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Seems some people could use it...


A large number of people can fish a stream as long as we all co-operate.


It's pretty simple, everyone drifts in unison and we all get along.


I was greased out today three times, by three different people who all knew better.


1) Casting UPSTREAM far enough that you cross the line of the guy who is two places above you is excessive. Stop doing that.


2) Yes, I did just hook a fish in that slot. No, I would prefer if you didn't cross me up twice while standing in my back pocket so you can get a drift too.


3) Hey buddy across the river, I realize that I'm all of 30 feet from you and I'm hard to see (?). Please, for the love of roe bags don't bounce your float off my knees again - the water is two feet deep. I see the bottom. No salmons there.


I can put up with people standing all over me as long as they stay off my line.


I'm used to this crap from fishing out East, but I would have preferred to be at the Ganny during the salmon run instead of the Northern river I drove a long way to today.


On another note - has anyone noticed a marked increase in the number of fish going on the rope recently? Of the 20 or so bows that made it to shore today the ONLY ones that went back in the drink were mine. I get it, they are tasty and I'll never say anything to people keeping a legal limit - this is more of a general concern. Why do so many fish need to be released into the hot oil bath?



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I'm sure glad I never took up river fishing, seems all you guys ever do is fight & argue amongst each other. :dunno:


Unfortunately Lew, that's about right.


Seems like it's been getting worse too. I don't get into it on the river, if someone wants to grease me out I just move on to another place.


I have been known to stir the old pot online from time to time thought...

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Unfortunately Lew, that's about right.


I guess I understand where your coming from Kemper, but from the stuff I read around here it just doesn't sound like an enjoyable way to fish to me. Seems like there's just constant complaining about so many different things associated with river fishing, from snagging, to flossing, to poaching, to guys gutting fish for the roe and 100 other things.


And heaven forbid somebody mentions a river or posts a pic and there's a dozen guys ready to hang him for it.


I'm not trying to stir the pot, it just never sounds like fun to me, but I spose everybody has their own thing to do....and I'll stay out on the lake where it's nice and peaceful :D

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I guess I understand where your coming from Kemper, but from the stuff I read around here it just doesn't sound like an enjoyable way to fish to me. Seems like there's just constant complaining about so many different things associated with river fishing, from snagging, to flossing, to poaching, to guys gutting fish for the roe and 100 other things.


And heaven forbid somebody mentions a river or posts a pic and there's a dozen guys ready to hang him for it.


I'm not trying to stir the pot, it just never sounds like fun to me, but I spose everybody has their own thing to do....and I'll stay out on the lake where it's nice and peaceful :D


Believe me, I'd love to be out on the lake too but on a student budget that just isn't in the cards.


When you can find a piece of water that doesn't look like the circus came to town the river bank is hands-down my favourite way to fish. Once it gets cold the idiots go into hibernation and the rest of us can get some real work done.

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I'm sure glad I never took up river fishing, seems all you guys ever do is fight & argue amongst each other. :dunno:



Hasn't changed much I see... why I stopped doing the stream thing over 27 years ago.


Well I for one don't fight with anyone and there's certainly no need to have stopped stream fishing 27 years ago.


We live in what is without a doubt the golden age of great lakes steelheading. The amount of opportunities available and diverse fisheries is amazing.


The experience is what you make of it.


If I have a choice I'll never subject myself to crowds, there's absolutely no need.


On most of the rivers I fish there's plenty of room to spread out. On many of them you won't see another soul all day.


Of course I'm a vagabond, I'll drive anywhere for a day or two of fishing if conditions are prime.


I currently have licenses for Ohio, Pennsylvania, NY and Michigan in addition to ON, all just to fish steelhead.


I can understand where Brady is coming from though. If I lived east of T.O and fished the crowded rivers out that way on a regular basis I'd lose my mind LOL!


The best way I've found to combat the invasion of anglers out that way is to fish at night. The fish do bite quite well at night and there's no one around.

Edited by Mike Borger
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Kemper its always a problem, the fact that it is wednesday and you still found it busy is even more a alarming.

You are right though the cold and the rain should hopefully drive people away.


I personally can't fish in that tight quarters anymore even with basic etiquette. I'm off to Thunder Bay this weekend hopefully its less busy way up there.

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Well I for one don't fight with anyone and there's certainly no need to have stopped stream fishing 27 years ago.


We live in what is without a doubt the golden age of great lakes steelheading. The amount of opportunities available and diverse fisheries is amazing.


The experience is what you make of it.


If I have a choice I'll never subject myself to crowds, there's absolutely no need.


On most of the rivers I fish there's plenty of room to spread out. On many of them you won't see another soul else all day.


Of course I'm a vagabond, I'll drive anywhere for a day or two of fishing if conditions are prime.


I currently have licenses for Ohio, Pennsylvania, NY and Michigan in addition to ON, all just to fish steelhead.


I can understand where Brady is coming from though. If I lived east of T.O and fished the crowded rivers out that way on a regular basis I'd lose my mind LOL!


The best way I've found to combat the invasion of anglers out that way is to fish at night. The fish do bite quite well at night and there's no one around.


Hey Mike - out East I just put my combat gear on and get to it, but I've never dealt with shenanigans this bad up north before. Seems like everyone with a tuna rod migrated...

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Hey Mike - out East I just put my combat gear on and get to it, but I've never dealt with shenanigans this bad up north before. Seems like everyone with a tuna rod migrated...


Well depending on what river you're fishing a bit of footwork or a move to another river will leave the crowds behind.


If one, for example, chooses to fish the Beaver right in Thornbury then one shouldn't complain about crowds. :)


But then I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

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Well depending on what river you're fishing a bit of footwork or a move to another river will leave the crowds behind.


If one, for example, chooses to fish the Beaver right in Thornbury then one shouldn't complain about crowds. :)


But then I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.




Are you still off galavanting the globe for salmon sized brookies?


Its been a sad scene all over so far, I crossed the Saugeen last weekend and didn't even get my knees wet...

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I have seen it. But never been fishing in a place that bad. I don't think It's going to get any better soon. I think the extra leg work would put you beyond the hooligans. :good:.And a better chance at fish as well.!!


Sometimes it will, others not. I've already notched 2 trips this year that tipped the 750km mark - unfortunately can't make that happen every weekend.


Once we get some rain I can go back to wandering into the bush until I'm alone

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Are you still off galavanting the globe for salmon sized brookies?


Its been a sad scene all over so far, I crossed the Saugeen last weekend and didn't even get my knees wet...



No galivanting, but I am planning next years trip. ;)


The geen is low right now, no doubt about that.

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I dont much like the crowds either, so i will generally move to lesser crowded areas, but when my thyroid gland is hyper-active like its been, im like the tazmanian devil, and have no problems getting into a scrap, and actually enjoy it, and im knockin on 50, and no Whisky is required, but that certainly adds to the excitement, and enjoyment.

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YA,Im not into arguing with these donks. I dont mine walking.Better waters to be found always. And like Bill said way back,once the cold weather comes,you get the real die hards. This is my first fall,and I have to say,there are many ignorant greasers. What ya going to do. :dunno:

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I hear ya, just too much squabbling among the river crowd for my liking though.

Exactly why I avoid the crowd altogether. It's a lot more fun to fish out-of-the-way spots that may not have as many fish, but do have far fewer people.


Like Mike, I have fishing licenses for a whole bunch of different places. I have no problem filling the truck with gas and driving several hours in order to catch some fish in peaceful surroundings that also happen to preserve my sanity.


My time is valuable. I'd rather spend more of it driving and have really good quality fishing when I arrive ... than stay closer to home and waste an entire day in a circus with all the clowns. Fewer hours on the water, but better hours on the water. Quality over quantity.


Jut my two cents.

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Exactly why I avoid the crowd altogether. It's a lot more fun to fish out-of-the-way spots that may not have as many fish, but do have far fewer people.


Like Mike, I have fishing licenses for a whole bunch of different places. I have no problem filling the truck with gas and driving several hours in order to catch some fish in peaceful surroundings that also happen to preserve my sanity.


My time is valuable. I'd rather spend more of it driving and have really good quality fishing when I arrive ... than stay closer to home and waste an entire day in a circus with all the clowns. Fewer hours on the water, but better hours on the water. Quality over quantity.


Jut my two cents.


Agreed - 100%


Hey guys, we made it to 20 posts on a thread about bows and no punches have been thrown yet :worthy:

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Month or so and my long rods come back out, then go back in Feb.


I sense the frustration Kemper, like sitting at black jack table when the ancho hits on 12 with a dealer six showing. Stay and deal with it or move on. :)

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Yup I packed it in myself almost 30 yrs ago,stayed with the brookies for a few more yrs but just cant deal with all the clueless jokers. I get more pleasure walking the east creeks watching guys fish than I possibly could fishing them myself,and yes I know lots of pools not too busy but still doesnt cut it.

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