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Time to get on the wagon


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We're quiet bunch when we're in the cellar, eh? Gotta love spectator sports...people sit and complain about how badly the multi-millionaires are doing. How inept the management and coaches are. We didn't have too much about hockey on the board this season. I guess people are walking away from it. I wonder why.....

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We're quiet bunch when we're in the cellar, eh? Gotta love spectator sports...people sit and complain about how badly the multi-millionaires are doing. How inept the management and coaches are. We didn't have too much about hockey on the board this season. I guess people are walking away from it. I wonder why.....



Yep,ok Im here,put in my 20 minutes of skating,now wheres my pay.


Remember when the game meant something :canadian:


Puckhead love the DOH avatar.LOL

Edited by misfish
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I was at the game last night and was on the edge of my seat for the first 2 periods thinking this one was in the bag. I spent the bulk of the 3rd period crying in my beer. Lets hope the lads can step it up tonight and lay the hurt down on Buffalo.




Corn Nug

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I don't think I need to set this photo up


Well they did play again....and once again dominated the best team in the league...LOL I too was at the game last night and yes it was a dissapointing 8 minutes but people seem to forget about the rest of the game when they dominated. That by far was not a crushing as what some people are calling it...they lost 5-4...I think they played awsome except for like 8 minutes.....some people make me sick when they turn on the leafs cause of stuff like this....lots of teams have done it this year including Buffalo...losing in the third period.....and so has Ottawa blown a few third period leads, its hockey...you never know what is gonna happen. Now tonight they completely dominated the BEST team in the league.....most other canadian teams can't say that. Now I totally support most Canadian teams and would like to see one win.....everyone keeps leaving out Vancouver...I think they have the best shot. A way better shot than Ottawa thats for sure!

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We're quiet bunch when we're in the cellar, eh? Gotta love spectator sports...people sit and complain about how badly the multi-millionaires are doing. How inept the management and coaches are. We didn't have too much about hockey on the board this season. I guess people are walking away from it. I wonder why.....


Good point Roy. I used to watch the Leafs every Saturday night. But the product that they are putting on the ice these days is deplorable. But on the pother hand, why should they spend more money when the arena is full every night? I'm sure that the profit margin is very healthy. And that's all that management is concerned about.

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The Leafs could win a Cup any time they want....BUT why? In total income they are and will be for a long long time the richest team in NHL>>

Hockey Night in Canada takes care of that. The TV coverage is CANADA wide. Millions are forced to watch every Saturday night. Sometimes to see the Leafs or who they are Playing....Toronto fans are strong for there Leafs, win or lose. The other 5 Canadian teams are forced into local markets and double header are split through the west. Toronto's income goes long beyond the 18000+ fans in the arena.....IF they really wanted a cup they could have one. I just don't think they are committed to their FANS......

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If Maple Leafs fans weren't such idiots, they would stop supporting a team that never wins until they get the right talent to win. The Leafs management are smart... why spend all the extra money on a winning team when your dumb-ass fans will always support a team they know will never win. duh.


You seem to be living in the past Corey.....that was in the day BEFOREEEE the salary cap and at that time what you say was true....but today is today. Toronto's problem is management and scouting. As for dumb-ass fans.......with your knowledge of the game who knows who you would support........probably the wagon of any winning team?? :)

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OK yes I want the Habs in the playoffs if they don't make it I will comprimise and hope the Leafs make it just because you Leafers are so sensitive :stretcher::whistling: I would just like to see the Stanley Cup come back to Canada.




Now thats a HOCKEY fan ppl..... well said Mike.....but you better hope Kovalev doen't get his feeling hurt so he can lead the Habs to the playoffs.


GO LEAFS GO <wink> :)

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Brian...I was bred and born in Cabbagetown and have been on the Toronto Maple Leaf bandwagon since I was old enough to stay up and listen to Foster Hewitt call the game on the radio...


I can still remember their glory years and sadly, the not so good ones, MB's dad used to come up to our place in Richmond Hill on Saturdays to watch the game with us and enjoy hot apple pie with icecream during the second intermission (wouldn't want to miss what Don Cherry was ranting about during the first)...


Now that I am in my advancing years it sure would be nice to see them in the finals one more time...

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Id rather be at the bottom comin up with a shot to make the playoffs than be overhyped and expected to make it to the finals and possibly win it all like my Sabres are. Yes, im a Sabres diehard......and telling you I think they are the most overrated team in the league. Not sayin they arent the best team ive seen in years......but they are very overrated. To think they are going to win the stanley cup, i dunno......i dont think they have it. They have their nights.......they were incredible in the beginning of the season. But take away their time and space with the puck, (like many teams have started doing) and pressure them, i.e......man on man coverage on them when their on the man advantage.....stack up the nuetral zone........etc.............they just poke the puck around and become clueless. Ive seen more games that they should be fired up for and just smackin people alll over the ice , and they come out with this......We deserve to win cuz were the sabres attitude. Drives me nuts some nights. This may be their only shot for a long time with the way the league is these days......and to see them hit the ice with some of the efforts theyve put out the second half of the season.....namely this past weekend. Its ridiculous. Hopefully they are just pacing themselves and will really pour it on at playoff time. I know i dont have much to whine about.......but this weekend and the way the leafs handles them.......was troublesome to say the least. Those were playoff atmosphere games....and they didnt rise very well. At least for more than 8 minutes lol.


Love the Sabres and Leafs relationship. Its what the game is all about.

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Blaque - every team that's expected to be a "contender" or a finalist is over-hyped. It's a different group of teams every year, but from the first minute of the first playoff game on, it's a free for all where anything can happen.

Detroit, San Jose, Anaheim, Buffalo.. all "contenders". I wouldn't be surprised if none of them make it and it's a Minnesota/Atlanta final or something of that nature.


The home and home on the weekend were playoff atmosphere games.. for the Leafs. Buffalo currently has a 5 point lead and a game in hand over Ottawa for the top seed. They've done their job so far. Maybe they remember last year and are waiting until April to show they have something to prove?


Better than being Montreal right now, IMO, who started out 20-7 but have to play playoff hockey for a month and a half just to make it to the big show.

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I know guys, im being a little facetious, a little. I just dont think they are the powerhouse, freight train team that alot of people are calling on to go all the way. Like North said,.......once the series start , its a fresh slate, new season.....just like last year when no-one chose buffalo to make it to the semifinals. They were playng amazing in the playoffs. Like nothing could go wrong (which in the end it did) but Im not getting that "feel" at all goin in this year. The effort, the chances, the bounces , everything that goes with stompin your way thru teams to get to the finals....just isnt there right now if ya ask me. Maybe overrated is a harsh term. Lets just say i dont think they are playnig to their ability right now. And they better step up their dismal power play and questionable penalty kill if they want to go anywhere. Let alone a work ethic. I didnt mean to sound ingrateful at how we are doing over all this year lol. I know were pretty lucky to have a team like them to watch, I also know they have tailed off a bit and it is concerning to think of wasting such a wonderful season by not having their heads together for the playoffs.


Im a pesimist <_< Im the first guy to throw in the towel when they go down 3-1, The "forget it, its over" guy lol, till they come back to tie it up, and then im back up in my seat all fired up again. lol. I rarely miss a game (tv, or live if i can) and actually dont think i missed watching a game all year this year. Im also pretty firm that if the Sabres dont win it all, Id like to see one of the teams up north take the cup back to canada. See, even some of us "Yanks" know where the heart of hockey really lies.

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The best thing that could happen to the Leafs, from a Leaf fan's perspective would be for them to not make the playoffs, for the next three years! They have to re-build and in todays NHL, you can't buy a team like you used to!

The best thing that could happen to the Leaf's from a management point of view, would be for the Leafs to get into the playoffs, so they can gather all that playoff money and give it to the Teachers Pension Plan!

It's pretty obvious that these two groups have completely separate agendas. The only way the situation at MLSE will change, is when The Teachers Pension Plan no longer holds the shares they do and the upper managment of MLSE, Peddie and his cronies, are turffed out the door!

The Leaf's need a hockey guy in charge, not the current management or ownership!


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Raycrap for Miller would be fine by me!




Raycroft is good hes came through when they relied on him most of the time and sometimes they relied too much on him when they blew that three goal lead for instance it was horrible a goalie cant play good without some help from the guys around him.

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Sorry man but I completely disagree with you. He's a decent goalie, and he seems like a good guy - plus he's got to have the best goalie helmet in the league, but he's still got the second or third worst save % in the league. Granted the leafs D is so so, but you can't expect to be playing behing pronger and neidermayer every day before you can crack the 900's in SP. You need a goalie to steal a game 6 or 7 times a year (or in NJ's case, every week), to win in the NHL. Raycroft isn't that kind of goalie. Raycroft needed to make a big save on Friday night to stop the momentum. (Maurice needed to call a timeout too - big screw up on his end IMO). These are the situations that defines whether a team is going places or busting out the golf clubs. You need your goalie to make that big save and he isn't stepping up to the plate. Especially considering Rask and about 4 mil in cap space over the next three years was sacrificed for the third worst goalie in the league. I hope he turns it up somehow - but it seems to me, high 800's is about all you can expect from Raycroft.

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