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The Patch works....it really does!

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I've been a smoker since the age of 12. I tried quitting many times but just couldn't do it. With the recent diagnosis of lunch cancer for my step-father (only 68 years young) I made yet another attempt to quit. This time I am on the 'Patch' and I cannot believe how well it is working. It's only been since this past Saturday but I just can't get over not having any withdrawal. In other words I'm not on the verge of 'losing it' nor thinking about it every waking minute.


I bought Step 1 from Shopper's Drug Mart - their Life brand. A $10.00 savings compared to the Nicoderm brand. With the exception of having a lot of dreams I am feeling no ill effects. I know that I am still getting the Nicotine and that's okay because I am going to beat it this time. I'll take Step 1 for 6 weeks then move onto Step 2 and then the final Step 3. By then, early August, I will be able to say that I am a Non-Smoker. :)


One other thing I found with the Patch...wear it on the inside of your arm. For some odd reason having it on the outside of the arm just killed me when I slept curled up on that arm. Very odd.


Anyhow....I just wanted to share the good news about the Patch - AMAZING.

Edited by twilight
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I quit on the patch twice. Both times I didn't even make it to the final step & quit on the 2nd.

Once you get it in your head to quit, it becomes a lot easier. I have a saying 'Clear your mind, your ass will follow.'

I started when I was 10 and quit for over 14months on the first attempt and I've now been smokefree for over 3yrs from my second attempt.

Good luck.

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I've been a smoker since the age of 12. I tried quitting many times but just couldn't do it. With the recent diagnosis of lunch cancer for my step-father (only 68 years young) I made yet another attempt to quit. This time I am on the 'Patch' and I cannot believe how well it is working. It's only been since this past Saturday but I just can't get over not having any withdrawal. In other words I'm not on the verge of 'losing it' nor thinking about it every waking minute.


I bought Step 1 from Shopper's Drug Mart - their Life brand. A $10.00 savings compared to the Nicoderm brand. With the exception of having a lot of dreams I am feeling no ill effects. I know that I am still getting the Nicotine and that's okay because I am going to beat it this time. I'll take Step 1 for 6 weeks then move onto Step 2 and then the final Step 3. By then, early August, I will be able to say that I am a Non-Smoker. :)


One other thing I found with the Patch...wear it on the inside of your arm. For some odd reason having it on the outside of the arm just killed me when I slept curled up on that arm. Very odd.


Anyhow....I just wanted to share the good news about the Patch - AMAZING.


The dreams are the best part!! I quit 6 yrs. ago, when I retired, and found out I had COPD. [Out of breath tying my shoes ]. The patch is definitly the way to go. Don't want to preach guys, but if you're smokin' , you're diein'. Get on the patch and play ball with your kids. and have sex every night!!!good.gif

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Great Choice

I quit 28 years ago after my 2 year old son was diagnosed with asthma. It was difficult as I quit cold turkey.

Looking back on it now it was one off my best decisions I ever made.

I wish you the best of luck with this.




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My daughter quit on the patch...before she decided to have kids. I was and still am very proud of her decision to quit and her reason for quitting...so she wouldn't bring a child into the world to see his/her mom smoking.


She had nothing but good things to say about the patch.


Good luck with your turn at quitting Twilight. I hope you do it :thumbsup_anim:

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Thanks for all the well wishes. It's nice to hear success stories from the patch, it's making a believer out of me. I'm telling every smoker I know. :lol:

I'm feeling great so far...a little light headed at times and to make sure that I do not gain weight, I purchased the book: the 17 day diet. I can just imagine how great I'm gonna look, smell and feel. I'll be back to four times a day from 3 in no time (hang onto your youth Mr. Bailey - fake it if you have to...... :w00t:

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IMHO if you really really want to quit you will, smoking cessation products on the whole do not have a very good success rate, the success rate of the patch is pretty low similar to a placebo infact.

Personally I think the stop smoking products including the one I used (Champix) are only as good as the willpower you put forth. So if you really do not want to have another smoke then don`t it`s all up to you!

I tried quitting at least 6-7 times before it really took hold and I have been smoke free now for about 14 months a combination of Champix and willpower did the trick, my Doctor getting fed up with me and tearing me a new :asshat: helped a bit too!


Good luck!!!

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IMHO if you really really want to quit you will, smoking cessation products on the whole do not have a very good success rate, the success rate of the patch is pretty low similar to a placebo infact.

Personally I think the stop smoking products including the one I used (Champix) are only as good as the willpower you put forth. So if you really do not want to have another smoke then don`t it`s all up to you!

I tried quitting at least 6-7 times before it really took hold and I have been smoke free now for about 14 months a combination of Champix and willpower did the trick, my Doctor getting fed up with me and tearing me a new :asshat: helped a bit too!


Good luck!!!



I agree with you to a point. Having an addiction is most difficult and unless you have one you really don't know what it's like to quit. Be it alcohol, drugs, gambling...whatever. I'm talking more about an addiciton and not a habit.....two different things.

I had heard of Champix but was told it was much like Zyban and because Zyban did not help me (although I did quit for 2 years but could not give up that one cigarette every day) it wasn't long before I was back and heavy into my addiciton. It's working for you though and I hope you continue to be smoke free. For me....I still need the Nicotine for a bit longer because I don't have the will power to fight the withdrawal...the addiction is far bigger than I and I still need the drug. Call it weakness, call it whatever....I call it an addiction and a heck of a one to beat.

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Great choice!I had dreams on the patch so I didn't wear it at night.I forgot to put it on a couple of times and just quit using it fairly quickly.You may try to step down sooner than later,you can also cut the step one in half and get two days out of one patch and it will be much cheaper.Good luck.


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