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Detroit River rudeness


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Was on Detroit River today and got cutoff repeatedly by guys who looked as though they should know better (judging by their boats and tackle - they are not new to the sport)

By cutoff, I mean they purposely motored past us, and settled down-current 60 yds in front of us so that they could fish the fresh water.

Ironically, we saw them in the morning in the same spot, drifting down, and chose to go way up river as they were there first.

Greedy, rude people annoy me. This is what made me stop steelheading on foot.

Just needed to rant.

Have never had this happen on the Niagara.

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Is it possible your a bit oversenitive to this? On rivers, people drop lines right over where other people are fishing all the time. A couple guys 60 yards in front of you doesn't sound bad at all.




It's a big river - not a small steelhead stream. But, fyi, it is rude to muscle in on someone's steelhead spot too - but this is a different situation altogether.

It is always rude to motor past someone so you can fish the same shore before they do.

Just because we have been de-sensitized to selfishness does not mean that it isn't rude.


And yes - I am sensitive when it comes to rudeness cause I was raised to think of others and not just my own needs.



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I've been a passenger in a boat when the guy drifing did this to someone else, I was embarrassed.



what's worse is earlier this month I along with another gentleman had to wait to launch our boats while some jerk took his time, sitting in the boat launch, taking down his canopy, changing things on his boat, etc.. before launching it. In fact, the other guy said he had already been waiting 15 minutes for that guy before I even got there, and there was less than 3 hours of daylight left so it's not like we had all day.

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I've been a passenger in a boat when the guy drifing did this to someone else, I was embarrassed.



what's worse is earlier this month I along with another gentleman had to wait to launch our boats while some jerk took his time, sitting in the boat launch, taking down his canopy, changing things on his boat, etc.. before launching it. In fact, the other guy said he had already been waiting 15 minutes for that guy before I even got there, and there was less than 3 hours of daylight left so it's not like we had all day.



Oh Yawallbash.gif I have been victim to this too.Most times, i just inform them that the other side of the dock would make a better place to prepare thier boat, if they dont have the good sense to do it before launching. If that doesnt work i usually stand there with arms crossed, and glare him into submissionrolleyes.gif

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what's worse is earlier this month I along with another gentleman had to wait to launch our boats while some jerk took his time, sitting in the boat launch, taking down his canopy, changing things on his boat, etc.. before launching it. In fact, the other guy said he had already been waiting 15 minutes for that guy before I even got there, and there was less than 3 hours of daylight left so it's not like we had all day.


Memo to Don't cry ......Dude you are way, way to patient. Less than 3 hours of daylight left and your waiting.for some idiot that's in your way. :dunno:

Edited by Whitespinnerbait
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Memo to Don't cry ......Dude you are way, way to patient. Less than 3 hours of daylight left and your waiting.for some idiot that's in your way. dunno.gif



Imagine how the guy in front of me felt! I try not to get angry while I'm out fishing. It's my time to cool off, I have plenty of time to get angry while I'm driving lol.

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in the fall I have to drive my boat off the trailer and have to let it warm up about 2 min before I can do this as there is no dock some guys get pissed but there is not much else that can be done I leave the other stuff like setting anything up for on the water or before I put it in the water.


As for the DR it can be a ZOO when the guys are fishing eyes out there. I have been spring fishing and guys set up where you can flip a fly into there boat on a musky rod it is very bad out there I try to stay away when this happens and I am usually in a friends boat so I dont have the choice where we fish.

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It saddens me that threads of this sort are popping up now. I would understand in the summer, but most of the people who are still getting out there are seasoned vets, so there no excuse for being ignorant and unethical.


I agree and these guys were obviously experienced musky guys.

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in the fall I have to drive my boat off the trailer and have to let it warm up about 2 min before I can do this as there is no dock some guys get pissed but there is not much else that can be done I leave the other stuff like setting anything up for on the water or before I put it in the water.


As for the DR it can be a ZOO when the guys are fishing eyes out there. I have been spring fishing and guys set up where you can flip a fly into there boat on a musky rod it is very bad out there I try to stay away when this happens and I am usually in a friends boat so I dont have the choice where we fish.


asses ARE CANADA'S MOST RENEWABLE RESOURCE!! For every one you kill,..... three more come to replace them. Like black flies, mosquitoes, and dandelions.

Edited by kipawa jim
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The problem is...


There is pretty much nothing you or I can do about this people... Other then curse and do doughnuts around em...


And as for the boats speeding past... Cops don't give a rats behind about it... Even when it's close to shore and illigal...


Happens to me carp fishing... Boats doing 20-60mph through a bridge that's 30 feet wide...


That is illigal


But it happens all day on a Saturday and cops don't care...


There too busy checking my pfd then catching dangerouse drivers...

Edited by Musky Mike
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I think that people drive thier boats, the same way they drive thier cars.If you are a courteous,cautious,car driver, you tend to be a courteous,cautious boater.

However, you have a far greater chance of getting pulled over for carless driving on the highway, than you do on the water.

As far as fishing etiquette, some people just haven't a cluedunno.gif and confronting them about it is just not worth it.

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in the fall I have to drive my boat off the trailer and have to let it warm up about 2 min before I can do this as there is no dock some guys get pissed but there is not much else that can be done I leave the other stuff like setting anything up for on the water or before I put it in the water.


To clarify, the guy we were waiting on wasn't even in the water, he had his boat/truck in the lane of the boat launch. He could have easily got his boat ready after or before launching.

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That's what bothers me as well...

Get ready then back into the launch area...


I'm fast at the launch... Really really fast...


I've seen it where I could have launched 3 or 4 times in the time it took some joker...


I understand not everyone launches 3 times a week like me... But these guys were tying their lines!!! That's Bull.

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This summer I pulled up to a single boat launch on Six Mile, and there was a guy who tailored his boat over to the lunch, just to he could pull his plug and let the water drain out that had been sitting there all summer because his cover was torn.


It took about 10 minutes for all the water to drain..


There are plenty of hills he could have parked on, but nope, this :asshat: had to back into the boat launch. There was 3 guys ahead of me. All just sitting there glaring at the guy.


I call these people "boat launch hero's".

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To clarify, the guy we were waiting on wasn't even in the water, he had his boat/truck in the lane of the boat launch. He could have easily got his boat ready after or before launching.



Oh hell that is just not right there is a lot of room to pull to the side and get ready then get it into the water.

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Yeah Mike there's definitely a difference between taking a long time to launch a boat because of inexperience and things like difficulty manoeuvring the trailer and being a scum that is inconsiderate of other people. People described here fall into the latter category...



and that day i was guiding...


so mercman and his brother lost a half hour of fishing cause of these guys... thats what really bothered me....


lucky for me we had a horseshoe you know where and pounded anyways... and we all but forgot about the boobs at the launch..

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Unfortunately, it's everywhere. On the weekend I had a guy come towards me at half plane with the bow high in the air. He finally notices me and comes off plane but keeps on course at me and stops about 200ft in front of me and starts to set up his lines. Well a blast of the air horn gets his attention as I steer to miss him and reel in my one board. A few choice words and I turn and see we have a fish on, guess I should have thanked the :asshat: for forcing my off my course and into a fish. Too bad it was only a sheephead.



As for the boat launch, you should have your boated ready to be launched before you even get in front of it. It's just plain courtesy. Some places it's not always so easy to do but if your are not ready to go and some one is, take a minute and move aside for someone who is.

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I guess you guys aren't aware that the boat launch is the equivalent of the office water cooler? sarcasm.gif


I run into these same issues once in awhile too. Seems to happen alot when the American tourists are around. Go ahead and talk fishing, but pull the truck/boat up and get it the hell outta the way first!


Fortunately on my home waters we have a private launch, and that takes care of that problem, lol

Edited by manitoubass2
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I guess you guys aren't aware that the boat launch is the equivalent of the office water cooler? sarcasm.gif


I run into these same issues once in awhile too. Seems to happen alot when the American tourists are around. Go ahead and talk fishing, but pull the truck/boat up first and get it the hell outta the way first!


Fortunately on my home waters we have a private launch, and that takes care of that problem, lol


The best one yet.This summer, was coming back to the public dock and noticed a jet boat parked on the ramp side of the dock.So, i stop about 200ft out, and waited for him to get his trailer and get his boat out.15 minutes later, nothingdry.gif Now i have another boat in the queue ,So i idle over to the dock, and this little guy is sleeping!!!!wallbash.gif and his girlfriend is laying on the dock taking sunwallbash.gifwallbash.gif I was so shocked, i didnt know what to say.I yelled to wake up the little guy, and said Hey !!! this isnt a resort here!! can you please move the boat to the other side of the dock, so i can leave?...........He looked at me, shrugged and saiid 'On no hablo anglais'

I gave him a quick english lesson, and he finally moved his boat, bumping mine in the process.If the wife wasnt with me, i probably would have gone ballistic at this point.

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