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Presentation on the Algonquin Land Claim

Rod Caster

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It was a great listen.


There is still quite a bit of time before things get finalized, but at this point in time, it seems, our Governments aren't doing a great job at negotiating on non-aboriginals behalf.


As the speaker (Mr.Winters) said, I think the best thing to do is to raise awareness with friends, family, groups and governments. The land claim area is important to A LOT of people and we should all get something out of the negotiation.


Edited by Rod Caster
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The Algonquin are aware of the gold and will not let the park turn into a mine for corporate Canada.... John states there needs to be a modern day treaty.... I think that is a reference to one that the Government will actually honour... Pfffft... Like that is even possible with the conditions and situations such they are creating today

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ya, I don't trust the gov anymore than I trust the algonquins to be honest...everyone has their own agenda, including me, really. Hopefully the fact that there are Municipal, Provincial and Federal govs that a well-written, well-negociated "modern day treaty" will actually be something that we can all respect and honor.

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Its interesting that some people who want land claims and have been seen on tv protesting are the same ones who do not work but can run up a 500 hundred dollar liquid refreshment tab on a Friday night and run them at midnight to a dry settlement and triple their profits but I am sure that only applies to the arctic

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1/7th of southern Ontario!!?? "It's a good start." :huh: And being that is what was offered it's not going to change? So many loose ends that will be discussed at a later time?? Our government sucks!! :wallbash:


I would encourage everyone to watch the video link that Chad has posted and info yourself. You might want to check out the webcast on Monday April 15th at 7pm too.




Also, copy and send the letters from the site to the Prime Minister, Premier, and your MPP, MP etc.

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Everyone's got their opinions... nothing wrong with that. Your government(s) is/are in theory here to represent you and that's what we should be forcing them to do in this instance.


I've spoken with a few FN members in the Shawanaga area....they are part of the Williams treaty, which will be updated/re-assessed soon as well. This one covers a much larger section of Southern Ontario including the Kawarthas and they surely will use the AP land claim as precedence.

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Yup... Best if I dont say anything at all... as it will offend.


But thank you for the video links,.


One Pissed off Canadian.



I think it would be real of you Gerritt to speak your mind on this. Maybe not when you're most angry... but anytime still.


My initial thought on all this was it'll take years... but at the rate our present day Government is slaughtering the environment I don't think so anymore. Like you, (and after listening to that video last night) I am quite worried for where Canada's head is at right now, and where our dictators are leading us.


In the long run... Harper is doing an excellent job now of ensuring big business can do as they please. And in future with the Native land owners, it'll be much cheaper for businesses to pay out 10,000 folks here or there in order to obtain whatever's needed on their lands.


Thanks for posting the video, it was educational... and disturbing.

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I think it would be real of you Gerritt to speak your mind on this. Maybe not when you're most angry... but anytime still.


My initial thought on all this was it'll take years... but at the rate our present day Government is slaughtering the environment I don't think so anymore. Like you, (and after listening to that video last night) I am quite worried for where Canada's head is at right now, and where our dictators are leading us.


In the long run... Harper is doing an excellent job now of ensuring big business can do as they please. And in future with the Native land owners, it'll be much cheaper for businesses to pay out 10,000 folks here or there in order to obtain whatever's needed on their lands.


Thanks for posting the video, it was educational... and disturbing.


Now is certainly the time to speak up! It is very disturbing how fast this seems to be moving along. What other hidden agendas lie underneath of all of this. I've never trusted any politician but Harper more than any other. Can you imagine Algonquin Park as a mining quarry instead?? The thought of all this land being handed over with little to no stipulations in place is just not right. The "we'll sort that out later" mentality is unacceptable!! We need an agreement that we can all live with and ALL can use for many generations to come.

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It was a great presentation, with as it seems some dire consequences... why sign an agreement and make amendments afterwards? We the Canadian people are the only ones to lose here...

We need to get the word out, We need to stand united,

This is a VERY sad state of affairs if this happens... and it will.....

Dont get me wrong... I believe our native people deserve better... but to what limit? and to exclude the rest of us as a nation? taking over parks that generations have enjoyed... I think 117,500 acres is absurd... and that is the minimum the will accept. add to that that is only the one sect of the algonquins.. there are overlying claims... It will become ALOT larger, and this treaty will set precedence for future treaties

A modern treaty can only work if it benefits all peoples... both native and non... otherwise it equals even more segregation and will further strain ties between native and non-natives.

These people claim to be stewards of the land, Have you ever been on a reserve? if you haven't I urge you to go for a drive through one..

Look at the maps... Algonquin park will become no more.. (PS they WILL hold the mineral rights, in addition to the land gained and money given) 550,000,000.00 as a start, for what? the color of their skin?


What will you say when Algonquin Park becomes an open pit mine ran by our indigenous? What will you say when there are no more Moose or Deer left in Ontario, When the lakes have been netted out.. What will you tell your children and their children about how Ontario "Used" to be..

And us? well... we lose our heritage as well....

Sickens me.

Please keep this civil...

Write your elected politicians.. Let them know your voice matters. But it might be too little too late as it looks like it is a done deal... now it is just the details...

Why is it we cannot stand together... but the voice of a few can? I hate to think we are cowards...


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Algonquin park already gets netted and hunted, the difference now, is that there in Provincial involvement and an actual management plan. Regardless, Algonquin Park really isn't the wilderness some of us think it is. Without a management plan moving forward, things look even more bleak for the park.


I think a lot of the issues (pollution etc) on reserves are due to the treatment of the First Nations in our Canadian history. Their extremely poor treatment is NOT that far behind us.... I think, that once they settle some long-overdue issues, start putting things like residential schools, third-world treatment behind them that they will actually become the stewards of the land, which they claim they are now... I think that they will keep connected to their original culture much more than the average Canadian ever would.


The MNR, the MOE, Env Canada and other agencies, should all work very closely with the First Nations to help them develop well-accepted methods of environmental management...let's take some time to do it right since we have a HUGE opportunity in front of us right now.


I'm not a pro on everything FN, so I really hope I'm not making hugely incorrect statements and if I am, it's out of sincere concern and consideration.

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Gerrit the Algonquins arent staking claim to the park to rape it of its resource...they are staking claim to protect it from Harpers agenda to rape it...Mr Winters does a fairly decent job of walking a non bias line...but the bottom line is....its ALL of ours and there for everyone to share regardless of skin colour...not for corporate Canada to accommodate the 1 percents bank accounts


Edited by Twocoda
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and they don't net Nippising either

Gerrit the Algonquins arent staking claim to the park to rape it from its resource...they are staking claim to protect it from Harpers agenda to rape it...Mr Winters does a fairly decent job of walking a non bias line...but the bottom line is....its ALL of ours and there for everyone to share regardless of skin colour...not for corporate Canada to accommodate the 1 percents bank accounts

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The public in general don't care or even know about this. Few if any, including most here on this site will do much more than complain or sign a meaningless online petition.you can bet if the govt was proposing to take land away from the FN's that they would be organized into protests and riots. This will go through with little organized opposition. Its unfortunate.

How many non natives here would actually join in on a march, a rally, a sit in, or a protest?

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I definitly wouldn't be one to organize a march/walk/protest, but I suppose I'd join one if there was such a local event.


I agree with what your saying though... even though most of us probably wouldn't agree with the proposal, few of us would actually act on it. I think a couple dozen, a couple hundred, a thousand letters to MP's would make some noise though...hence the reason why I posted this.

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