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OFAH comes on board with the Cobourg Harbour fishing


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Hello all,


Some great news!


Mike Brown and I will no longer be challenging the fishing bylaws in the Cobourg Harbour alone. I had an informal site meeting with representatives of OFAH and they have openly offered to work with us to ensure there is still fishing allowed with in the Harbour.


Personally, this has taken a great load off my back. I look forward to the day of seeing kids not being harassed for fishing from the pier.


Our first meeting with the Cobourg Parks and rec committee will be held on Dec 14th, lets hope all goes well from here on through!



Thanks Mike for your guidance in the right direction to move this forward.


Cheers, Ron...

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Excellent news Ron, get some more muscle, and some with experience too! The more I think about it the more I can't understand the town's actions. If there is a problem with littering, then charge people for that. If they are hitting moored boats with fishing tackle and causing damage, charge them for that. If they are sitting there getting drunk, charge them for that. But why prevent people from legally fishing if they aren't causing a problem? :dunno:

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Excellent news Ron, get some more muscle, and some with experience too! The more I think about it the more I can't understand the town's actions. If there is a problem with littering, then charge people for that. If they are hitting moored boats with fishing tackle and causing damage, charge them for that. If they are sitting there getting drunk, charge them for that. But why prevent people from legally fishing if they aren't causing a problem?


EXACTLY... but the people that work for the town of Cobourg are....well... "special!"

(I was born and raised there)

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Had no one ever mentioned this to OFAH before the media got to it, Ron?


Thanks Roy,

No groups or clubs were asked for help prior to the MNR asking me to give a brief presentation at one of the advisory council meetings.



Excellent news Ron, get some more muscle, and some with experience too! The more I think about it the more I can't understand the town's actions. If there is a problem with littering, then charge people for that. If they are hitting moored boats with fishing tackle and causing damage, charge them for that. If they are sitting there getting drunk, charge them for that. But why prevent people from legally fishing if they aren't causing a problem? :dunno:



Exactly Dave,

It is rather unfortunate we have to go through all this just so kids can fish. As the Cobourg Police Chief said "I would much rather see 3-4 kids fishing at the harbour rather than 3-4 kids getting into mischief".

Edited by Ron
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Thanks Ron.


I'm glad to see the OFAH becoming involved in this issue. We have also been offered support from several other organizations and appreciate any support on opening access to public areas and anglers rights.


I would still like to see the by-laws removed, so this issue does not re-surface in the future and I believe the signs are still up at the harbour.



The test will be when someone other than Ron drops a line in the harbour and is allowed to fish unmolested. :whistling:


If the days of yelling at kids for fishing in the harbour are over than it will be a more enjoyable place.

Edited by Michael Brown
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With 2 young boys (years ago) I spent thousands of hours coaching baseball and football when not fishing and hunting or camping....I really believe keeping youths busy and evolved maintains their path to becoming good people who will eventually contribute to society rather then try to live off of it.


Ron I take my hat off to you SIR.....you did not have to do this and down the line someday the nitwits who think the harbor is their private club will see that too.


:good: :good: :good: :good: :good:



Edited by Billy Bob
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Gents, I used to organize kids fishnig events in the past with big brothers and sisters.


I have been considering doing this again and would love to have an event in Cobourg. The location would be perfect.


If it would be beneficial at all, I will write up a letter to display my intent. I'll also include the youth organizations that will be invited from the area.


Let me know.



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I'm not so sure I'd be rubbing their noses in it.


i dont see it as rubbing their noses in it Roy...merely setting things straight the way they were ment to be ....this outcome will be a presidence for harbours to accomadate kids with our passtime...Goderich still puts the run to kids and some adults that dont know any better...Port Elgin encourages fishing in the harbour in certain Zones and went as far as building a "kids fishing dock" that was funded by the Lake Huron Fishing Club and several private sponsers...its been out there for several years now with no negative impact to the harbour that im aware of.....its a win/win situation for everyone considering tourism is intricate to Saugeen SHores well being....


its funny that a biz such as a harbour would condemned a sport or passtime that is water related :wallbash: ...maybe there isnt a variety store or bait vending machines in the immediate area? :dunno:



Keep up the RIGHT FIGHT Ron ....my hats off to ya as well

Edited by Twocoda
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Goderich still puts the run to kids and some adults that dont know any better...


?! If anything, there's a good reason for having a day when we all go out and fish, publicity! What we need is a ruling that we can print out and carry with us, so that if Goderich or any other municipality tries to run us out we can show them the law and tell them that they can take a flying leap. We need to get this issue resolved once and for all, province-wide. The legal ruling we seek shouldn't just deal with Cobourg, but all of Ontario.

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