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Quinte Bigg Biggz!! - BoQ Report - Sunday Nov 27th, 2007


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My Buddy Cody (punchinholes) and I headed out early Sunday morning for a redemption trip as last Saturday we fished the morning and got nothing except one lousy lost fish. We were on the search for some big fish and hopefully a lot of em! Our morning started off early with us heading to the ferry to launch as we had decided the night before to fish east.


We were at the launch at 6:00 am to get things set up and were on the water by 6:30 am. Setting our lines out in the dark was a challenge but we couldn't wait to get started. Soon enough it began to get more visible out.




It was hard not to take some pictures of a great sunrise as our day was just beginning.




My Personal favourite.




Anyways back to fishing LOL


We trolled for 2 hours before one of our outside boards started to drop back… FISH ON!! I grabbed the inside rod to take it out while Cody fought a fish which would hopefully be his new fall PB (previous 4lb PB). "It feels like a HAWG!" and soon enough the first fish of the day was ours. A nice 8.25 lber, Cody's new fall PB. We weren't skunked today! Quick Pic and away she swam.




We continued trolling for a couple more hours … marked tons of fish deep in 130-150 ft that were suspended in 60-90 ft to the bottom near the bat cave where many other boats were fishing including the Grand Slam and The Wooldridge. Scott, you have a bad a$$ rig!! nice BBQ and tinted windows laugh.gif


We continued trolling for a couple of hours over the area in deep water trying to see if any fish were active or would turn active. Decided to troll shallower, I was hoping the fish would be higher up in the water calm. By now it was approaching 3:00 pm ... Cody decided to take a small nap ...it was short lived as 10 minutes later the inside board goes off "FISH, FISH, FISH" But as I reached for the rod the it goes slack! Dohhh… 1 for 2 sad.gif


That was enough to get our blood going… 5 minutes later the same board fires... FISH ONN!! My Turn. I get the rod and it feels like a good fish … I really wanted Cody to get a 10 pounder so I tried handing him the rod, but after many "no's" he finally gave in … Planar board off, and 150ft of line to go…30 ft to go, 15 ft to go, 1foot… and the 2nd fish was in the boat, a very nice 8.5 pounder. Not the 10 pounder but Cody's new PB. We set the lines out quick and continued trolling. After a quick pic she was revived and released.





Now 2 for 3 we were ecstatic. 20 minutes pass by and one of our boards goes off again! FISHHH ONN!! My Turn, Cody would not take the rod so I teased him saying how it was probably a 10 plus. It put up a great fight and soon enough we had her in the net! A True Hawg, low and behold an 11 pounder. 31.5 inches. Quick Picture …




… And release.




Right after the release. I look up and noticed one of the boards back!! "FISH, FISH, FISH" … I pass the rod to Cody. We must have had it hit when we were taking the release shots. 3 fish so far and one on the line. It looked like a big one with the great head shakes. She surfaced and into the net she went. A very nice 9.5 pounder. No 10 pounder but a very close step to reaching our goal. 4 for 5. Awesome day!! Quick pic …




… a release …




We were having a blast. Best reports we were hearing in the past few weeks were either skunks, or 1 or 2 fish days so in our eyes, managing the 4 quality fish all day from 8.25-11 pounds was just awesome, especially 3 quality fish that happened to be in the past 30 minutes. We joked how a double header would be so awesome after our crazy day so far. But we can't get greedy! We set the 2 rods back out and turned to make a troll back with all 4 boards slicing perfectly through the water. It started to rain but we were still marking tons of active fish!




After about 15 minutes we see the inside board go off! FISH ON!!! Cody passes me the rod and it feels like a good fish. Wow, the bite was on fire. She was putting up a good fight and slowly approaches the boat. Cody was prepared with the net and as I backed up to the bow of the boat while trying to multi-task and turn the camera ON. The fish was ours. High fives and a holler later, we both look out before getting the fish out of the net and notice the other inside board go off! FISHHHHHH!! Cody took the rod. I managed the fish in the net and got a quick weight of it 10.5 lbs. By now the camera was finally ON and I slipped it in video mode. I put the fish in the livewell and took the board off the line for Cody. WOO crap SHOW! I tried to undo the tangled lure out of the net. The fish fought long and hard and finally surfaced. With a scoop of the net, the fish was ours! We had two nice hawgs in the boat after an insane 10 minutes of fishing. We quickly put her in the livewell while we put the rods back out. After setting up the rods we took a picture of our 5th fish of the day. A nice solid 10.5 pounder and 31"…




… 10.5 pounder released…




Our 6th fish was an impressive long 30 inch fish.




After the last fish was released, we continued trolling with little light left as our day was coming to an end. We called it quits as it was getting dark and headed back to the launch. 6 for 7 with all fish being 8-11 pounds! We had just had an amazing/best day on the water and a great hour of non-stop action with 5 great quality fish. To boot Cody not only beat his PB walleye once, twice or three times but four times! We will both be talking about this great day of hunting for hawgs for many blue moons to come!


Here's the video of our crap show in-between the 5th and 6th fish!! Big thanks to my roommate Ian for helping me edit the video! Sorry for the swearing haha! and when I saw WIZ, I was parched lmao.





Aadil :mrgreen:

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