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Rainy Lake 2012


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Well, over the past 3 years my Dad and I have been trying to plan a family camping trip, but with work, numerous sporting events etc its been nearly impossible, the timing just wouldn't work out. I got a call two weeks ago from my Dad with an invite to head up to Rainy Lake for a long weekend, and I just flat out committed. I had just recently went back to work and have been working 7 days a week for the past few months, so I had hoped my boss would be understanding. Turns out he was fine with the idea, woot woot!


So we spent the last week getting gear ready for the kids and getting everything planned. This was to be an epic trip, so we had to be prepared. The day finally came, and me and the kids were up at 4AM on thursday, eagerly awaiting for our plan to unfold.


We arrived at my Dads about 6am, and began to get loaded up. Little did I know my Dad and step mom were bringing a small civilization! lol. Boat was way too heavy, so after a brief coffee break we decided two trips were needed. We figured things out and headed off the Crowrock to launch. The plan was to hit the beach in Porters Inlet if possible, if it was already taken we new of some good old beaches we could resort to.


So we get to Crowrock and start unpacking and loading up the boat. My pops asks me to move the seats forward in the truck to make room. I pry on it once and it seems stuck??? So I give it a good push, and my hand slips, but my thumb is still pushing with force! lol, not even on the water yet, and I've dislocated my thumb, awesome!!!! It hurt right proper too, especially as I put it back in place.thumbsup_anim.gif


K, boat is now loaded, and were off. After a brief ride on a calm lake, we hit the beach. To our surprise, nobody in sight!!!! The beach is OURS!!!! The kids get into their swim gear right away and me and pops begin to unpack and get tents set up. The kids were swimming by 7AM, already having a blast!!!!


We get the tents up and settle in after about an hour or so, now its time to get back in the boat and find some fish!!!! We havent fished here in about 10 years, so we cruised around looking for structure, when we found submerged grass, we drifted and cast/retrieved the shorelines. It didnt dissappoint. First fish on was my youngest boy on his new spincast set up! He was super happy, about 2.5lb bass on a super light set up. After a awesome fight, we took a quick pic and released the bronzie back into the water.




After that we caught pike, perch, walleye and some more bass. Nothing was big though, just real good numbers. So we didnt bother with too many pics. The action was fast and furious, and within a few hours all 8 of us had about 15 fish each. We kept a few perch and smaller walleye for the pan, and that was the end of day one.


Dat two, we got up around 6am and had a quick coffee. The kids wanted to swim so we got out the pump and pumped up a little floating island thing my Dad brought along. As soon as we got it in the water the fun began! My and my Dad went out as well and swam with the kids, made up some games and just had a ton of fun! It was in the 90's all weekend, so it felt awesome even though the water was 78 degrees. After a few hours we headed back out to fish, and again the bite was on. The key was small baits and to my surprise, shallow weeds. The walleye bite was dead in deeper water, but it was on in about 8-10 FOW. All small fish, but tons of numbers.


Another 60 fish or so, we headed back to await the arrival of my girlfriend and my baby girl. We had an epic supper, and again, played around in the lake on that island. I havent had that much fun swimming in years!!! The kids all learned to dive, and we made up a whole bunch of silly games. After that, we decided it was time for smores...


The next morning we all got up early as well, and went out and absolutely hammered the walleye, perch, bass and crappie. They were all congregated in shallow weeds, and boy was it fast and furious! All small fish, but tons of fun! My thumb was still hurting pertty bad, so after every hookset I was handing the rod around to the kids to reel in. They were just in heaven, having so much fun!


That night we swam some more, fished some more, cooked alot of good food and played around with the kids. We caught toads and snakes, went exploring, and made a whole bunch of funny faces for the camera!


I always have sooooo much fun with my kids, but the weather, the spot, the company, the fishing was all just on point, and it made for the best trip ever! Maybe it was also the fact that it took three years to happen??? Lol, I'm not sure, but man o man did we have fun!


I'm uploading some pics now, and I'll get them posted up! There isnt alot of fishing pics(sorry) but most fish were just too small to bother, despite the great numbers.


So maybe we'll just call this an epic lifestyle report? lol clapping.gif

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Thanks guys, glad you all enjoyed!!!!! I'll be heading back up there again real soon! The camping spot was where I learned to swim as a child, and its always been very nice. Best part is its very clean!!! And we kept it that way too!!!


My daughter also celebrated her 10th b-day on thwe beach this past weekend, which was really cool! Thats what the cupcakes were for!


A few more nature shots from the weekend

















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uote name='Joeytier' date='24 July 2012 - 06:21 PM' timestamp='1343172100' post='717608']

Looks and sounds like a perfect trip


Thanks Joey, it surely was!!!!


fish fry




big ol smores!










Grandpa and my boy sure have alot of fun!!!! Makes me very proud and happy!









Edited by manitoubass2
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thanks Spiel/Limey!!!!


Ok, the story about the shoes pointing in an arrow.


My oldest boy misplaced his shoe one evening, so we all starting looking around the island but it was getting late, so we retired for the night. The next day we searched off and on throughout the day, but still couldn't find it? I joked with my Dad about how we would find it in the most obvious place ever, cause thats how things usually happen. A few minutes after that, my Dad says "did you check under the tent by the front door? When I walked in there yesterday I tripped on something under the tent"


So I walk over to the tent and check, and sure enough it was just under the main entry. My Dad says not to tell him, we'll hang it on a tree and see how long it takes him to notice it, lol. My oldest daughter overheard us talking, so she was now in on the joke. My boy kept looking every now and again, cause he really likes those shoes and they were a gift from his mother, but he still didnt notice them. My daughter says I better give him a hint, and thats when she made the arrow pointing to the tree his shoe was hanging on. A few hours past, but on the last evening he said " Dad, whats that shoe arrow pointing at?" He stopped himself after he said that " Oh, my shoe!!!!!!!" hahaha, he was a good sport and we all had a little chuckle.

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