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Think Outside the Box

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This is a quote from my best friend Tye, he wrote this and has really changed his outlook on life as I have month`s ago.


Take a read fokes...not my words and if locked I appoligize.




What is Normal?


The phrase is tossed around more than a drunk hooker at a bachelor

party, yet it seems to one of the most controversial questions formed. Just what exactly, does it mean to be normal? Does

it mean to do what everyone else does, to follow suit and be a drone that is

latched onto a system as if it’s a baby stuck to a twit? Or does it mean to be

one with your mind and think for yourself and think outside the box. Sadly, the

latter is what has been considered “weird”, or “misguided”, yet who are the

ones making these judgements? The same people who try to conform the people, to

make them all line up one after the other and make them believe that the life

they lead will take them to happiness and beyond. The same people who continue to wage wars

across our world over trivial things. The same people who believe that money is

the cure to all our problems. The same people who believe that school is

important. Now I know this will get people all jiggity-janked, but school is

nothing more than a headquarters of conformity. Simply put, it’s a factory that

produces fully functional working class zombies. It’s these people who are the

ones who will continue the crap spiral our planet has been engulfed in for

YEARS. Those zombies, or shall I say “normal people”, will grow into adults and

elderly under the belief that money = happiness. A happiness which you adore something for its

monetary value as opposed to its sentimental value. What is money? Does it

contain magic? No, money is nothing more than a piece of paper. We’re told it

has value, and so we spend it expecting to be happy and sure, for awhile it’s

great! Until it breaks, and you’re stuck going to buy another one to replace

it. Did you know that what you bought contributes to the inevitable destruction

of your home planet? With so much money in the system, the constant spending and

consumption depletes our natural resources and then what? Sayonara Earth. Natural

resources are good and all, but does it say anywhere in there something about

them being unlimited? No I didn’t think so. The saddest part about it all is that us

who have seen by all this charades, all these ploys to brainwash us, we’re the

ones who have to pay for it. Can someone explain to me how the damn that works?

The ones, who understand the problem, understand what needs to change, and

understand that to continue living things need to CHANGE are the ones who are

viewed as outcasts, rebels, menaces to society. News flash folks, it’s your own

government that’s feeding you the lies, your leaders that are taking you down

this road of money lust, and your government that doesn’t care about you. That’s

why I didn’t vote, and I’m proud of my decision. Who wants to write down a vote

for someone who is feeding you crap after crap lines and crap promises?

The true reality is that they are nothing but puppets.

And the true reality regarding everything is one giant crap twister.

We feel so safe in our world in which were lead to believe is in great care

when in fact we live in tremendous amounts of constant turmoil. We’re lead to

believe that religion is proper, that our police will protect and serve us, to

believe that “drugs” are bad. Here’s some tips:


Religion separates us more than it brings us



The police force don’t give a rats ass about us,

and they’re true purpose is quite the opposite


Now yes, some drugs such as Meth and heroin are

just darn retarded, but not all of them are like that. In fact, drinking

alcohol is worse for your body yet people still darn’ give’r


There is

always going to be people on both sides of the fence, that part is undeniable. But

I just wanted to warn them. It’s not my place to tell them they’re wrong, but I

can tell them that they stuffed up, BIG TIME

Rant = Done


End Quote'



Thanks guys,



Edited by MikeTheBassFisher
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I needed a laugh


Laugh every day if you can. I won`t take any offence to anything, I expect some debate and mixed posts. Just the strong views of the world from a youngster. I don`t agree nor disagree however he points out many things...Guess it`s complex to view the world for what it has become.

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A complaint and condemnation without an answer. They are easy to write... It's the ones that answer the questions they raise that earn my respect and not my mirth or sympathy.





Fair comment. I'll read the replies later. Just curious to see other people's views. We all preach that other's don't act on their views as you just did there...It's human nature to speak and not to act...we all think this way and well that's why we live the lives we do. I like my life how it is, always room for improvement.

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Sounds more like ramblings of an angry youth to me LOL...

And very conflicting if you were to ask me. :dunno:

With statements appealing to sympathy such as

"who are the ones making these judgements? The same people who try to conform the people"

followed by condemnation in the form of an absolute,

"Here’s some tips:

Religion separates us more than it brings us


The police force don’t give a rats ass about us,

and they’re true purpose is quite the opposite"


It sounds a little bit like the slant of an anarchist if it wasn't for the fear of Turmoil???


Generalizations and painting everyone with the same brush is pretty narrow minded.

Tolerance and understanding begets the same....


As for normal...

To me normal is a regional thing for exsample,

Oktoberfest to 90% of the world seems pretty weird when they view us wearing silly clothes, with bells, feathers and hats doing silly dances to polka music and drinking beer from little cups.

Yet in Kitchener its normal, and a heck of a time.


If everyone could simply learn to disagree yet remain tolerant and understanding....what world this could be.

I would simply be careful in condemning what is perceived as normal while chastising and criticizing others.

Somthing about people who live in glass houses comes to mind ;)

Peace out.

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We all have triles and tribulations in our lives that make us question ourselves as well as the beliefes of those around us. At times like this it becomes the responsibility of those that call this person a friend to step up to the plate and prove that friends can and do help friends going through a tough time in life.

friends do not step back and critisize they step up and help!!


Speeking from both sides of the fence!!

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The problem with your rant is the lack of solutions. It's fine to disagree with the status quo but you need to come up with alternatives. Opting out is the easiest, laziest thing to do.


It's often the kids who can't exercise any self-discipline who say school is stupid. It's not the REAL world and to suceed is to conform. I'd say get an education so you know something, then start to change the system from within. If you think voting is conforming then run for politics and make a difference. If you think cops make you conform then get an education and become a cop to see if you can expidite change in the youth.


Your approach involves no risk and no effort. It's all bull right! Opting out is the easy thing to do.


Dan O.

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Somebody isn't ready to grow up yet. Blame everything else except yourself.


"If everyone could simply learn to disagree yet remain tolerant and understanding" - how does this fit after a 50 line rant about not tolerating or understanding. :wallbash:


Somebody who doesn't vote really doesn't deserve an opinion like this anyway. Spoil the ballot at least.


The cop comment is somebody making bad choices in life and blaming the system rather than their choice to stay in this fine society. If you don't like it, and you won't act to change it (even by a vote) then you should leave instead of dragging everyone else down.


A very wise man once said to me "Go Fishing". This is from the gospel of Dan Bouck (last weekend actually). Can I have an amen! :angel:

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I see here someone who has decided to take a problem in his mind, and put it on paper in an effort to understand all the conflicts of his mind.I see a man standing at the edge of an abbys, and trying to find a reason within himself, to come safely down from the edge, the slow and hard way, rather than taking a leap.

I see a man here who has retreated from addiction, and is making an effort to reintegrate into a world he has long left behind.

I see myself,21 years ago, in the writings of this man.


MTBF, help this man.




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I see here someone who has decided to take a problem in his mind, and put it on paper in an effort to understand all the conflicts of his mind.I see a man standing at the edge of an abbys, and trying to find a reason within himself, to come safely down from the edge, the slow and hard way, rather than taking a leap.

I see a man here who has retreated from addiction, and is making an effort to reintegrate into a world he has long left behind.

I see myself,21 years ago, in the writings of this man.


MTBF, help this man.





Good words Mercman !!

Somone is crying out for help.

I certianly hope he has FRIENDS close by willing to help through the tough times.

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Thanks for the comments guys, very interesting and complex thread. He is a good friend of mine and we have kept touch since he moved 3 summers ago. We have seen each other once since then and will be doing some camping this summer. Troubled is he, no I don't think so. Just expressing his views of the way he sees the world.


He has view of the thread, if he chooses to reply to comments he will give the responses to me but please understand these are not my words and views.

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