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March Bluegill Madness

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I took out the old man and the kids to hit up some really early season bluegill. There was no rhyme or reason tonight - we caught fish on tiny crankbaits in 2 FOW and others on micro jigs right on bottom in 15 FOW... Tougher bite then usual for this time of year but we had a great time and caught some good fish! Can't go wrong for a Thursday evening in March! Get out there an enjoy the weather!


Averie's first fish of 2012 - we had no ice season... boo



Lukes's first of 2012 - Grandpa got the assist... haha



Where'd they got man?



Averie had a bit of a tough go tonight but she kept pluggin' away



The kids during their movie break...



Daddy caps off the night with the biggest fish of the evening.. as usual! haha



It's hard to beat catching big gills on small crankbaits!



Group shot with grandpa before heading home...



Have a good weekend!



Ryan & the Fam

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Great stuff buddy!!! Some awesome gills...can't wait to fish that little spot again.


Buddy trout opener is going to be a mess if this weather keeps up! There's already bass and bluegill up in the shallow's... by the time trout opens we're going to be fishing them with dipsy divers! lol


Awesome Ryan!!

March! Can you believe it??


Thanks brother - It's insane really... The lake is already in full blown spring mode... I can't complain about fishing in shorts at this time of year though!


Great night for that! Nice fish.


Thanks J.O.P!


Good times. Probably a highlight for the kids. Awesome.


My boy is just getting into it, and he had the most fun he's ever had fishing... He had a great time with his grandpa... that's what it's all about!


Awesome. I hope my daughters enjoy fishing as much as Averie seems to.


Got to love this weather.


Averie love's fishing, but she was frustrated tonight.. she missed like 10 fish in a row and just about lost it! hahaha

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Love reading the reports of you and your kids. Grandad looks like he had a damn good time as well.


Those are really wide angled shots! The one of Avery in the front is my fave. Even shows me your entire fishing spot! :w00t:

Edited by EC1
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