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Epic Steelhead report!!!


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Arrived late,

Caught no fish

Fell in the river face first!!! :w00t:


All kidding aside all of the above is true but I still had a great time met a great bunch of new friends from the Nottawasaga Steelheaders organization!


It was painfully obvious that equippment and knowledge wise I was way over my head with this type of fishing but even after the soaking I toughed it out! :canadian:


I am already arranging more trips to the river I can see this type of fishing becoming very addictive!


Note to self purchase water wings before next trip!!! :lol:

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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Arrived late,

Caught no fish

Fell in the river face first!!! :w00t:


All kidding aside all of the above is true but I still had a great time met a great bunch of new friends from the Nottawasaga Steelheaders organization!


It was painfully obvious that I was way both equippment and knowledge wise over my head with this type of fishing but even after the soaking I toughed it out! :canadian:


I am already arranging more trips to the river I can see this type of fishing becoming very addictive!


Note to selve purchase water wings before next trip!!! :lol:


The Nottawasaga Steelheaders are a great organization and a awesome group of guys who are willing to help out newbies. Its a great way to start if you're getting into steelheading and they do alot of awesome river work. Sorry to hear about your unlucky experience, it happens! I found the Nottawasaga a tough river to fish but once you figure it out, it can be very addicting....

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Arrived late,

Caught no fish

Fell in the river face first!!! :w00t:


All kidding aside all of the above is true but I still had a great time met a great bunch of new friends from the Nottawasaga Steelheaders organization!


It was painfully obvious that I was way both equippment and knowledge wise over my head with this type of fishing but even after the soaking I toughed it out! :canadian:


I am already arranging more trips to the river I can see this type of fishing becoming very addictive!


Note to selve purchase water wings before next trip!!! :lol:

What no pics ? :D

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thats your initiation to addiction....good on ya for toughing it out....i would be lying if i said it never happened to me before...my funniest was when i slipped into one of the gourges at Ben Miller and my waders filled up with my feet hanging over the falls .....just before i went over a gentlemen slammed his salmon net over my head and saved me....then he said with his broken english " i dunt knew if i shud keeeep you.......or pooot you back" :jerry:

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thats your initiation to addiction....good on ya for toughing it out....i would be lying if i said it never happened to me before...my funniest was when i slipped into one of the gourges at Ben Miller and my waders filled up with my feet hanging over the falls .....just before i went over a gentlemen slammed his salmon net over my head and saved me....then he said with his broken english " i dunt knew if i shud keeeep you.......or pooot you back" :jerry:


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thats your initiation to addiction....good on ya for toughing it out....i would be lying if i said it never happened to me before...my funniest was when i slipped into one of the gourges at Ben Miller and my waders filled up with my feet hanging over the falls .....just before i went over a gentlemen slammed his salmon net over my head and saved me....then he said with his broken english " i dunt knew if i shud keeeep you.......or pooot you back" :jerry:


Thats friggen hilarious!!! :thumbsup_anim:

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Lookinforwalleye - wow! A memorable first outing for sure!!! I was steelheading alone once...was making my way through some frog water when I hit a bunch of logs and branches in the water. I was trying to get around the obstacle...one foot forward...test the water. I was in maybe 2 feet of water...took a test step...felt good and the branch breaks...water up and over my chest waders! Lol. Glad to hear you still had a great time out there!!! Will be even better when you hook your first...you will be hooked on it for sure!


Twocoda - that was hilarious!!! A little scary at the time I'm sure, but glad to hear you were netted before going over the falls!

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Did you fish with either of the Chris W's or with Fred? Good guys whose knowledge of that system is fantastic.


There was a Chris there. An older gentlemen very nice guy, I actually met him earlier in the year when my buddy had him up to his trailer for a little bass fishing.


Met about a dozen guys from the organization and they take their steelheading pretty serious but they were also very willing to help out a newbie which is great, I already have a couple of offers to fish with them again. I just wish I had more time this fall.


Anybody wanna buy a bass boat! :whistling:

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