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Some Fishermen are a Disgrace


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I hate to say it, but a HUGE number of fishermen are complete and absolute morons who shouldn't be allowed to leave the house.


Took a walk along Bronte Pier last night with the wife. Lots of people out, including about four guys fishing. We walked to the end, and they were gone when we returned. The amount of garbage and crap these four idiots left behind (on the pier and in the water) was just disgusting. The rest of the pier was fine - totally clean. The area where the clowns were fishing was a disaster. I wasn't the only one who was disgusted.


And we wonder why we see more "no fishing" signs every year.


GUYS......FELLOW FISHERMEN.......lets not paint all fishermen with that BROAD brush that is NOT ALLOWED if we were to single out a class of folks.......


Just like when you read that a few crazy people went nuts at the concert last night....are all concert folks nuts or drunks or rowdy ????? of course not.....but here on this site we regularly hang each other then stick up for each other....divide and conquer is the best way to defeat us sportsmen..... :whistling:

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I find these types of post amusing in a pathetic sort of way. Many of the same guys that find this act of wasting 3 small Bass a shameful travesty that should be harshly punished, and they are right of course, would consider retaining the biggest of big Kings(or 5) for "the Derby" to be righteous harvest in a lame attempt to cash a cheque. Tens of thousands of big salmon, including the very biggest fish, are slaughtered so a very few anglers, an even smaller number of charter captains and one despicable family business can profit. The derby anglers along with roe anglers kill tens of thousands of much scarcer animals for what can only be considered the most colossal waste of a resource in this province. All with a nod and a wink that this is ok and that (the wasted Bass) is horrible. In fact it's the same thing with the caveat that the the slaughter of our pelagic s is massive and most anglers rightly catch and release Bass. Think it over before rationalizing your behaviors or pointing fingers.

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With comments like those I suspect this post is going to get really interesting really fast.



I find these types of post amusing in a pathetic sort of way. Many of the same guys that find this act of wasting 3 small Bass a shameful travesty that should be harshly punished, and they are right of course, would consider retaining the biggest of big Kings(or 5) for "the Derby" to be righteous harvest in a lame attempt to cash a cheque. Tens of thousands of big salmon, including the very biggest fish, are slaughtered so a very few anglers, an even smaller number of charter captains and one despicable family business can profit. The derby anglers along with roe anglers kill tens of thousands of much scarcer animals for what can only be considered the most colossal waste of a resource in this province. All with a nod and a wink that this is ok and that (the wasted Bass) is horrible. In fact it's the same thing with the caveat that the the slaughter of our pelagic s is massive and most anglers rightly catch and release Bass. Think it over before rationalizing your behaviors or pointing fingers.

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I find these types of post amusing in a pathetic sort of way. Many of the same guys that find this act of wasting 3 small Bass a shameful travesty that should be harshly punished, and they are right of course, would consider retaining the biggest of big Kings(or 5) for "the Derby" to be righteous harvest in a lame attempt to cash a cheque. Tens of thousands of big salmon, including the very biggest fish, are slaughtered so a very few anglers, an even smaller number of charter captains and one despicable family business can profit. The derby anglers along with roe anglers kill tens of thousands of much scarcer animals for what can only be considered the most colossal waste of a resource in this province. All with a nod and a wink that this is ok and that (the wasted Bass) is horrible. In fact it's the same thing with the caveat that the the slaughter of our pelagic s is massive and most anglers rightly catch and release Bass. Think it over before rationalizing your behaviors or pointing fingers.


AGAIN..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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it is interesting that guys posing with suspended stringers of giant walleye is OK, massive coolers full of perch dumped all over the boat or front lawn is OK, a wheelbarrow full of lake erie bass from the opener is OK..but 3 bass on a riverbank is the worst thing ever.


one is wasted, the other enjoyed of course, and the pics are of legally obtained fish so no harm there...


i agree, BTW, with the original post of course and find the act disgraceful, but i can see another point being made during the thread.

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Opinions are a dime a dozen.Fact. It is forbidden to allow a caught fish, fit for human consumption, to rot.

It is this law that the OP witnessed being broken, and i am in complete agreement with him.

All the other banter in this thread not pertaining to the original subject is irrelevant.


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Opinions are a dime a dozen.Fact. It is forbidden to allow a caught fish, fit for human consumption, to rot.

It is this law that the OP witnessed being broken, and i am in complete agreement with him.

All the other banter in this thread not pertaining to the original subject is irrelevant.


:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

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First off thanks for all the responses. Second if we stick to the original topic many of the threads on this board would not end up being locked, if you want to comment on another issue start your own thread.


To comment on a few of the earlier posts


No walleye within 40 km of this body of water :( so shouldn"t have been a surpride they were catching bass


Never thougth to get the plate number as I never dreamt this is what they were doing and by the time I found them they were long gone.

Never considered taking them home to eat because a dog was munching on the other pile I did not photo so lord only knows what was on these fish


One of these days I will figure out how to quote so you know who I am responding to LOL


Thanks for all the comments





Edited by nroadrunner
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First off thanks for all the responses. Second if we stick to the original topic many of the threads on this board would not end up being locked, if you want to comment on another issue start your own thread.





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GUYS......FELLOW FISHERMEN.......lets not paint all fishermen with that BROAD brush that is NOT ALLOWED if we were to single out a class of folks.......


Just like when you read that a few crazy people went nuts at the concert last night....are all concert folks nuts or drunks or rowdy ????? of course not.....but here on this site we regularly hang each other then stick up for each other....divide and conquer is the best way to defeat us sportsmen..... :whistling:



I didn't say all fishermen. But I did say a huge number of fishermen, and I absolutely stand by that. Go visit any popular fishing spot and what do you see on the ground? Old styrofoam worm containers, discarded paper coffee cups, coils of old, dead fishing line, lure packaging. We've all seen scenes like this countless times. And, there are places like that all over the country. It's not just an isolated thing confined to a handful of ignorant people. It's a bigger problem that exists on a broad scale.


Sorry to say it folks, but it is the truth. If we want to continue to have access to water in the future, this kind of behaviour - the littering and leaving dead fish all over - needs to stop. This isn't about divide and conquer. It's about admitting we collectively have a problem in our group. Isn't the first step in solving a problem to admit it even exists? Sweeping it under a rug won't help.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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Sorry Craig but there not part of my group. I hang out with people who are clean, respectful of others, and would never participate in this type of behavior. Not sure what group you hang out with. :whistling:


Craig never said it was HIS group that was causing the mess, he was talking about a large group of people in general.


Didn't seem to me to be that hard to understand :dunno:

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Sorry Craig but there not part of my group. I hang out with people who are clean, respectful of others, and would never participate in this type of behavior. Not sure what group you hang out with. :whistling:


Read his reply again.

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Sorry Craig but there not part of my group. I hang out with people who are clean, respectful of others, and would never participate in this type of behavior. Not sure what group you hang out with. :whistling:


You should see who Craig hangs out with. Especially his past chums. All loogans. Craig should read more on the internet and get really knowledgable about fishing. ;)

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Sorry to say it folks, but it is the truth. If we want to continue to have access to water in the future, this kind of behaviour - the littering and leaving dead fish all over - needs to stop. This isn't about divide and conquer. It's about admitting we collectively have a problem in our group. Isn't the first step in solving a problem to admit it even exists? Sweeping it under a rug won't help.



Absolutely agree. People are generally bad behaving until they learn otherwise.


Until I litterally yelled at a guy for chucking a can of beans into the lake this weekend, the other "newbies" would have followed suit. After that they were all embarassed to do stupid things because they knew I'd snap, swim for the can of beans and put it in their pillow case.

Their sense of ownership and love of the lake was very high afterwards...but they would not have taken that path without some pressure. This " do what I want until someone catches me" attitude is extremely prevalent. Needs to be addressed accordingly...South or North.

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