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My 2011 Whitetail Buck


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I have been hunting Whitetail with a bow for 20 years now but have done so very passively. Going out only a few times a season or missing several years in a row has kept my success very limited, as in only one doe harvested up until last year. I always enjoyed my time alone in the woods when I could get away from work and also enjoyed a few outings with Misfish. The last few years I have been hunting from a ground blind due to the lack of large trees to put a stand in but didn't mind it since it kept me out of the weather. My trail cam has got me many great pictures from that spot the past three years and i have personally watch several does feeding as well. All the large bucks only came around at night but there were plenty of young careless ones that came during daylight hours.


Nov 1st of 2011 I played hookey from work and went hunting in the morning since the wind was going to be blowing in the right direction. There actually ended up being no wind and the woods were dead quiet except for passing cars in the distance. A young Buck materialized out of the tall grass at daybreak 18 yards away. I had a video camera ready and I turned it on and was able to zoom in a bit before I was almost busted by the deer. It was so quiet that the Buck could hear my every move being so close. I am sure it could hear my heart beat it was pounding so hard. The video is grainy due to the low light on this cloudy day but you will see how it unfolds. It starts a little slow but bear with it and enjoy. It is of decent quality (HD) so it can be viewed in full screen.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VP-e8HO1lHQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



If this Whitetail was any older and wiser I am sure it would have bolted before I had a shot off. I was waiting for a broadside shot but realized it was not going to come so I shot head on. I put the arrow straight through the heart(have the pic to prove) and the deer ran about 60 yards. My first buck ever.



Edited by Skud
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I'm going to start with 'Congratulations' and I mean it. I'm glad for you and most of all the buck, that you were able to harvest the animal and it died in short order.


That was all wrong though. No new bowhunter should take this as an example how bowhunting should be practiced, you straight up got lucky.

There are honestly only two problems. Never take a shot at a deer head on, and never ever take a shot at a deer head on that has pegged you. It's also not wise to take a shot at a deer that has you pegged even if it's broadside. They're quick. Often case scenario is they jump the string and you clean miss. Worst case scenario, and the arrow strikes the deer high or back missing vitals.

It's our responsibility as hunters to make smart choices when the decision is made to drop the hammer. That wasn't one, and I assure you atleast 50% of the time you wound the animal and don't recover it with that shot. If those odds are cool with you then there's a problem.

I'm hoping you know a whitetail anatomy and if you don't you shouldn't be bowhunting in the first place but if you do, then you know the bone you had to thread the arrow through to get to the heart and lungs. The brisket and shoulder blades are tough bones to penetrate. I'm honestly pretty suprised that a deer that was on alert still got hit square with your arrow straight on but again, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

Regardless, you got the buck, congrats. The only reason I make this post is I truly hope you give it more thought if put in this same position again - and you will. You might not be as lucky next time and no hunter likes to have a wounded animal on their conscience.




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Fishrking; I agree with everything you said and also would not endorse the shot I took.


I did have plenty of time to think about it as I waited for a broadside shot and made a choice based on my personnal knowledge of myself and equipment and circumstance. The Buck was only 18 yards away and at that distance I can hit a dime all day long. My bow is set at 70+ pounds and shooting just over 300 ft/s. It took only .17 of a second to reach the deer and video shows that the deer didn't flinch until the arrow was already inside him. The shot wouldn't have been made if it was over 25 yards away. The only reason I could even take the shot was because I was in a ground blind downhill from the target. That angle was for sure going to hit vitals. And I did take into account the Buck relaxed enough to eat another apple.


Hope you like my next video

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Nice buck !! I would have been shaking so bad lol. A member of our camp took the same shot at 15 yards and had the same results. I would have likely taken that shot too. The speed of the bows these days doesnt give them much of a chance to move at that yardage. At first I thought you were sitting in a bunch of pot plants lol Congrats :clapping:


ps... Looks like a bowtech ? I had the 101st airborn until I messed up my shoulder and went to a xbow.

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Thanks for posting that. That is intense! Looks like Penetang? That buck could use a bib. Any particular variety or just any old ida red?


Deer have stomped their feet at me when I was tracking or watching them. I always thought they had an idea of me(outline?) and were trying to make me move to confirm.


I have been told a heart shot would never make it to 60 yards. That is impressive.


My first hunt will hopefully be this fall. I hope for the same result.


Where you dressed in black inside your ground blind? edit: Doh! saw the pics.




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Richyb; I have the Bowtech Allegiance. I bought it the last year it was made.


Farsider; I was hunting in the Cookstown area. I throw down whatever apples I can get my hands on come September. The does and their young come at all times of the day to eat. There are very few apple trees in the area so it must be a treat for the deer.


Solo; I can still easily recall how hard my heart was pounding in my chest. Just like a hammer!

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Congrats on your deer. Not a shot I would take but you did a good job and dropped the animal. Looks similar to my first archery deer, a four point maybe 150-160 lb buck. I recall thinking I was going to have a heart attack and could hardly move my arms to get the bow up.

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Awesome! Scary shot, but it worked it.


I remember my first buck with a bow, I was shaking like a leaf.


I understand where some guys are coming from on this thread. I had a nice deer jump the string and once you lose an animal because of a bad shot you vow never to let it happen again.

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Very nice, and only you can decide weather it is an ethical shot or not. Situation always dictates the shot. Head on at 18yds is a gimmie that i would take almost any day. When he stomped that is where I know he is on alert and would start to be concerned also, but when he continued eating I was saying in my head'SHOOT!"


I would much rather take a head on shot than a 'quartering to' shot that he did present to you earlier. Congrats on your first buck, you have nerves of steel my friend to hang out that long and get video of the hunt. A trophy for sure..





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Thanks for all the comments guys. I have to admit that the time it took me to finally shoot was not due to my patience but because the buck could hear every move I made due to the silence in the woods. The bow was across my lap and it took a long time to raise it into position. My shoulder was on fire with muscle burn from holding the bow up so long.


I have taken a still photogragh from the video and given it to a local artist to do a painting of it. I will post a pic of it in a month or so when I get the finished product.

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