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A boat day


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Hi all,


finished my 2 night shifts and wanted nothing more than a few hours in the boat before attending to boring stuff. Jack was not about to let me go without a ride around the bay first.
















Got the rest of the crew to shore and headed out around 10:30am for some bass, pike and crappie............


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yY_lczVg8pE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>












Still no crappie, and not really the will, energy or time to go looking, water temps were creeping into the mid 40s. Bass were in really shallow, not more than 5'FOW and in as little as 18". Pike were all fairly deep, upto 22'FOW, but nothing big. I did see one strike at a twister tail i tried just after seeing the snapping turtle...but failed to connect properly....looked much bigger...perhaps 35" or so. That turtle was big, feet on it were huge, about the same diameter as a small dinner plate!































Headed into town and did a few chores.....knew it was gonna be a good day when the guy who swaps my winter/summer tires over says...."dont worry about it Si.....no charge".....awesome!


By the time i got home i was ready to drop, but Jack had seen the boat moored at the bottom of the lawn and wanted to go! So we had supper, said goodbye to mum who was doing nights too, packed some snacks and drove the long way (avoiding sceptic field) to the lake down the lawn.






























At one point we had a discussion about best jigging techniques....Jack thought i should not be using a slip bobber but a 'Cars' rod like his with a jig. About 2 minutes later he was reeling in the only fish of the evening to prove his point about tackle selection and technique! Fantastic...a month past his 3rd birthday and outfishing the old man already!!! I am a little bit proud of the little fella. Fish was out of season so quick release performed ...there will be other photo opportunities.










<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qP463kJP6g0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>









We finished the evening with many discussions about seaguls, beaver sticks and 'quiet motors' (Jack's term for the Minn Kota).

Was a beautiful still night Jack got to sit with dad as we drove up the hill with the boat, and was a great help refreshing the minnows in the bucket....although he got a little wet doing it.










































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Oh man, these pics and stories are just great Simon....have I mentioned my daughter is just a few months younger than Jack? I think they'll make the perfect couple whistling.gif


Great job on the fishing too....already setting the bar niceley with that smallmouth for the tournament.






"Dad -- I'm TELLIN' YA....use the CARS rod...sheesh" thumbsup_anim.gif

Edited by johnnyb
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Awesome report Simon!!!! Man Jack just looks so happy and content. Your a great Father thumbsup_anim.gif.


At this point, you must have one hell of a photo album!!! I know alot of people dont use them these days, but I do with my better pics, if you keep one, bring it down next time, or I'll bring mine up there. Gotta be a ton of great stories between both are families clapping.gif


Look for those crappie in shallow bays Simon, 7-10 FOW. If there trees or overhanging branches, all the better.

Edited by manitoubass2
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