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Ticked off


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Earlier this season with the nice weather me and my brother in law decided to take out one of his freinds from work to our little favourite trib spot. It was a nice little quite place were not too many people fish. The fishing has slowed down in the past couple years but it still produces decent fish. Well Just last week we found out that his freind has been going there and fishing (Nothing wrong with that) but he told him that he caught 26 carp and 12 suckers and over 10 bass in the weekend. My brother in law told him that's usally common thing to catch those kind of fish down there. But then when he said he had a alot of cleaning to do really stired up the convo. He asked cleaning? He said ya he took all the fish and then went back the next day and caught more again. Well first of all he told him that bass is out of season but he didn't seem to care. Then he told him that's ridiculous to take the amount of fish home. But he didn't really care. Anyways we went down to the trib to check the spawning pike and low and behold we found a mess. Empty beer cans everywhere worm containers, it was just discusting. I'm never going to share any of my spots anymore. It's just sad to see people taking all these fish and leaving a big mess behind. If I ever go down thier again and see them with those fish the mnr will surely be getting a call from me I don't even care If they stay mad at my brother in law. Just to show you people keep your spots to yourself and ones you trust :angry:

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That's disgraceful. Talk about betraying your trust. Who needs friends like that! I don't blame you for feeling so angry. Why can't people respect the fisheries and protect them instead of destroying them by keeping so many fish and OOS/spawning fish. I don't understand these people that ruin it for everybody else. :angry:

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Yes...and it really sucks, for you like to share the joys of fishing and the outdoors with new people, to maybe kindle the same kind of love you have for this great recreation. Sure makes you back off and really hesitate to invite somebody when you hear of this kind of thing....but hey maybe the best way is to just bring a kid with you...they are more likely to 'do the right thing', or at least you stand a much better chance at molding the budding angler in them the proper ways.

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I just want to catch him in the act. If they find fish in his freezer they could probally not identify from when it was caught.


First off xrap I don't blame ya for being angry.


Your statement about not being able to identify the fish though is enough to get the culprits in trouble through if I understand the rules. If I'm not mistaken you must leave a patch of skin & date on each fillet for identification purposes no matter what the species is.


As far as the trash goes I think and invite with the culprits (lead them to believe your taking them fishing) is in order for trash removal.



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Whopper that's not what I meant. I meant that they could have fish from last year in there freezer and nobdy would be able to tell that its from this year. And the invite plan is a good idea but I'm not ever going fishing with them again. If I keep seeing all there crap laying aorund i'm going to pick it all up and dump it infront of thier house and see how they feel.

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Xrap, I can understand why you are "ticked off" but try not to let this experience keep you from sharing fishing with "new friends" in the future, just get to know them better before you take them to your best/favorite places. Hoping that "what goes around, comes around" will happen to these people! Of course, if you know they are there etc., by all means, phone the MNR.



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Sharin' spots is always risky. You're two friends tell two friends who each tell two more friends and so on... and so on...


It's too bad because sharing a great spot with a friend or relative is a great way to create memories and stories.


My other fear of sharing a "spot" is that the person you tell will already know about it... and tell you that everybody fishes there... and that the fishing used to be so much better... before you started fishing there.


There is something about "discovering" your own secrete spot. That said, I have friends who have shared some of their gems with me and I value their trust and respect it by not claiming the spot as my own or broadcasting it to the world.


A person's fishing ethics ie. how they treat: the fish, the law, their fellow anglers and the environment, say a lot about the person's character in general.




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oh yeah, I would be thinking about b!tch slapping the guy



Whopper, now the regs are confusing and never clear but..it is only for transporting the fish that it needs the patch of skin on and what not, once you get home you can do what you want...well that's the way I read it

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I knew what you meant xrap as far as when the fish was caught and your right that would be a toughy.

I'd almost be willing to bet that if a person would be the type to harvest OOS fish he probably has more than he's supposed to in the first place.


Terry you right about the clear and unclear deal, but at least you have stricker rules than we do.

An example is possesion, I can go to Erie and keep my daily limit for a week (6 fish and daytimes the number of days fished) but I have to have proof that I was infact there longer than a day. Now IMHO I don't need to keep a weeks worth of fish, hell I don't even have enough freezer space, but that's just me.


The walleye fishing in the western basin of Lake Erie has been phenominal this year but along with that people are taking advantage of the situation and some are getting caught which is a good thing. I've heard the State ODNR officiers have been really cracking down this year with checks at the public boat ramps.



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I've been crirical of people not blurring there spots in pictures around TORONTO for that exact reason.


I've been critisized and told that EVERYONE knows that Toronto Islands or Harbourfront areas are no secret.


Yes, there are plenty of fish to catch but a shore accessed spot can be taken away if the City or Private owner decides that anglers are problematic.


When you post a pic with the background which obviously identifyies the background,


Someone may come,


They may invite more friends/family, annoy the property owners, litter, or worse.



Is it really a big deal to just blur the background in high traffic areas? We do it for other spots like the Bog or Simcoe. More remote spots are safe.


I have shown backgrounds in my pics and had complaints from members to please be more sensitive.


I was a lurker who used YOUR PICTURES to find choice spots to fish.


A marina I really enjoy fishing at has had it with anglers and is considering banning us.



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Always a danger in taking new people to your spots, some know how to act some don`t care. A pig can mess up things for everyone, so can an idiot. Lots of farm ponds here are now off limits because of pigs and fools.


My neighbor has been after me for 17 years to take him fishing, and it`s still no. Dude doesn`t pick up the trash in his own yard, waits for it to blow away, and he views fish as meals.


Phil enforcement here is long over due. The only place I know of that does a decent job of it is the Fremont area in the spring for the walleye run.

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Hey why don't you just invite them for a fish... but be the clumsyiest rod stepping on, bait dropping picture of OOS fish taking type of guy. It would sure teach em a loesson if you snapped a few photo's of them keeping an out of season fish, and cleaning it I think the MNR would be more then happy to "help" them outta of their money. People like that deserve nothing more then to be made an example of. And you should be smacking your Brother in law around for not stepping up to the plate and dealing with his "buddies"

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