for you on the fact that they trust you.

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Sam, I know you are a good guy and everyone here would vouch for you and your business any day. You are simply in a dying industry to a degree. There will be some smaller local tackle shops that survive the BP type onslaught. Most won't. Essentially no one is forcing you to keep Carra going. You've seen the writing on the wall for a long time. This should come as no suprise to anyone. Don't blame the folks here for liking BP. It is simply tough for the smaller guys to compete. That's how it works sometimes and it's no different in this industry than others. If your loosing money hand over fist, walk away while you can. That's my only advice. These guys are going out because they see what's happening and surely don't want to loose another penny. It's a tough choice but many a business man abandoned a sinking ship over the years and for good reason. Only a fool hangs on to the wheel to the bitter end. Bottom line: BP provides exception CS and value. 90% of consumers will not show store loyalty if there is an incentive to go elsewhere. Having said that, with the cost of fuel, car travel looking to get at ridiculous levels, perhaps we will see a resurgence of local tackle shops - I surely hope so. It's up to the community to support local outfits and I truely hope that some of this serves as a wake up call.


All the best to all our locals - it's one heck of an uphill fight and I hope you all come out on top.

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Well, all i can say is that it's horrible news. I personally fish with Reg and Lorna, seems almost weekly, and as easy as it may seem to just walk away from it... it's probably the hardest thing either have had to do, being it was their dream.


I met both of them when the store opened a while back, since then i've become good friends with them... solely through the shoppe, Reg and Lorna both helped me get my products out there, which they didn't have to do. They shared more info then anyone could imagine and as has been said already, if they didn't have it they would order it ASAP and usually have it within a week or 2... sometimes even days!!


They sponsored alot of kids/charity events... they did their best to get every customer who walked in their doors onto fish. I can't even begin to count the numerous conversations i've had with perfect strangers at the shoppe, who i ended up fishing with.


And for the bass guys, i don't want to say they had the biggest selection in the niagara area for bass gear, but i'll go out on a limb and say they did...


It was funny, a while back (2yrs or more), i was talking to Reg about his "competitors" (the other mom and pop shops in Niagara) and he said something that stuck with me... he didn't feel any of them to be a competitor, as has been mentioned, the big box stores were more of a "threat" than anything, never really perceived like that before... but it rings true!! I live closer to 3 shops then Gill Finnigan's, but i always drove the 45mins to see Reg and Lorna to make my purchases...


Very sad to see the shoppe close... only wish for the best for the both of them!!

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Dt is so right on the subbject Big Box Stores no Good ...i was just getting ready to help Reg get worms and roe for his shop and found out this ....i even went down and bought a ton of stuff off him to help them out before the sale .. really going to suck for niagara losen a good tackle shop...Best of Luck Reg

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I have spent about $4k on fishing since Aug/o6 about 800 at BP. Most of the money was spent at one store and what have l gotten from them, nothing. You want my dedication then it will cost you a little. l dont want a lot, a little appreatiation of my loyalty. A ball cap. a pair of polerized glasses.

I'm about to start buying camping gear and starting from scratch. lm not sure l will be getting my stuff from this family run store.

Peace Ken

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Well, this is sad news for sure. It's really too bad.


The big box stores sure do kill the little guys but this is not only in the tackle industry. I am sure everyone here has shopped at Zeller's, Can-Tire, Walmart, Price Chopper or The Barn before and these stores have also killed the little guy in the food industry, auto parts, furnature, clothing industry and almost anything else you can think of. This seems to me to be just the way it goes. It is terrible for the little guy but we are all guilty of going to the big box stores of some kind! I do miss the smaller hardware stores since they had better one on one service but most of us rush to Home Depot for hardware. Couple reasons. Selection and price.


I try to support the little guy at times but with gas prices the way they are, I NEED to save every cent I can just to keep fishing so if a small shop has something for $100 and the big box store has it for $80, sorry to say, that's where I am going. The big box store!


Sad but true. Good luck to all the little guys out there. I wish you all the best and will support when I can.....



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Well that is sad to hear like everyone else has said,but here theres a local store that is making off the big store.Bad Boyz lures,which is the owner of Simcoe Bait and Tackle as well has his baits in BPS.I can say I dont really shop there that often anymore,personal reasons ,but I give him and his partner credit for keeping the store going.

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90% of your mom & pop shops will match prices ...if they don't have what your looking for they will go outa there way to get it for you to keep the loyal costumers happy my orders can be here within 1 to 2 days ....atleast i no i will try to make my costumers happy guess thats why im still in bussiness after 5 long years of hell but i keep pluggin away and the store is getting fuller and fuller every week ...thanks to loyal people that stay away from BPS

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90% of your mom & pop shops will match prices ...if they don't have what your looking for they will go outa there way to get it for you to keep the loyal costumers happy my orders can be here within 1 to 2 days ....atleast i no i will try to make my costumers happy guess thats why im still in bussiness after 5 long years of hell but i keep pluggin away and the store is getting fuller and fuller every week ...thanks to loyal people that stay away from BPS


Thanks for the post Steve, i knew you were heading to see Reg and grab some stuff from him to help out, i know you know your stuff and Reg says the same, i think now that Gill Finigans is gone i will come see you for my big purchases... i've been saying i'm gonna come and see you for a longtime now (i go by Spanky on NFN) and i did when you were in transition but i couldn't find you cause you were in the middle of moving, but i'm hoping i'm about to find some time this weekend (saturday afternoon) to stop by- 1 week before i get married, so i need a fishing/sanity check from all the matrimonial related madness!! lol

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I have to say 90% of the gear I have now other than maybe some line here and a lure there have been purchased from Reg. Without his store and the help I recieved from him I would not be fishing like I am today. I enjoy being 19 years old and owning around 3k worth of fishing gear most of it from Reg's store...its definitly a sad thing to watch it go. At least I know I'll be keeping him as a friend and fishing partner for life.

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I'm guilty of buying stuff at BPS, BUT, I have spent a small fortune at JB's, Tightlines and LeBaron's as well over the past year and a bit. I'm a believer in spreading it around, it's not always about price. I tend to be an impulse shopper and if I'm in the area of a tackle shop, chances are whoever it is will make some sort of a sale. Service is very important, I know that if I buy something at the small guy, he'll take care of any problems without a question. On some items, it's about price. A fishfinder is a fishfinder, if you know which one you want, you go to whoever gives you the best price. It's a big ticket item and price is very important. Help out the small guy, but if he is trying to hose you, he loses. I know that in retail the margins can be quite slim on certain items and on others it is pretty big. You have to be paid for your time, I'm a very firm believer in that. I'll stop now.

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Honestly,with the internet and the big box stores the little guy is in trouble.As a small business owner(and I do mean small)the only advantage I have over the big guys is service and accountability.I can provide a better service because I am held accountable for every thing my business does and every customer knows me,the owner.My prices are better than most but I cant supply and install a water heater for what Home Depot can but I dont compete with them over those type of price shopping customers.Maybe tackle shops that make thier own lures or have a location that is right where the fish are would do better.Trying to undersell a company that has the buying power of a BP will not succeed.Retail is harsh but it is what it is,buy cheap and sell dear,not exactly a service industry.Dont know the answer and I'm sorry about the place going out of business but the consumer has spoken....and its too bad.


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Sometimes a sad reality. I work for a medium sized business and own a small business as well.


Keep in mind, being in business of any type that you have to sell what the customer wants. The products and services that you offer CAN NOT be your choice. I will rephrase, if you plan to stay in business you must sell what the customer wants.


Some industries sell primarily on quality and service. Dry Cleaning is a good example of that style of business where people will certainly pay more for different conveniences.


If in the tackle industry the customer says they want to buy at best price 80% of the time and the other 20% of the time they will buy on convenience then you better be making a lot of dough on that last 20%. Life is full of choices. Common perception is that when an ideally located business that is offering what you need and selling it a higher price than other stores is "Gouging the consumer". I would tend to disagree, they are located where you need them to be, have what you want to buy and are open the hours that you require to make your purchase. That is a value. The tackle store owner should know that the reality of the situation is that you are going to give the majority of your dollars to the company with the lowest price, which he can't afford to be. Knowing this he needs to make MORE money off you for the luxury or convenience items for which you are stopping to buy.


You and I all work hard to earn a buck. So does said tackle store owner. I am not suggesting that you go out of your way to ONLY shop at a local store but for heavens sake, don't cry bloody murder and beg the small business owner to lower his price because you have seen it elsewhere for lower.


Sorry to hear about Gil Finigans going under. Sam, I wish you much continued success with Cara Outdoors. Listen to your customer. If they are using your shop as a convenience store then I would suggest you charge $2.75 for Kraft Dinner and $6.50 for a box of cereal. I hope that analogy works for you.


Nothing wrong with making money!!!

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