Bigfish Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 This questions pops in my head continuously since I am a competive tournament angler that supports two major tournament series and dierctor of a bass club. My conclusion is that the focus should be towards the new anglers that like to fish but don't have the means to learn or to be showen the ropes. The sport needs new blood, are we taking the right steps and attitude to attrack these new anglers? Attitude is everything, even just a smile, it makes people feel welcome. Attending different bass clubs and oragnizations I can see how attitude makes a club or organization grow or stunt its growth. Building a solid foundation of new anglers is to me the only way keep the sport alive and continue its growth. Without a solid foundation, the house will fall down, thus the sport will never grow. We MUST realize that we are in Canada folks there is no demand, and are market is small. Taking a look at our market in Canada the support leans towards a one day series in a small HP boat! I have a hard time coming to terms with it myself but it is the truth unfortunetly. We sometimes forget about the little people that's Ok because it human nature. I would like to know how others feel about this subject and would appreaciate any imput on how to create a demand in the sport fishing?
Fisherman Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 To quote" one day tournys and small HP boat" I'm quite happy with my small HP boat and extremely happy the less I see of the idiots roaring up and down the lake cause the fish just might be biting at the other end of the lake. 200HP boats and lots of noise is NOT what fishing about
Terry Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 I did bass tourneys for years and loved doing them..but I see the up side and down side of tourneys your post had me thinking at first that you were interested in getting young people into fishing but as I read on I realize that you want to get more/younger people int fishing tourneys, which in my world is two very different things... I would love to get more kids interested in fishing... but I would have no desire getting them involved in tourney fishing..I think that is something that they should grown into and something to set they sights on and work toward I see not reason to make fishing Competitive at a young seems kids are made to compete in to many things as it is
Blake Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 (edited) I agree Terry. The first thing we should all do is take a kid fishing, or get them to go fishing. The children of today are our future. Some of my fondest memories are just that fishing with my dad and grandfather, or riding my bike to the local pond. I am by far a Bass fanatic and love fishing tourneys. I have a Lund boat with a 75hp 4 stroke. I do like the HP limited series but have also competed in a Top Bass Classic with more of the bigger bass boats and still finished 2nd respectively so H.P. really doesn't make a huge difference. I believe if they had the tourneys on smaller bodies of water consistently that would help and the 2 series now with restricted horsepower are also great choices. The main thing is have fun and go fishing. If you are competitive or want to see how your abilities stack up then get into tourneys. I still get that incredible rush every event and love to fish them. I look forward every year to blast off and to compete against other anglers with also making some great friends and having fun along the way. Frank you are right though when the 75h.p. series was run (Reel Fishing tourneys) they always had a great turnout for #'s. Maybe its the time to return to this type of series to get more people into the sport. Edited April 4, 2007 by Blake
misfish Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Morning Frank I have to go with Terry on his comment,on not making it compititive at a young age. These kids today are under enough pressure already trying to coop with life. Teach them fun,later they can decide if they want to get competitive. I can see your point of showing them the side of it,but lets not put the pressure on. Fisherman,you are not saying that all guys with big boats and HP are idiots are ya? That would not be fair to drag all into one group. That would be like me saying I like to fish down at the docks,but the out of towners leave all thier garbage behind. That is not true,some do some dont.
tonyb Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 You can't 'create demand' unless you start implanting diamonds into fish to give non-anglers a monetary reason to go 'sit by a lake and stare at a bobber' I think the only way to increase participation is by providing rewarding angling experiences for new individuals on their terms. This is where most people ruin it for newcomers...They introduce someone new to fishing by doing it their way (cause that is the way they enjoy fishing themselves) and by not taking into consideration what could be fun for the newcomer. In general the best bet is to provide opportunities where quantity outweighs quality, especially for kids, and then take it from there. If the person has had their fill in 2hrs and you normally fish for a minimum of 4, let it go, and recognize that they are happy at that point. If you force them to stay, they are going to remember their experience as less enjoyable since they had to stay longer than their interest could afford. Maybe next time they will want to stay a bit longer. If you have to put your rod down for the day, to provide assitance, give tips, etc then so be it, but remember it's about having fun! Tony
specktacklure Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 I agree with you on the fishing tournaments and getting a younger crowd involved.I am in the boating business and participate in tournaments as well.This is a growing aspect of the fishing industry and can only help with the exposure to young and new fisherman.Tournaments aren't for everybody but they do have a great following.Trust me I have had my share of negative experiences with them as well but there will always be a few that ruin it for everybody.I to have a small HP motor that I love because it is my camp boat but don't feel the need to call you an idiot because I am a Fisherman and in the end that is all that should matter.What we really need to teach the young fisherman is conservation and respect for the environment.I participate in a local stocking program at my lake and make every effort to keep my land and lake as clean as possible for future generations. The boaters I am worried about are the seadoos and wakeboard boats that make 20 passes in a day and are eroding the shorelines with their huge wakes.I am all for any young person taking up boating or fishing and as the "experienced and more mature adults" it is our responsibility to teach and help anybody who wants to share our passion.Just my two cents but what a great world it would be if we had more fisherman and boaters looking after our environment !!!
PatrickGG Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 If i had the money to get involved i would be in tourneys the thing is its a big gamble the price for a boat is something that some people don't have than you need lots of gear that adds up to alot of money calculation after calculation supporting a family its just hard to swallow but than again a first place prize would be the first step into paying off those things you need to fish in tourneys and the sponsorship needs to grow, Canada has a large number of fresh water lakes to start big fishing tourneys "across Canada tours" with higher top 10 prizes in the U.S tourneys go all over the country in Canada from what i seen it stays in the province what i am tryin to say is if there was more money involved it would attract more people and the younger ones would see the potential and see it as a career for the love of fishing.
mart Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Let a kid be a kid first and just get them out fishing!!! My children have attented some of my weigh-ins but my intention is not to encourage them to do tournaments but to just see what Daddy loves to do.. I know getting my kids on the water and away from the TV or video games is what it's all about!! Just enjoy fishing and having fun and they can decide where fishing will take them if or when the time comes.. Tournament fishing isn't for everyone but there's no need to critisize someone who loves fishing tourneys. Just enjoy whatever type of fishing you love to do!!!!
Bigfish Posted April 4, 2007 Author Report Posted April 4, 2007 Fisherman that topic came up last night in a meeting. Unfortunelty Bass boats aren' the only one's, what about the jet skiers roaring up and down the lake. Fisheman everyone has different reasons, hobbies, and recreational activities. We should all respect eveyone right to do enjoy by there own means espically on a public lake that know one owns. Just because you have a cottage on a lake surely doesn't mean you own the lake. It works both ways, I have no problem with the roaring jet ski's they have the right to be on the lake just as much as I do, or anyone else for that matter. Voicing your hate to those idiots with 200 HP boats, doesn't justify you not get bite my friend. If you think for one minute that you know it all, and blame the raoring bass boats, your not catching fish maybe you should educate yourself a little more. I have a cottage on Couch, its a busy lake with tons of boat traffic, and jet skiers. The boat traffic and the waves they create actually help the fishing becasue it stirs up the bottom and bait fish begin to feed on the hiding craws, minnows, planqton, etc. Try fishing those stired up area's you might be surprised!
John Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Frank Adamo said: This questions pops in my head continuously since I am a competive tournament angler that supports two major tournament series and dierctor of a bass club. My conclusion is that the focus should be towards the new anglers that like to fish but don't have the means to learn or to be showen the ropes. The sport needs new blood, are we taking the right steps and attitude to attrack these new anglers? Attitude is everything, even just a smile, it makes people feel welcome. Attending different bass clubs and oragnizations I can see how attitude makes a club or organization grow or stunt its growth. Building a solid foundation of new anglers is to me the only way keep the sport alive and continue its growth. Without a solid foundation, the house will fall down, thus the sport will never grow. We MUST realize that we are in Canada folks there is no demand, and are market is small. Taking a look at our market in Canada the support leans towards a one day series in a small HP boat! I have a hard time coming to terms with it myself but it is the truth unfortunetly. We sometimes forget about the little people that's Ok because it human nature. I would like to know how others feel about this subject and would appreaciate any imput on how to create a demand in the sport fishing? I really don't think that creating growth in the sport of fishing has anything to do with tournaments or the lack thereof in Canada. We don't have a professional soccer league in Canada, however soccer is the most popular summer youth sport in the country. Getting our kids involved in the sport, in my opinion, is all about "wetting a line" with Dad, Mum, Grandparents, etc, etc..........If they want to gravitate to the professional side of our sport in time, then so be it.......I don't think as a youngster, that I would have been even remotely interested in attending a "bass club or organization". I don't think that we need to "attack" our children to get them involved, just take them with you and forget about the competitive side for a while.............
Terry Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 I don't think anyone criticized anyone. everyone ,but you is/was or would like to do tourneys that posted and gave their opinion .... there are enough tourneys in Ontario to fish from opening day right into Oct and not miss a weekend so from my point of view, I see it a an industry trying to find a way of making more money one person who agrees with Frank Adamo stated, "tournaments aren't for everybody but they do have a great following.Trust me"...if that was true there would be no need to try to get more people into it, it would happen on it's own.......and I have always been disappointed in the number of people at the weigh ins....the numbers just don't support the interest...I wish it did, I would love more Canadian tourneys to be on tv regularly...but no one will pay the bills to put it there I would go as far to say there should be a regulatory body to regulate tourney fishing....
tonyb Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Right here in Ontario, Canada we have the largest, longest running fishing tournament in the World! (I am pretty sure anyway) Agreed, there is no major Bassmasters series, or PWT series but you can't argue with over a million bucks in cash and prizes up for grabs. Tony
misfish Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 (edited) I dont know why we dont,it,s a blast. Why is it so well known in the United States and plastered all over,why the big crowds. Got to be doing something wrong maybe. I dont know. Edited April 4, 2007 by misfish
LeXXington Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 As a novice fisherman and still learning I love to take kids fishing just for the joys on their faces when they get even a small pan fish + I look like a pro Now for tourniments, there are already many going on that try to get kids out, with the parents. Perch Fest, BOQ opener, Toonie Series, Sun Salmon, etc.. with Family pricing One thing I have seen compared to our US friends and a few in Canada is Bass tourn's are big boats, big money. Just not sure we have enough interest here for that, I could be wrong but for kids, can't see it. For the part about getting kids involved with our natural resources, OFHA does this and many other groups. Yes I agree we need more kids to get away from the computer \TV and with Nature, but really the only ones we can blame is the parents for this. Kids need lots of pats on the back and enjoy the sport if you add competition and presure it might drive more away than get kids involved.
solopaddler Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Tournament fishing and fishing in general are two completely different animals. As far as I'm concerned the competetive nature of tournaments is the last thing I'd want to introduce a young angler to. No offense to you or any other tournament anglers on this board, but that concept is just plain wrong on a whole bunch of different levels. This post clearly illustrates that what fishing "means" to a person can be very different depending on the individual. To me a big part of it is the relaxation and getting closer to nature. Exploring wild places and seeking solitude. Something I hope to instill an appreciation of in my own kids.
Entropy Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 #1 Tackle Share at Provincial Parks (a good thing) #2 Gov adds on TV (seen a few over the last few months) #3 Youth Clubs ( I run an outdoors club, we do ice fishing and shore fishing) #4 Personal Introductions (take a non-fisher fishing) #5 Be a member of an organized group/club who shares similar values.
Headhunter Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 My thoughts, for what they are worth! Here in Canada, we don't have the population base to support larger tourneys! The vast majority of our population is urban and has little or no interest in fishing or fishing tournaments. Potential sponsors have very little money to spread around Canada, they just don't make nearly as much money as they do in the states. To date, there have only been 4 Canadian anglers attending attending the PWT as pro's, with only one ever winning a tournament outright! The field is usually around 150-200 boats. The cost of being in these tourney's is huge! Proper equipment aside, (Boat etc) each tourney entered, the angler can expect to be paying out anywhere from 3-5 thousand dollars (US) to pre-fish, lodging, fuel, food, etc... . Until a Canadian becomes a relatively house hold name for their success, I can't see the tourney thing taking off. (With all respect to Bob and some others) If you want to create interest, teach 'em young and encourage their participation in the sport. Some will step up, others won't! Kids have so many alternatives to attract their interest. The disposable income required to be a tourny participant has many groups vying their money! HH
Terry Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 I agree Brian we should have as big crowds as in the states... except Bob and maybe Rocky, I don't think many non tourney guys know any top fishermen....and look how many we have on this board alone..most members don't even know the great pros we have here..I wonder how many know who Hank Gibson was and what he was the first to do..........
Bigfish Posted April 4, 2007 Author Report Posted April 4, 2007 I will raise my kids with a competive and winning attitude, I want them to be the best! This is a big probelem today kids are not competive enough! Maybe this a reflection of one's upbring but that's the way I have been raised, and I would like to think that this attitude makes me who I am today! Its very competitve out in the real world, don't make them affraid of competion you should embrass it!
misfish Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Frank,were talking fishing here,not life or death. You asked a question,it seems the answers you got,are not what you wanted to hear. Yes/No............................
John Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 Frank Adamo said: I will raise my kids with a competive and winning attitude, I want them to be the best! This is a big probelem today kids are not competive enough! Maybe this a reflection of one's upbring but that's the way I have been raised, and I would like to think that this attitude makes me who I am today! Its very competitve out in the real world, don't make them affraid of competion you should embrass it! Too bad..... kids should be able to be kids, without the pressure of parents wanting to live their lives through their children. You must be a joy at the hockey arena!
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