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10_11_7 - was going to edit the title to include the date - but I apparently can't (or probably just don't know how to...it took me 7minutes just to find this post!)


OK - poppin' my cheery cherry - here's my FIRST OFC report. (This is too much like work, btw - holy pigeons!)


So - teamed up with Will, Gerry and Cliff to tour down and meet Lloyd at his boat. Caught him a little off guard as the time change had him thinkin' we'd be there an hour later. No matter - Lloyd was ready to rock anyway!


We hit the boat, got situated, and hit the water. Lloyd skillfully laid out the lines and we set the batting order. (I would have happily handled all the fish for everyone - but I didn't think that idea would go over too well).


It was an unbelievably nice day in November - calm as toilet water before the flush, with just enough cloud cover to keep us from needing our sunscreen. Not only was the weather great, but so was the fishin' and the comp'ny!


It wasn't too long before we were into fish - with Will first up - reeling in a nice little eater.


Cliff at bat - boom - eater.


After two eaters I said to Lloyd: "I didn't come down to the Bay of Quinte to eat. I came to for BIG EYES...GIANT EYES - I want bigger!".


And Lloyd obliged me a 7lb11oz chunky monkey. Not double-digits, but it sure made me smile! ;)


Gerry's turn - and he decides to reel in a white perch - just to spite me - it was HUGE for a white perch ;P We decided to give Gerry the freeby at bat and he followed it up with a spunky lil spotted slimy snake.


Back to Will - and he decided he wanted a pike too (roughly the same size).


Cliff shot his load on a white perch and we weren't givin' freeby's any more -- we were back on to me, and I caught a nice little eater.


Gerry with an eater Walleye.


Will with a larger than pan-size, pan-size.


We were 3 o'clock and headed back when at the last minute Cliff catches a 5lber.


No big, big eyes - but enough action that kept it really interesting and we all had fun laughin and reelin in fish. One of the big laughs was at one point we were fillin' up the live well (buckets from over the side) and this pike saw the light and took his chance - flung himself out of the livewell and tried to head for open water. No such luck - Lloyd was all over him! Back into the LW - thanks for the laugh (and lunch)!


I picked up a few tips and tricks from Lloyd - and that's always appreciated!


Good day, good guys, good fishin' and OFC (Oh, Damn) GREAT weather!


Lloyd topped it all off by cleanin up our eaters for us and we were drivin' off into the sunset.


The pix? PHOTOBUCKET - un: LincolnGe pw: BOQ101107

(for wonderful reasons I'm sure - the pix are backward-ordered.)

Edited by LincolnG
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I've posted the pictures from photobucket.


Quinte Sunrise....



Offering the the bay a sacrifice for a good day of fishing!! Throwing coins overboard....




























Thanks for the report Lincoln!! Was a great day out there for sure!!!

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Well there it is!! I'll give you a D+ on the report, could have been a A- but you didn't have the pics. :sarcasm:


It was a great day with Captain Lloyd as always and great to have shared the boat with the motley crew. Good times for sure. Thanks for the report Lincoln, you can practice your picture posting in my report.:D

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