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Anybody fished Trout Lake near Alban Ont


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Why is it when someone asks about a particular creek or pond located somewhere in Southern Ontario the OP gets reminded that mentioning specific bodies of water is against forum rules...but if it's up here in Sudbury or somewhere else in Northern Ontario, anything goes?


I've never fished Trout Lake but if it was one of my regular haunts I'd be just as horrified at seeing it mentioned on a public forum as any of you are at seeing your favorite trib talked up.


I'm aware there's a much higher fishing spot to fisherman ratio up here, but we still get crowds at spots that become well known and those spots take a pounding. I'm not sure why potentially good fishing areas within an hour or two drive from the CN tower are regarded as worth protecting and keeping secret, while there seems to be a different attitude about the rest of the province.

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Good point, from now on whenever somebody asks for advise or tips on a specific place, they should never ever name the place they have a question about. Or we could all just post non fishing posts. :)



I guess you missed the point...I asked about the apparent difference in the way information about specific bodies of water is allowed to be presented depending on it's geographic location. If the thread was called "So-and-so Creek", "Such-and-such Harbour", or "What's-it Conservation area"...and the area in question wasn't up here in "the sticks"...someone would likely be complaining.


I don't even really care. I could post GPS coordinates to my favourite spot and almost no one reading this could find their way in there, even on the off-chance they have a lifted 4x4 with 36's and a winch that they don't mind beating the snot out of to the point that stuff breaks. But there's probably a few individuals "up here" who would prefer their honey holes don't get mentioned on an public forum any more than the individuals "down there" that have been vocal about it in the past.

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Very nice to see you out and about, Rob. I can't help you with that lake either but I'm sure you'll be getting some info here and by private message. Don't be a stranger.

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Hey Wire... if you had any idea as to what Rob has been thru in the last 5 years, or so, you'd offer to put him up in your boat and show him your favourite spot! :)



I'll go to bat for fishNwire on this one. He is not challenging the OP in any way.


It is not about the topic.....rather the double standard applied to North vs. South or Big City vs. small town.

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People mention scugog and rice all the time. Rob didn't give out any specific info about the lake. The only thing he said is that that the lake exists. He's just looking some info... I'd pm him if I knew anything specific about trout lake. No need for anyones hair to be raised on this one

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People mention scugog and rice all the time. Rob didn't give out any specific info about the lake. The only thing he said is that that the lake exists. He's just looking some info... I'd pm him if I knew anything specific about trout lake. No need for anyones hair to be raised on this one



Yep I agree Chad. If someone replied in the thread with specific info on that lake then they would be in the wrong. No harm in asking.

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