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NF Insurance for brand new drivers

davey buoy

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Try www.kanetix.ca and see what kind of quotes you get there. Its hard to find much better than what is on that site from my experiences. I lucked out and qualified for TD Meloche Monnex group insurance. They can't be touched for their prices IMO. If his moving address is Toronto then that is part of the problem too. People in TO pay quite a bit more than folks in other areas. It will also help if your son books and acquires his G license ASAP. I believe he has to wait a year from when he gets his G2 to qualify to take the test. The spots get booked up quick so I would book exactly a year from the date he gets his G2. Buying an older vehicle will help as well if you insure it with only liability. Hope this helps.


Alot of people I know left State Farm because they doubled their rates for no reason. I would be weiry.

Edited by Fish4Eyes
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Try www.kanetix.ca and see what kind of quotes you get there. Its hard to find much better than what is on that site from my experiences. I lucked out and qualified for TD Meloche Monnex group insurance. They can't be touched for their prices IMO. If his moving address is Toronto then that is part of the problem too. People in TO pay quite a bit more than folks in other areas. It will also help if your son books and acquires his G license ASAP. I believe he has to wait a year from when he gets his G2 to qualify to take the test. The spots get booked up quick so I would book exactly a year from the date he gets his G2. Buying an older vehicle will help as well if you insure it with only liability. Hope this helps.


Alot of people I know left State Farm because they doubled their rates for no reason. I would be weiry.


Surprisingly Belair ended up quoting me much lower than TD Meloche Monnex so I went to Belair.


You don't need to book a G test, you can also go in on stand by. That's what I did, in Orangeville, where the test is ridiculously easy. I was out the door by 9am with my new license. Just go on a morning with nasty weather and show up 15 minutes before they open to ensure you're the first one waiting for stand by.



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I don’t know or understand; but the government has made it law that we must have auto insurance (which everyone should but that’s beside my point); so why doesn’t the government offer us a bare bones liability insurance? I’ mean something that would be affordable to anyone; but if you were the liable party in an accident, then you’re on the hook to them like income tax, something that doesn’t go away until paid? There’s probably thousands of reasons why they shouldn’t; but to make a law that we need to purchase something and then stand back and let the vender of this product run wild?





Be careful what you wish for...ICBC (BC) isn't exactly appraised for it's good work


the thing that I find interesting, there is no inter-provincal/national drivers registry....IE: if you have a bad licence for whatever reason (DUI, careless, etc) you can move to BC, lie and say you're a brand new driver and you enter their licencing system as a brand new driver without affecting your ICBC rate...if you give them your ON drivers licence then they will pull your record


this was very popular during the "Olympics migration" and is the biggest reason a few of my friends stay in BC, because of their "do over" with their truck insurance...800 a month in ON was a DUI and 233 as a new driver in BC

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I pay around 175/month that is full coverage including a commercial rider and includes my layton park model,my Stratos and property insurance.


I think we can all agree that insurance is expensive but seeing what I see on the roads every day it`s easy to see why insurance is expensive, I thank my lucky stars that I make it from one end of Brampton to the other without some :asshat: taking me out!!!


Fighting 20 and 30 will not lower your insurance rates :wallbash: If anybody is paying 3/4/500 a month for insurance there is in all likelihood a good reason for it!!!

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I pay around 175/month that is full coverage including a commercial rider and includes my layton park model,my Stratos and property insurance.


I think we can all agree that insurance is expensive but seeing what I see on the roads every day it`s easy to see why insurance is expensive, I thank my lucky stars that I make it from one end of Brampton to the other without some :asshat: taking me out!!!


Fighting 20 and 30 will not lower your insurance rates :wallbash: If anybody is paying 3/4/500 a month for insurance there is in all likelihood a good reason for it!!!


Even a new driver would love to see 3/4/500 a month!!!!

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Fisrt off check and see if he qualifies for a group discount, ie OFAH, his university, or a proffesional membership. If he qualifies for any of these get a quote with them. Made a significant difference for me. TD Meloche Monnex is who I'm with and no complaints thus far.


He doesn't,to bad he didn't Thanks.

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Try www.kanetix.ca and see what kind of quotes you get there. Its hard to find much better than what is on that site from my experiences. I lucked out and qualified for TD Meloche Monnex group insurance. They can't be touched for their prices IMO. If his moving address is Toronto then that is part of the problem too. People in TO pay quite a bit more than folks in other areas. It will also help if your son books and acquires his G license ASAP. I believe he has to wait a year from when he gets his G2 to qualify to take the test. The spots get booked up quick so I would book exactly a year from the date he gets his G2. Buying an older vehicle will help as well if you insure it with only liability. Hope this helps.


Alot of people I know left State Farm because they doubled their rates for no reason. I would be weiry.


We will try kanetix also,and your right,must have G2 for at least 1-5 years. Thanks

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I've recently been told that the car is insured not the driver , so if my 18 year old neighbor borrows my Expedition he's covered ... Same as if I were to borrow someone else's car ... ? Anyway my 2000 Expy, 08 Mazda 6 ( both fully covered with a 6A endorsement ) is 886$/yr ..


That's 100% correct here as well....I never reported my younger son to my insurance company once he got his driver's license at the age of 16....I looked into to it and they MUST cover him is he's in a accident...same as if it was stolen...talked to NYS insurance guys at our County Fair that year...they confirmed it with me...saved a TON of money that way.....and now HE'S a insurance underwriter...LOL


And BTW....if you have a insurance broker GET RID OF HIM/HER...I saved $412 the first year I did that and never looked back.... :thumbsup_anim:


DEAL DIRECT with a insurance company...or send your insurance guy to Florida each and every year...you make the call... :)

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I don’t know or understand; but the government has made it law that we must have auto insurance (which everyone should but that’s beside my point); so why doesn’t the government offer us a bare bones liability insurance? I’ mean something that would be affordable to anyone; but if you were the liable party in an accident, then you’re on the hook to them like income tax, something that doesn’t go away until paid? There’s probably thousands of reasons why they shouldn’t; but to make a law that we need to purchase something and then stand back and let the vender of this product run wild?




Are you suggesting that the government charge us an insurance premium and then make us pay for any damages ourselves??? What is the premium for then?

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That's 100% correct here as well....I never reported my younger son to my insurance company once he got his driver's license at the age of 16....I looked into to it and they MUST cover him is he's in a accident...same as if it was stolen...talked to NYS insurance guys at our County Fair that year...they confirmed it with me...saved a TON of money that way.....and now HE'S a insurance underwriter...LOL


And BTW....if you have a insurance broker GET RID OF HIM/HER...I saved $412 the first year I did that and never looked back.... :thumbsup_anim:


DEAL DIRECT with a insurance company...or send your insurance guy to Florida each and every year...you make the call... :)


Brokers are great, if you end up having an issue as they will fight for you with the ins. co.

I had an accident due to circumstances beyond my control and he fought for me and the ins. ended up not holding the accident against me. Not only that my broker back in Ontario was a good friend and I got to spend time at his cottage in Sturgeon Falls chasing walleye and pike. :lol:

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Are you suggesting that the government charge us an insurance premium and then make us pay for any damages ourselves??? What is the premium for then?


I didn’t mean you’d pay for the damages along with premiums; but maybe a percentage of the damages, arrived at the premiums you’ve already paid in? In other words you’re legally able to drive and a victim of an accident that you’re liable for is covered to continue on with compensation. Yes high risk for you to choose this option; but an option that would be available; others around you (people you’re liable to) are still covered.

That’s the essence of this law; so that innocent people are monetarily compensated, if you have a brain fart.

With things the way they are, independent insurance companies know we are forced to deal with one of them and as a collective they charge us as they please.



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The vehicle you drive makes a big difference to the rates. But don't assume the insurance rate is going to based on the price of the vehicle. The liability portion of the insurance is usually the majority of the cost of insurance. The price of your vehicle does have anything influence on liability because that is for paying for damage to other people.


My wife's insurance increased by over a $1,000/year when we replaced the Aerostar with a Pontiac Wave. Insurance companies track the accident histories of different vehicles and use that information to determine rates. I assume that the Pontiac Wave (same as Chevy Aveo) is expensive because a lot of young people drive them.


It definitely pays to get a quote before making the purchase. You may be able to save money be getting a nicer vehicle if that vehicle type has a low accident history. I.e. a truck or van may actually be cheaper to own that a Chevy Aveo because of better insurance rates.

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I'm fighting a 93mph in 65 mph, a 25km over (reduce from 38 over), a 15km over (reduced from 27 over), and a no insurance. All these after years of driving with no tickets. Don't feel too bad!



Did i just read that you had no insurance and where driving.....:blink: is so no compasion here thats just plain stupid. However if I read it wrong ignore the stupid remark but still no compasion :rofl2:

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My kid just passed his test this morning (17), called Ins Co...$600 /year to add him on. But, excellent grades in school, And Mom has perfect record since '84..& Dad since '76 helps a chitload. (Pennsylvania }

Edited by Rodwrap
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Young guys have to keep a clean driving record or they are going to pay. The bigger the centre the bigger the rate. My son got into some issues with points and he was paying over $800 a month (would have been $1200/month in Maple), but had to pay it and keep his record clean if he wanted to see it go down. It is down to about $450 a month and he jumped for joy when he saw the renewal come in. It took a couple of years, but I think it is sinking in. My wife and I had to sign an affidavit along with him saying that he wouldn't be driving our vehicles or our insurance was going to go up while he lived with us. I was tough on him, but he got through it and the insurance guys made some money. Can't see it getting any better for young drivers in the future and not really sure how youngins are going to be able to afford to drive their own vehicle.

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The results FAILED!!. Right turn on a red light,never allowed.This is the kicker,parrellel park between cones???????????He was parking between cars during lessons,could not see the cones,what's this crap all about?. 35 years driving,I'm not sure I could park between cones without the door open. I almost think the first one for guys is a no go from the start. I maybe wrong but in most cases. Turning on a red light was a direct violation,FAIL. 10 plus days redo,thank you gentlemen .Insurance if he gets tenant insurance his monthly rate will drop. So far today,get this $532/mth,add tenant insurance under $500,. Just don't get it guys,but I guess that's the way it is.

Hopefully in 2 weeks it's a pass!.

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I failed my g because of a 3 point turn in a neighbourhood. Their was a car backing out of the driveway about 10 houses down after a stop sign. Street must be fully clear. instant fail. I was pretty ticked. The sad part is i was done the turn by the time he started driving forward after backing out. Still had to make a full stop at the sign.. I already completed the first step. Then i seen him back out. What am i supposed to stop and shut off the car or maybe reverse to my previous position?

Edited by danbob
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I failed my g because of a 3 point turn in a neighbourhood. Their was a car backing out of the driveway about 10 houses down after a stop sign. Street must be fully clear. instant fail. I was pretty ticked. The sad part is i was done the turn by the time he started driving forward after backing out. Still had to make a full stop at the sign..


danbob,not sure but I really think most of us would fail if we had to re-test.lol.

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What the heck!!!

Parallel parking is easy!!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lOjjBRnBtqc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Imagine Dave pulling that on your drivers test:lol:,He may just pass you just to get out of the car

Edited by davey buoy
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