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Presentation on the Algonquin Land Claim

Rod Caster

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So, I think I have this right though I am sure that someone here will correct me if I am wrong!LOL

So, ultimately we will either have the status quote, where the Ontario Government continues to run the park or we will have First Nations running the park.

Myself, as much as I have little to no respect for our elected officials, atleast we can vote them out of office... same can't be said for First Nations.

The devil you know, vs the devil you don't.


Edited by Headhunter
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Gerrit the Algonquins arent staking claim to the park to rape it of its resource...they are staking claim to protect it from Harpers agenda to rape it...Mr Winters does a fairly decent job of walking a non bias line...but the bottom line is....its ALL of ours and there for everyone to share regardless of skin colour...not for corporate Canada to accommodate the 1 percents bank accounts


Just another government I don't trust. The finacial mismanagement of Attawapiskat is a recent example of this with “An average of 81 per cent of files did not have adequate supporting documents and over 60 per cent had no documentation of the reason for payment,” in the recent audit. Perhaps they would do a better job of governing these lands then the present government. I have no confidence that this will happen. Just words out of another politcians mouth to get a "vote" imo.


The public in general don't care or even know about this. Few if any, including most here on this site will do much more than complain or sign a meaningless online petition.you can bet if the govt was proposing to take land away from the FN's that they would be organized into protests and riots. This will go through with little organized opposition. Its unfortunate.

How many non natives here would actually join in on a march, a rally, a sit in, or a protest?


We all need to stand for something and as a community shouldn't we be taking a stand for what we love to do (fish and hunt), to protect what we have.

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So, I think I have this right though I am sure that someone here will correct me if I am wrong!LOL

So, ultimately we will either have the status quote, where the Ontario Government continues to run the park or we will have First Nations running the park.

Myself, as much as I have little to no respect for our elected officials, atleast we can vote them out of office... same can't be said for First Nations.

The devil you know, vs the devil you don't.



I don't think we know either devil that well but you are correct, at least we can vote them out in the next election.

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I'm fine with the Algonquins operating the park...just not under the current ambivalent and detail-void proposed terms! I'd also be fine with status quo as long as the Algonquins get a settlement they deserve/was promised.

Yah, I can see it now... welcome to Algonquin Park, unfortunately several of our other demands are not being met by various levels of governement, so, the park is closed until we get what we want... and everyone knows how quickly the feds work with regard to first nations! LOL


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Guess what happens to the small towns that rely heavily on traffic generated from travelers that go through the east gate if there was a blockade? Towns like Apsley, Bancroft, Whitney would all stand to lose a lot. Having the FN's control the land at the gate is big trouble IMO. To be honest, extending there land treaties I am totally fine with, but messing with the Park that almost every single one of us grew up going to is real bad news.

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We keep hearing and reading about First Nations rights.. they have the right to_________, well you fill in the blank. Why would anyone believe that the Algonquins would be any different then any other First Nations group, when it comes to "enjoying their rights"? Whether those rights include netting the lakes, mining or forrestry, why or why would they be any different?

I have to agree with some of the above posters... history has shown us the First Nations people are no better than anyone else at managing resources... including the resources they receive by way of government payments.

Don't agree, take a drive by ANY first nations reserve... bring a garbage bag!


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I don't think we know either devil that well but you are correct, at least we can vote them out in the next election.

Fair enough, but is there any difference in who will be elected? These guys all grew up amongst the middle to upper classes and took political science in university. Who do they really represent? Not me. Not Joe Plumber, not your Brother who got laid off last month, and certainly not the First Nations. If not Harper it will be another fool running away with the Countries assets with no consequence or recourse to them personally. The politicians need to fear the public. They do not. That's what protests are for, or walk up Parliament and drag them out. Good luck Canada! Edited by SirWhite
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Don't agree, take a drive by ANY first nations reserve... bring a garbage bag!


That is absolutely indisputable.

Counter point- find some pics of South Africa during the aparthide. Segregated people with no proper infrastructure tend to be a bit lax about cleaning. Furthermore look at any poverty stricken area, including parts of the towns we all live in.

To blame the First Nations for our problems seems pretty petty. Everyone knows the history.


I myself am 9th gen Canadian (via U.K.) and carry 1/64 Mohawk blood. I am very proud of that, give me three acres please lol

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It's human nature to not hold dear, that which is un-earned.

One could argue that mis-mangement has extrapolated a problem, but then labels would be given to those who speak...

On a side note, I wonder how the M.E.C. type folks are going to react when knowledge of this becomes more wide spread? I bet they won't like the Algonquin Casino and Resort very much... :whistling:


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Guess what happens to the small towns that rely heavily on traffic generated from travelers that go through the east gate if there was a blockade? Towns like Apsley, Bancroft, Whitney would all stand to lose a lot. Having the FN's control the land at the gate is big trouble IMO. To be honest, extending there land treaties I am totally fine with, but messing with the Park that almost every single one of us grew up going to is real bad news.

Drive up the East side of the Park in November and enter at Bissett Creek. You'll find a private access road for First Nations driving in to hunt on the East Side or to fish Radiant Lake. They're ALREADY messing with the Park. They've hunt the Eastern half of the Park for more than 10 years, quietly mind you.

Dan O.

Dan O.

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Fair enough, but is there any difference in who will be elected? These guys all grew up amongst the middle to upper classes and took political science in university. Who do they really represent? Not me. Not Joe Plumber, not your Brother who got laid off last month, and certainly not the First Nations. If not Harper it will be another fool running away with the Countries assets with no consequence or recourse to them personally. The politicians need to fear the public. They do not. That's what protests are for, or walk up Parliament and drag them out. Good luck Canada!


Absolutely no difference between any politician. One pisses us off and we vote another in until they do the same. They are certainly not in it for us but in it for themselves and the great pay increases. :rolleyes::angry: The worst part is they don't fear the people that put them in power until the next election. At that point they hope we have forgotten how they screwed us over, make some promises that if we are elected we will :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:. It is time for a wake up call.


I'm all for occupying MEC... :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I received a few emails back from Ontario MPP's.


Here is one response that includes meeting locations/times/dates



Thank you for your recent email about the Algonquin`s of Ontario land claim. Mr. Brown appreciates hearing from constituents.

Negotiations dealing with the Algonquin’s of Ontario land claim are an ongoing process and will take many years to resolve. The public’s consultation on this document is being requested.

You can attend one of the following three forums to receive more information and express your opinions on the matter:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Presentation at 3:00 p.m.

Eganville Arena

178 Jane Street, Eganville, ON

Friday, May 31, 2013

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Presentation at 3:00 p.m.

The Davedi Club

313 Airport Road, North Bay, ON

Monday, June 3, 2013

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Presentation at 3:00 p.m.

Perth Civitan Hall

6787 County Road 43, Perth, ON

For further information and to express your concerns on this issue please contact Sydne Taggart at Natural Resources, Ontario. She can be found by calling 705-755-1371 or e-mailing [email protected].

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I got a couple too. The one from my local MP was exactly what I expected; you could sum up the content in a few brief words = "I'll pass it on". Hey, Phil, next time you send that PC promo literature out (junk mail), I'll be sure to pass it on too. Not what I pay you for my friend.

I recieved this from the Minister of Abroginal Affairs. Canned, spammed and devoid of any form of material content:


Premier Kathleen Wynne shared with me your message to her regarding the preliminary draft Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) for the Algonquin land claim negotiations. I am pleased to respond.


Our government appreciates learning about your concerns. We recognize that hunting and fishing are important activities for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Ontario will be seeking workable solutions that respect the interests of all society, provide continued public access to Crown lands and natural resources, and protect biodiversity, resource sustainability and conservation.


The preliminary draft AIP is not a final product. Ontario will continue to consult with the public and stakeholders to ensure that their interests are understood and considered fully as part of these negotiations. There are still several years of work ahead before a Final Settlement Agreement can be reached. The provincial negotiation team will continue to consult extensively with:

  • municipalities;
  • sport, recreational and environmental groups;
  • local and resource based businesses;
  • Aboriginal communities; and
  • others across the claim area whose interests may be affected.


You also asked about the 2007 Algonquin Land Claim Declaration Order. The order is a process through which all affected Ontario government ministries will screen and evaluate potential environmental effects and carry out public, agency and Aboriginal consultation. The public consultation related to the 2007 Algonquin Land Claim Declaration Order will take place after a draft Agreement-in-Principle has been ratified and approved by all three parties.


I encourage you to review the full content of the preliminary draft AIP, the other resource materials, and to keep up to date on the latest developments in the Algonquins of Ontario negotiations through the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs’ web site.


Please contact the Ontario Information Centre for the Algonquin Land Claim if you have additional questions or comments regarding these negotiations.


Ontario Information Centre
Algonquin Land Claim
31 Riverside Drive
Pembroke ON K8A 8R6

Phone: 613-732-8081
Toll Free: 1-855-690-7070

Email: [email protected]


Once again, thank you for writing and sharing your concerns.





David Zimmer







So far I haven't told him it is because of my awareness of the process that I contacted him, but I am sure that time too shall come.

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