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  On 9/25/2012 at 3:38 AM, Garfisher said:

That's a PIG!!! Well done on the new PBclapping.gif

Thanks man! sure was a pig. this year has been nothing but excellent for me!



  On 9/25/2012 at 5:51 AM, Djeep said:

nice catch bro, like the net mount.

glad you like the net mount, i lost a fish today before of the net mount! got greedy and tried to get the cam on while i had a fish on.


  On 9/25/2012 at 5:57 AM, EC1 said:

Wow, that is quite the fish from shore!

Big congrats from me! :clapping: :clapping:

thanks EC1 i really appreciate the congrats! many thanks!



  On 9/25/2012 at 9:54 AM, Mike P. said:

Awesome fish Ian congrats man see ya out there soon

Thanks mike! see you on the water! & best of luck on your next trip out



  On 9/25/2012 at 10:06 AM, Rich said:

Your net is too small. Therefore your fish doesn't count.




What a beast! Congrats!

Hahah i got a good laugh out of that! you never know what some people think! this counts, this dosent count! who knows!

Thanks for the congrats!


  On 9/25/2012 at 10:07 AM, Andrew Grant said:

Amazing fish man!! Congrats

Thanks andrew! i really appreciate the kind words


  On 9/25/2012 at 10:38 AM, Rich Clemens said:

Sweet fish and a big congrats to you. The more you catch, the better and faster you get with the release. It is a learning experience and it applies equally to me. After each catch, I kinda look back over what I did and what I may have been able to do differently - if anything. I'm sure even the "pro's" have a difficult release here and there. Bashing a fisherman is not a positive learning experience for the angler and is not what we should be doing on this site - or any other. Anyway, congrats on such a great catch. :clapping:

Thanks a lot rich, i can already notice my releases getting better and fast and I'm getting a handle on the fish better! really appreciate your insight and you are very right bashing is never ok, i can stand positive and negative criticism but some times the bashing is unnecessary, so i figured if i fully explained my self it would prevent that! thanks for the congrats and best of luck on your next time out! :D


  On 9/25/2012 at 10:39 AM, ccmt said:

Dont know why you'd get bashed...fish of a lifetime there!!!! :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

I don't know why i would get bashed sometimes either but it happens, i figure if i fully explain the situation etc it will prevent it! thanks ccmt! sure was the fish of a life time, I'm still smiling from it!



  On 9/25/2012 at 10:45 AM, lew said:

Beautiful fish, congrats on the PB.


Folks that criticise others catches are the reason many no longer bother posting stories or pictures.

Thanks lew, sure was a beautiful fish! one of the nicest I've caught as far as markings and girth.

& you couldn't be more right, i don't let it stop me. i like sharing my luck with others especially on this forum! but many do not post because of people bashing and lack of respect.


  On 9/25/2012 at 11:01 AM, Live2fish85 said:

Awesome fish man.


I am dying to get out there soon.

Thanks Live2Fish, GET OUT THERE ASAP, fishing for everything is only going to get BIGGER and better as fall progresses.! best of luck on your next time out man.

  On 9/25/2012 at 11:04 AM, Jigger said:

Nothing better to start a work day than watching a cool muskie vid and finishing a coffee. Wish i was out there right now!!! Congrats man, your exitement level was on MAX!

:) sounds like a decent way to start the work day! glad you enjoyed it and your right my gauges where off the scale! much appreciated Jigger.


  On 9/25/2012 at 12:41 PM, bigcreekdad said:

Wonderful fish. Congrats!!


What a shame that people are leery of posting pics and videos here. I am close to not posting future pics myself.


How you land, handle, and release fish, unless outright and intentionally malicious, should not be criticized.


Think about how we go after these fish:


1) Huge lures, usually with three large, razor sharp, hooks.

2) Hooks are seldom debarbed.

3) Line is typically braided (no stretch), and nearly capable of pulling a truck out of a ditch.

4) Rods that resemble pool cues.

5) A typical hook set that would turn smaller fish inside out.


All of the above could easily result in ripped lips, damaged gills, torn eyes, and torn flesh.


Yet, once they are in the boat, we are supposed to don surgical masks, sterile gloves, and have oxygen tanks handy??


I got criticized for taking a pic of a fish on the deck of my boat as slime may come off. How about the slime coming off on the net? How about the slime coming off from the gloves that make it easier to hold? How about the slime all over your shirt, sleeves, pants etc while you got the fish ready for a good pic?


I release the vast majority of my fish. I try to get a quick pic (doesn't have to be perfect) and get it back in the water. I revive it if necessary, and always stick around to make sure it has stayed down.


God forbid someone confess to eating one.


There....got it off my chest, but I needed to say it.

couldn't have said it better myself and i agree 110& i believe i seen that thread actually where someone was commenting on your carpet and slime. like we both know, sometimes people just want to say what they are thinking even if its not in the best judge meant, some times people should just learn "it is what it is" and be nice. sooner than later no one will post pictures or videos. heck why would they if they get flamed every time. I'm got into it on here with some other members before for my video/pictures etc or w.e but i didn't glet it get to me and figured i would explain my self 100% everything that needs improvement etc and hope not to have any one sickened.

Thanks for the kind words and glad i got to read your post! thanks for posting.


  On 9/25/2012 at 12:53 PM, lew said:

I ate the 1st musky I ever caught some 40 years ago.

I don't mind when people keep them to eat, they pay for there license they have the right to eat it. rather i see fit or not!!


  On 9/25/2012 at 12:56 PM, Harrison said:

Man, great catch and from shore!! Awesome.

Thanks Harrison! i hope to get a few more big girls from shore this Fall!


  On 9/25/2012 at 1:01 PM, I said:

Wow, awesome fish! Incredible that it was from shore as well, way to go! :thumbsup_anim:

That's a fish of a lifetime for most diehard boat anglers, let alone shore pounders!


As far as the net goes, if you've got one that is perfectly suited for the majority of the sizes you're expecting or likely to catch, then I'd think you'd be considered prepared. If you luck upon something truly unexpected, well you just have to make do the best you can with the health of the fish in mind. It's a good thing it wasn't a 60" fish, or you would have needed a crane to haul it up! :P


You're enthusiasm is contagious!


Thanks a lot man, means a lot. your very right, I'm really happy it was caught to shore! i see so many 50"s caught any more its out of this world!

and your very right, if it was a 60 i would have been in trouble and would have risked way to much! I'm still shooting for that 50! I've been spending more time than anyone out on shore casting thats for sure, so i hope she's coming to me! wallbash.gif

Glad you enjoyed the video and thanks for posting!



  On 9/25/2012 at 1:04 PM, capt_hooked said:

Bank fishing for musky...!


I love it...!






Its all I've been doing lately! i love it as well. no fish = still outside in the fresh air! thanks for the congrats Capthooked


  On 9/25/2012 at 1:29 PM, FishLogic said:

Nice! Thanks for the report. Never would have imagined catching a fish like that from shore.

FishLogic, your very welcome, thanks for posting here, it was quite surprising but it just shows it can be done!

Posted (edited)

headhunter - "It's like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, poop on the board and strut around like it's victorious" never heard a better sig, if i ever get a boat i think i will put this on the side of it ! Thanks for chiming in

LetsGoFishing - Thanks for your input. I made the mistake of lowing the audio levels while editing and forgetting to raise them after i was done, I find having the water proof door on works fine for audio especially if you have a good editing program to change sound levels and quality, i never use the non water proof doors because I'm always getting down and dirty, always putting my cameras underwater for releases and my net cam is always getting in the water or washed. i don't believe in the non water proof doors! its a safety thing! & as far as the high eye lens goes as said here it dosent change it. I only shoot with the HD Hero and done recommend the HD Hero 2. All my GoPros are wide lens and I'm glad they are, i only film in 720p a 60fps because its best for slowing it down, at 1080p at 30fps it takes up so much memorie and takes so long to upload and the 30fps really makes for choppy slow motions! Thanks Miro for your input.

CityFisher - thanks man, and your damn right. i just hate when the good guys start hating, then its like a feeding frenzy so if i can prevent that any way possible i want to! thanks for the kind words again!

RangerGuy - Fish more is a must! i have been out every single day for longer than i can remember! today was another 8 hour day!

FishingFury - I really enjoy your website and blog by the way, and i hope you can get out there and get a Big GIRL! the boat is the way to go, no point in struggling from shore!

MPS - thanks man and your right thats why i love the wide angle lens! looks like a 50 + pounder!!!! although in no way was it. i like to think i have the musky dialled in but i have yet to put together a real good pattern other than just get out there and don't stop until you get one lol.

MistyRiver1 - thanks man and i tried my best of the release, i tried to make the best out of a bad situation!

Terry - you are very right with the HD Hero 2, i do not like the HD Hero 2 and on my GOPro HD Hero i don't have the option! I'm just fine with how it looks!

Smellybox - i would hate to think that! they slay up there on the bay, I know dadson puts a hurting on the fish! I've still been trying to get a nice blade fish this year(From shore) no one throws em down this way and Ive been trowing my blades HARD! with only one early fall fish around 40"

Edited by ProFishermanJones
Posted (edited)

Now here is todays PAIN!


Well i was out fishing for about 8 + hours today, heck i don't even keep count any more and was there trowing my DAWG and i always i mean always figure 8, even when i can see a follow because i know where the fish are, its funny because people will be laughing or looking at me weird for figure 8ing from shore etc. clapping.gif


so I'm going in for the figure 8 didn't see a follow or anything and..... BOOOM sorry for the bleeped out words but this is raw footage and i wish i could re do the audio or something but heck heres the video of my GETTING GREEDY AND TRYING TO GO FOR THE NET/TURN MY NETCAM ON, AND WHEN I LOOK BACK DOWN IM HOOKED IN A LOG! Lesson learned to never get greedy.

Well check out this semi short video from today.

and just a heads up obviously i in no way measured the fish! but for the sake of the video i called it 50+ inch on the figure 8, not trying to trick or fool anyone!

Edited by ProFishermanJones

your very right it works, lots of people think you need a big boat and all this big time tackle and all that nice stuff, i kinda like to show people that you don't need all that, you need some time and patience and a lot of water so you don't get dehydrated at the waters edge!

  On 9/25/2012 at 11:30 PM, BillM said:

Resolution has nothing to do with the field of view that fisheye lens has.. Increasing it or decreasing won't help..


Don't know about that Bill - I record in r5 mode and I don't get those warped lines (for the lack of a better word) but do get them in the lower modes r4,r3 and so on.

  On 9/26/2012 at 3:59 AM, letsgofishing said:

Don't know about that Bill - I record in r5 mode and I don't get those warped lines (for the lack of a better word) but do get them in the lower modes r4,r3 and so on.


Yup you are correct, looks like your FOV changes from 170 degrees to 127 degrees if you are recording in 1080p :thumbsup_anim:


So moral of the story? Keep it in 1080p! LOL!

Posted (edited)

I don't like to film in 1080P HD! fill up a memorie card in one hour of fishing, plus the upload times and file sizes get out of control! it is nice for controlled videos, but when I'm filming for a hook set its not good.

Edited by ProFishermanJones
  On 9/26/2012 at 4:21 AM, ProFishermanJones said:

I don't like to film in 1080P HD! fill up a memorie card in one hour of fishing, plus the upload times and file sizes get out of control! it is nice for controlled videos, but when I'm filming for a hook set its not good.


Memory cards are cheap.


Spectacular fish! From shore makes it that much more special. Keep an eye on the classifieds. There's liable to be a glut of muskie boats for sale after seeing this report! Thanks for sharing.


never get greedy with turning on the cam, especially when you already got one rollin man! only a matter of time till that 50 pounder decides to chomp a dawg. lets hope its yours, mine or mikes! haha

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