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First Photo Professionally Published! NF

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So at the beginning of the Intercounty Baseball League season I became the team photographer for the Kitchener Panthers. Shortly after I started talking to Greg Mercer who's a beat reporter for the paper who covers the Panthers. He asked if I was interested in allowing him to use some of my photos for his ongoing Panthers Blog..so after talking with him we came to an agreement that in exchange for my photos he would talk to the Photo Editor to see if I could freelance for the paper.


Anyway, everything fell into place today:





FYI the paper didn't expand the photo...it's gonna be fixed lol

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Nah I'm not looking to use photography for my main job. Very few spots that use photography

You never know what life brings Dave. 35+ years ago I was lonely typesetter apprentice, studied, learned and today I'm a quality control manager, typography and develop/ source new package for new business concepts.

I love cameras/photography and have a small collection, my favourite is a 1904 Kodak with built in tripod and one made out of wood.

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