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My daughter felt sorry for me....


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I was looking someone to go fishing with me today and everybody had lame excuses; work, dentist etc. Only my family had the decency to be honest and just say "we don't want to go".

Well my oldest daughter, Hannah felt sorry for me that I'd have to go fishing alone so when I was going to bed last night she said she'd come with me. I said "okay but do you think you'll be up that early?"

I woke up around 5am, got dressed and figured I'd check the weather before waking her up.

She was already awake LOL!

We loaded the boat and set out around 6:15 for Lake St. Clair. She had a couple short naps along the way.


We got to the launch and she realized she was wearing the same thing when I bought the boat and we took a picture of her then, "Mean Mugging"



Since then we bought the truck and here's her "Mean Mugging" again



We launched in the river and I could tell the lake might be a little bumpy by the ripples on the water. Hannah captivated by the camera letting the boat rub the dock LOL



We tried for some bass and walleye but the chop was a little heavy so we packed it in and went muskie hunting. On the best of days muskie hunting can be a little boring for a tired 17 year old so Hannah stretched out for a few more naps.



We had a brief strike, a "drive by" as I like to call it on a blue and silver Super Shad Rap. I checked the lure and redeployed. Not long afterwards, the reel starts peeling! I set the hook and handed it off to Hannah.


I knew it was a nice fish and coached her a little but she seemed to be doing all right.



Hannah doing a good job turning the fish.



Although she considers herself "Tank", she's not quite ready to hold a fish herself. I told her there's nothing to it and gave this one a kiss goodbye.



I should probably reconsider kissing fish with teeth like this.



I took a measurement in the net... nose to fin, 24" and fin to tail 22" for her PB 46. When we released it, it went belly up so we circled around and got it again. I had time for another measurement in the water and it went 46". After about 15 minutes upright I could feel the tail throbbing and I looked away expecting the big splash. Off it went and we watched it for a few minutes until it dove.


When I got home and looked at the pictures, it didn't look like a 46" so I zoomed in and measured my hand vs. the scaled image. It measured 46.18" to scale but it sure doesn't look it in the picture!


A short time later we got another strike on that same setup. I fought it for about thirty seconds before it shook loose. I didn't have the same weight or battle as the first one so we weren't heartbroken.


We packed it in at 1:00 and headed home.


"Tank" is tired!


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Looks like a very nice trip and your boat is totally awesome :clapping: Didn't you have an 18 Starcraft Mariner b4? I had the 18 Sylvan centre console. Similar boat going to refurb mine, but if I won the lottery I would go for yours or perhaps an Islander, little more comfort for an old guy.

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Thanks for all the comments and compliments!


You lucky bugger you; a nice day, your daughter as company and a nice fish to boot; can’t ask for any better Brian.

Enjoyed the read and pictures.



I called the shop on Monday to see if you could make it for Tuesday but I guess you were still at your summer resort. We have to get out sometime!



Very nice day!!!and your daughters pb!!!,don't you just wonder how they can sleep so much at that age? lol.:good:

They can't get into too much trouble while they're sleeping!



Awesome day for sure. Better company then a ugly hairy bugger


Btw the two appointments took a total of 10 min it was longer writing the check then her getting the work done I missed fishing for that.

Don't complain Mike, you'll be wishing for the next 45 appointments to go as fast! All the fittings and adjustments are a nuisance but it'll be worth it.


Looks like a very nice trip and your boat is totally awesome :clapping: Didn't you have an 18 Starcraft Mariner b4? I had the 18 Sylvan centre console. Similar boat going to refurb mine, but if I won the lottery I would go for yours or perhaps an Islander, little more comfort for an old guy.

Yep, just finished refurbing the other one and was considering a new motor when I came across this one. A deal I couldn't refuse and I didn't even need a lottery ticket! I made out okay on the other boat; quick sale without advertising it and got what I wanted for it. The driveway would have been pretty crowded with the old/new boats + the old/new trucks and my wife's car!

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