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Wearing PFD's


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I feel terrible and I have to come clean with something here. I have privately talked to a very well-respected member of this site, Uncle Buck that observed a very important item missing in my last fishing report. The item missing in fact was myself not wearing a PFD while fishing last weekend at Lake Erie in some really rough conditions. I am actually embarrassed that I was not wearing one at the time a picture was taken in such conditions, I know better and it was pretty stupid of me not wearing one.

We (the captain & I) did however have two life rings with ropes on the deck in the case one of us would have went overboard but in looking back that wouldn’t have done any good if something would have happen to the both of us.


We tend to compliment, comment and share our moments on fishing so there is nothing wrong with asking someone the obvious, especially when it comes to safety, Thanks Goran. Safety is something we tend to over look until it becomes to late and something happens.


I realize what I did wasn't a very smart thing to do and will try to use my head for something other than a hat rack in the future.


I know wearing PFD’s has been knocked around a ton of times on this site and really when it boils right down to it, it is a decision that each one of us has to make for ourselves whether to wear one or not. BUT IN THIS CASE THERE WAS NO GOOD REASON FOR NOT WEARING A PFD.


The main reason for this post is just maybe someone will think about grabbing a PFD and putting it one when it is absolutely needed, which to some maybe be all the time and to others during selective times. With over 400 views of my last post I’d really feel bad if someone would get the wrong impression and not wear a PFD even on a big boat in those conditions.


Thanks again Goran!



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Don't feel terrible. We all have done it . It's one of those things I have to constantly remind myself to do.

I know I'm guilty of not wearing mine all of the time. I have always worn my PFD in rough water or while

running the outboard. Lake Erie can get nasty. I've been out there in calm water and within minutes you are into 6 foot rollers. That's when you really appreciate having your PFD.

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Great Post Whopper!

Read your post and that question certainly went through my head especially given my sense of the type of guy you are.

I think as punishment, you should be forced to wear your PFD "ALL WEEKEND" at Lakair (onshore as well)! :lol::lol::lol:

Good on you for this post. Could help save someone's life.


Goran (Uncle Buck) in my boat a few years ago.



That sight alone was enough to make me wear mine :w00t::w00t:

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Welcome to the club of never forget Whopper.Some hear know the story of me being flung out of my new tin boat a few years back. Earlly may out for crappies. My smokes were laying in the middle seat,they went flying,I lunged to catch them,tiller came out of my hand and whipped the boat right,I went left and out. No PFD on,just a t shirt and a big wool sweater and heavy track pants.All I can say is someone was watching out for me,because the boat came right to me at a slow idle.Never again do I run under power without one on,and like Mart said,in rough waters.

Dont beat yerself up to bad.

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Honestly Phil, I don't think you need to either apologize or explain your actions to this board.


It's a personal decision and your entitled to do whatever the heck you like, and if you'd rather not wear a PFD, then your totally within your rights.


Myself, I've worn a PFD exactly once in probably the last 20 years, but that's up to me. Maybe not the safest thing to do, but again a personal decision. I've shared my boat with about 60 different OFNers over the years and maybe 4 have worn a vest so it would seem that most don't use them either.


To each their own

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No need to apologize Phil. But your story is a good reminder to those that decide to wear them. I rarely wear mine. But one thing that I always do when traveling in rough waters is to attach my kill switch cord to myself. Misfishs story above is a good reason why you should always do that.

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This past saturday... May 5


as they saying goes, the pot calls the kettle black...




also for clarification, it wasn't intended as an attack or critisicm, just curiosity...


i rarely wear a pfd also... i do however early and late in the season, i always wear the float suit...

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Misfishs story above is a good reason why you should always do that.


Yeah,do you know how hard it is to light them when thier wet. :whistling::whistling:


Lew is correct to each thier own,but I like to see my friends around alittle longer Lew :worthy::clapping:

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Shaaaaame Shaaame Shaaaame!!!


I feel both ashamed and disgusted for you Phil... how could you do such a thing?


Roger.. I think his punishment sould be to go wall-ice fishin' after dark at Lakair, wearing nothing but a PFD... in your boat of course! :w00t::w00t:

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Why not in your boat??

You're usually pretty much undressed in the daylight!! :P:P


#1. You said it... DAYLIGHT!!!

#2. You're the one that brought up the subject of punisment, and I'm sure you'd be the most strict

#3. I think y'all would make a cute couple! :w00t:

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Guest Trophymuskie

As a guide who follows government regulations it makes it impossible to wear life jackets. Especially while fishing. Having the 4 inch thick foam across the chest just isn't comfortable.


Maybe if I was rich I would also have those inflatables as there is no way I can store an extra set of PDF's. man those life vest take up twice the room of PDF's.

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I don't see the problem, you followed the law..you had them onboard

you made a personal decision, if you can live with that decision , then party on


now if you had a kid there not wearing a PFD that would be a different story


let those who have not sinned cast the first stone

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As a guide who follows government regulations it makes it impossible to wear life jackets. Especially while fishing. Having the 4 inch thick foam across the chest just isn't comfortable.


Maybe if I was rich I would also have those inflatables as there is no way I can store an extra set of PDF's. man those life vest take up twice the room of PDF's.


There's $100 dollars difference in the two types of PFDs...I guess it all depends upon what you think you're worth to your family. I only wear mine when I'm alone in the boat...so, I shouldn't talk.

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All I gotta say is wearing one saved my bacon. Fastening them shut would have helped too. Folding your arms across your chest trying to keeo the thing on doesn't help an already bad situation. And I never thought that 72 degree water was cold until after I got out and I never felt so cold so deep inside before in my life.


I am a good swimmer but after that "little incident" I would never go out without one on and fastened.

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Richard...you can afford a $75000 boat...but you can't buy a $139 manual or $229 dollar auto inflating vest vs the $50 PFD... or the $80 - 4 pack that CTC has on sale right now. Just think of the storage space you'd have if you could get rid of one or two of the regular PFD's from the boat.


That said, I like Roy, only wear a PFD when I'm alone. My choice, just like seatbelts in a car should be.

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I'm often amazed at people who think the inflaters are too expensive (not picking on you, Richard, lots of people feel the same way).

Most of us...in fact nearly all of us, if faced with the following dilemma...


Veterinarian: I can save your dogs life, but it will cost $200.


... we would almost instantly get out the chequebook or credit card. But when faced with saving our own lives, somehow $200 is too much.

Inflaters are non-intrusive, dependable and can save your life. You don't even know you are wearing one. Many, many times I've got home from fishing only to discover I still had the inflator on. Forgot I was wearing it.

It's not just YOU that you have to consider. It is your family, friends and kids. Each May long weekend there are drowning deaths in Ontario of fishermen. We know it is going to happen. When we see it we all wonder...why were they not wearing life jackets?

At the very least please always wear your PFD when the boat is underway.


If you still think it is not a big deal, ask your kids, your wife, your parents and see what they think. If you don't owe it to yourself, you at least owe it to them.

Thank you for posting such a timely reminder!

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My wife always makes me promise to wear my pfd when i go out. Once I had the bad luck of falling out of a canoe in mid may, and thank god i was wearing a pfd. Me and the other guy were able to swim back to shore pulling the canoe and gear. There was nobody around to help us either. It was long and cold swim back.

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Good on ya for reminding us that we should be wearing some version of a life vest. I appreciate you bringing up the topic so that when my nefews read this they are reminded to wear the life vest whenever they are on teh water.


Personally I'm horrible at wearing mine. However when in the boat alone in motion I do wear it. I force the GF to wear hers at all times when in motion (she's not a good swimmer). And most of the time she just leaves it on.


I'm planning on investing in a manual inflatable vest style this year, hoping I can wear it all day and not have it bother me. Think the sexy tan marks that would leave.

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mdej your response is exactly why I posted this thread in the first place. If this helps anyone at all the purposed is served.


I do wear a PFD while fishing alone while underway in my own boat, otherwise I pretty selective on when I wear one, just felt that I should have been wearing one last Sunday anywho.


Just for the record though at no point all weekend did I ever feel unsafe on my buddy's boat, he does such a great job handling rough water.


Already decided that my next purchase will be and inflateable that I will keep in my boat bag (and for those of you that know me my boat bag goes were ever I go) for the future for such conditions. Rick your totally right and that is one of the reasons that I felt so bad about this in the firstplace. Every year we hear about people drowning and say to ourselves this could have been prevented by wearing a PFD.


I'm sure that if I was to asked my wife (not that I would have to :D ) for some extra money to purchase something that would keep me safe she would be glad to. I hope :unsure::lol:



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Guest Trophymuskie

Let me clarify things a little bit here. Our great Canadian government passed a law a few years ago that require all charter operators or guides to have life jackets and not PDF's for all passengers. I spent over $300 getting 4 adults, 2 kids and 2 for smaller kids at that time.


So by law I must have on board a life jacket for all passengers. So I keep 4 on board ( 3 of them fill my biggest compartment and one under the dash in case of emergency ) at all times and bring kid size ones when needed.


So if I was to get an inflatable I would have to get 4. And yes that's a lot of cash.


And Irish my boat is only worth 60K you are referring to yours. ;)

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