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As Rob just said, it's time to move the clocks forward tonight. Make sure that all of your battery operated smoke detectors have new batteries in them while you're at it. It's important.

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Good tip Roy and make sure they are close to your bed rooms in my fire (in a 1 floor appt.)They were just far enough away that they didnt wake us up right away


As a 30+ years volunteer firefighter I would recommend a smoke alarm in every room except maybe the kitchen...including the stairway going down to the basement if you have one.


We have so MANY different electronics spread out within our homes that are plugged in 24/7 and you never know when one of them could fail while the whole family is sleeping with bedroom doors closed.


Play it safe and over protect your loved ones.



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Great reminder guys and Billy that is a good idea always nice to have that backup as you never know when that bunny will take a nap and not work. I just changed dads Friday but will be doing it again this week as he bought $$$ store batteries. Heck he was the one who always told me you get what you pay for and he never bought the cheap stuff.

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Smoke detectors have become so inexpensive in the last few years there's no reason not to have your house full of them.


You can get one for the price of a box of beer and probably 3 of them for the money wasted on a carton of cigarettes.


And as was mentioned above, be sure to have carbon monoxide detectors on every floor too.


You can't spend too much money on your families safety.

Edited by lew
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As a 30+ years volunteer firefighter I would recommend a smoke alarm in every room except maybe the kitchen...including the stairway going down to the basement if you have one.


We have so MANY different electronics spread out within our homes that are plugged in 24/7 and you never know when one of them could fail while the whole family is sleeping with bedroom doors closed.


Play it safe and over protect your loved ones.




We had 2 in a 3 room 1 floor appt. It doesn't matter how many you have they don't always wake you up, the wife shook me and said the house is on fire and I told her to go back to sleep, she was dreaming. We were literally suffocating in the smoke and I still didn't realize the alarm was going off .All you can do is make sure your alarms are operational and that you at least have enough to cover the entire living space .I have spoken to several long time FF one retired cheif with 40+YOS and they all agree no amount of training can prepare you to waking up in hell. We were under the blankets and we got covered in head to toe soot and when we opened the window to get air the place flashed over, only room that wasn't engulfed with flames was our bedroom the wife dove out the window and I thought she paniced and went for the door so I spent several minutes looking for her before I saw she was outside. I then went back in looking for my dog before I dove out the window only to see the roof was on fire above the bedroom. I went up the back stairs and went back in to try and save my dog again but the smoke and heat was incredible by this time, I slid head first on my back down a 2 story wooden stairway to get away from it .I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to have to go through a house fire it truly is the worst experience I have every been in and I applaude the guys in the rubber boots that run towards the fire while everyone else is running away :clapping: it is crazy inside a house fire and they go in on there own free will to save us .another fire saftey tip is make sure you have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen you never know what can happen.

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I remember a smokey basement fire we responded to in the middle of the night many years ago where fortunately, all the people in the house had escaped the fire and were standing on the front lawn when we arrived.


Funny thing though, they only had one smoke detector in the entire house and it was in the kitchen, so of course every time they burned the toast the detector sounded. They got tired of it happening all the time so rather than move it to a better location, they simply removed it entirely and stuck it in a drawer.....outta sight, outta mind.


Luckily the smoke was heavy enough that it was able to get into the drawer and activate the alarm and save their lives.


So, even though their not always in the ideal location, they can still save your lives.

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There is no guarantee a sound sleeper like yourself will wake up in time but at least your wife did and saved your life....most deaths from a house fires are a result of the toxic fumes from the fire, not the flames.


The more WORKING smoke alarms present in a home the better chance you have of waking up....I have 5 smoke detectors and 2 CO detectors in my 3 bedroom ranch.


As someone else already mentioned, smoke detectors are priced very reasonably and so are CO detectors.

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There is no guarantee a sound sleeper like yourself will wake up in time but at least your wife did and saved your life....most deaths from a house fires are a result of the toxic fumes from the fire, not the flames.


The more WORKING smoke alarms present in a home the better chance you have of waking up....I have 5 smoke detectors and 2 CO detectors in my 3 bedroom ranch.


As someone else already mentioned, smoke detectors are priced very reasonably and so are CO detectors.

Don't get me wrong Billy I agree smoke detectors save lives.

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