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Short Fishing Report from the Valley...


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Last week, Paul and I had talked about targeting a couple of local lakes... didn't have any specific plan other than going out and have a good time :)


So yesterday, left home at 6h00am... a couple of pit stops and the way we go... destination, North bound :) No details in the temps department as it was sunny and light winds from the South East when we left.... PERFECT!!!


Arrived at lake one around 7h30am, launched Paul's boat and began our journey around the lake :) Was hoping to get into some bows but they were no where to be found... instead we got into largies, not many but a few... they were in a scattered suspending pattern in about 5' to 8' fow :)


Around noon, we decided to pack up and leave... Arrived at lake number 2 around 1h15pm, white caps and dark clouds could be seen on the horizon, a storm was coming through, winds had turn from the West and it didn't take long, the soaking began... Paul put the throttle to the max and head over the North end of the lake, beating the brunt of it :worthy:


At this end of the lake we caught a lot of largies, nothing big but loads of fun :) Moving around from spot to spot produced very well for us :) All the while that first storm had pass, another was making it's appearance :w00t: dark clouds were hanging over in the distance, winds were from the South now diminishing B) but that didn't last long, winds picked up from the West again and another cell was fast approaching :o


So we decided to hide behind an island facing East and wait it out... while we were waiting I had the urge to cast :lol: So I did and hooked up with a largie on the first cast B) make my second and FISH ON!!! B) A BRUTE!!! :w00t: 17 1/2"er :D I was using a Big O, lime color and man did it ever take a beaten :w00t:






As you can see, lot's of battle scars B)

Bass of all sizes couldn't get enough of it :lol:

This was the only lure I used on this lake and did not disappoint B)

All in all we caught over 50 bass between the two of us that were all released to be caught another day :)

Got back home around 8h45pm


Bait of choice were: Whitespinnerbait, Scum frog, Sketter pop, Big O


Did not take many pics but here's some for your viewing pleasure :)


















Also made a video for those that enjoy!


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FSoftwater%2520Season%25202012%2FTroutJunkiesAdventures-June302012.mp4">


Special thanks goes out to Paul aka whitespinnerbait for a great time

Hope you enjoy!


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thumbsup_anim.gif That's a brute of a rock bass!


Thanks Christopher k!!! Yeah that thing inhaled a 3/8oz spinnerbait :o



Nice fish buddy.


Thanks Brian!!!


Love those reports with video! Thanks TJ for putting together.


Glad you like it Jet B) Pleasure is all mine :)


that's some good fishing


Sure is Terry :)


A great bunch of fish! Did WSB get any good bird pictures?


Thanks Grimace!!! I'm sure WSB can add bird pics to this report


nice largies!!! that one is a 5 gallon pail!


Thanks Chad!!!


Great report Jacquesclapping.gif That lure looks like its been in the mouths of alot of fish.


Thanks Paul!!! It sure did... it will have to be retired though :o the lure doesn't swim true anymore after this beating but no worries I have backup :)

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Nice report guys. Looks like an awesome bass day.


Thanks Roy!!! It sure was B)



Great shots Paul :clapping::thumbsup_anim:


A name change maybe in order Jacques, TroutJunkie really doesn't cut it in this report. :P:lol: Great report and pics, loon shots are cool.


:lol: I know :blink::lol: Thanks Will!!!


Anothet Great report Jacques, those are some nice largies you got there.

Thanks for sharing.


Thanks Chris!!!

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