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Beef Jerky


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OK I have bought 8 lbs of Eye Of Round (Lean) Sliced 1/4" with the grain.. and have mixed a nice marinade a bottle of Soy,A bottle of Teriaki, a bottle of Liquid Smoke, a bottle of Worchester sauce, Brown sugar, Onion powder, Garlic powder and Red Pepper flakes.. I have everything in 2 large Ziplock bags and the air has been removed all the meat is FULLY covered in this solution...


Now.. after marinating 12-24 hours???


Do I leave the beef sit out before putting it in the oven? Some say do, some say dont..



What do I do with it in the oven? Lowest temp and highest racks? what do I do to the bottom of the oven to prevent a mess?


any other tips?



Joey? anyone else?


Thanks in advance!




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I should add I also have a smoker... but I followed a recipe that uses liquid smoke... would I be better off placing it in the smoker sans wood chips? I found last time I made jerky in the smoker and used chips it was bitter (too much smoke)



am I better off placing it in my little chief instead of the oven?



thanks again guys!



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Gerrit if you do it in the oven coat the racks with a little oil to keep stuff from sticking. Leave the meat in the marinade as longas possible. 24 hours is no probs.


When taking the meat out to dry squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the bag before laying it on the racks. Less moisture less drying time. ALso less drips = less mess.


Also make sure you crack the top of the oven an inch or two to let the moisture escape. I use a wine cork propped in the top. Swithch the racks top to bottom and vice versa during the drying process. Evens the drying process.


Good luck and good eating

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I usually use a dehydrator with mine.I cant stand the liquid smoke and dont use it.I marinade it like you do,in bags for a day or so.I squeeze the liquid out and pat dry with paper towles before putting it in the dehydrator.I would say the oven at the lowest setting on the highest rack with the door open should work.

Good luck.


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i line the bottom with almunum foil (careful it doesent touch the wire or it will melt). i then hange the jerky on the rack using toothpicks, thread through the top of the meat and put it on the rack so its hanging. Put your oven on the lowest temperature and stick a knife in there to keep it slightly open. Usually takes me anywhere from 6 -12 hours or longer depending on your lowest temperature in your oven.

Just made some the other day, hope this helps.

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Line the bottom rack with tinfoil to catch the drippings. Lay the meat strips directly on the other rack in the middle of the oven. Set on lowest setting and let dry for around 8 hours. Check periodically to take out ones that are thinner or that dry faster. I woudn't recommend squeezing the juice out of them first as they would lose flavor and be too dry in my opinion.


Good luck



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Try this - one of my favorite all time classic - (the bare is also a semi well known Meat Cooking Writer)



Delicious jerky can be made from almost any animal—buffalo, ostrich, strangled drifter—but you can’t go wrong with good old-fashioned beef. Tri-tip or brisket works best. First, harden your slab o’ meat—about three pounds should do—in the freezer for half an hour. Then remove the fat and slice the steak into quarter-inch-thick strips. For a marinade, combine eight ounces each of soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, two large crushed garlic cloves, a half-cup of brown sugar, and three tablespoons of adobo chipotle pepper sauce; mix well. Put the marinade and the sliced meat into a big Ziploc bag, shake vigorously—we mean the bag, not your moneymaker—and let it chill in the fridge for at least four hours. You’re halfway to Jerky Time!



If you want to take the easy way out, buy a food dehydrator; in an hour you’ll have both jerky and an otherwise useless food dehydrator. If, on the other hand, you’re a man, preheat your oven to 150 degrees—you want the meat to dry out, not cook. Then drain and blot the excess moisture, line the bottom oven rack with foil to catch any drippings, and place the meat on the top rack. Leave it in for four to six hours, flipping periodically to allow for even drying. If prepared correctly and stored in an airtight container, your homemade snack will last forever. Bonus: The delicious taste will distract your girlfriend from her cat’s mysterious disappearance








One of these will be a good jerk!!!



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ok...... So, I have my meat marinating.. and sometime tomorrow I will pop it into the oven... So... I should Line the bottom of the oven with tinfoil (not touching the elements) and set it on the lowest setting possible.. and turn it from time to time... I should also keep the oven propped open? or not?.... I should set it up on the top two racks as I have alot of beef to do (8Lbs) and switch the racks a couple times during this process? I have a decent stove Ceramic top and it is fairly new... what is the ideal temperature to dry it out and not cook it?




sorry guys but I am new to cooking meat INDOORS....other then roasts! LOL you know what I mean!




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when i have large batches of meat i do some in the smoker and some in the oven. i find that 2 pans of chips in the smoker is all it takes to have a great smokey flavour that isnt too strong. put tin foil on the bottom and pack as much meat on the racks as you pissibly can without them overlapping. dont worry about it not cooking evenly with them packed on because the meat will shrink alot.


after you take it out of the marinade, lay the meat on paper towel and put another layer on top and push firmly to get the extra marinade out....just like drying fish fillets. this does NOT affect the flavour in any way but it greatly reduces drying times. id suggest doing a few batches with different drying times. shorter for more tender jerky or longer for the dry crispier stuff. different days i feel like different dryness of jerky so i do it this way.

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You don't want to go above 175-180. Then you cook it instead of drying it.

Use a proper thermometer if you have one instead of just going by the little red light on the range.


If can hold the temps down without opening the door, fine. Convention ovens are the shiznit btw.

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Check out the Smoked meat forum, http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/forums/fo...isplay.php?f=45


This will link you to their topic of making jerky,


I would use your little chief with only one pan of sweet wood, such as cherry or apple. Hickory can be over powering and leave everything bitter.


You only need about 1 or 2 hours of light smoke. You then let the element do the rest of the drying.

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Thanks for everything guys! The Jerky turned out fantastic!!! I did some in the oven and some in the smoker minus the wood chips because I used liquid smoke... I have go to say this is some of the best Jerky I have tasted!!! (other then Joeys of course) and I did it all for under 40.00 for 6lbs of it (pre-cooked weight) I wound up with about 2.5lbs after drying..... when I think about it when I purchase it from Costco I pay 9.00 for about 8 ozs.. so I am well ahead and this stuff is WAY better as I know exactly what is in it!


thanks again guys for all your suggestions! it is appreciated



Have a great weekend!



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