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I've done some new research. Your government is all talk.If you had all this oil and gas? Why you still purchasing from Canada? Why is all of Northern USA homes being heated by Canadian resources? Obama is saying they will lead in alternate energy sources but so far, nothing on the horizen.


See now you really discredited yourself with made up facts and Bull....


Read this young man.....http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/24-hour-national-news/article249519.ece

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And still the US dollar is stronger then the Lonnie



BB, we talked about this before.On our dollar coin we have a LOON, not a LONN.Hence the name LOONie.

We dont want people callin ya a redneck, rightwhistling.gif

Ok....now carry on.

The Canadiasn economy is so attached to the US ecomony, that we could slide a curly hair between the 2. If the US economy goes teats up, the Canuck economy will without a doubt sink right behind it.So as long as thats true, i want Billy Bob to be mt best friend.canadian.gif

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Guest Johnny Bass

See now you really discredited yourself with made up facts and Bull....


Read this young man.....http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/24-hour-national-news/article249519.ece


OH boy! Supply natural gas for the next 50 years!lol They will probably start slant drilling to steal Canada's gas like they got Kuwait to do to Saddam after Saddam took them out of the loop!


ARTICLE:A drilling boom has been under way since 2008 in the Marcellus Shale, a vast underground geologic formation that extends from West Virginia and eastern Ohio through Pennsylvania into southern New York. Some geologists estimate it could yield enough natural gas to supply the entire East Coast for 50 years.


I also hear the area is radioactive and it will be very difficult to extract the gas. Let me know how that works out for you.LOL


The only thing you got going for you is Alaska.


Hey wait a minute. I was joking about the slant drilling but look at this!


Combining a new process of horizontal drilling with a technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, drillers are unlocking vast deposits there and in other formations around the U.S. such as the Barnett Shale in Texas - a boom that could ensure cheap and plentiful natural gas for many years to come for homeowners, factories and power plants.


Horizontal drilling hey?? Sounds sneaky!!!But hey. America is an empire built on stealing resources from other nations for next to nothing.


Never mind fracking. The rock is full of uranium and pyrite. And the locals have enviornmental concerns.


ARTICLE:"If anything, there are more votes against it," he said Tuesday.


ARTICLE:Rolf Hanson of the Associated Petroleum Industries of Pennsylvania, an industry lobbying group, said: "I for sure don't see this as, 'All of a sudden things are going to be rosy for the industry and we're going to get a free pass.'"




Oh and tell me again how the Fall of the American economy would bring Canada down also? And brag about the strength of the American dollar.lol :canadian:

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I doubt that very much. We are a resource based economy. We wouldn't get hit as hard. Canada has everything it needs to sustain itself.



Thats a pretty scarey place to be sitting man.How long do you think it would take the Yanks to absorb us as just another state.Push to shove, the survival instinct is the strongest of our primal instincts, and history shows that what they want, they get.its better we share now rather than give it up later.The way i see it anyways.

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Guest Johnny Bass

BB, we talked about this before.On our dollar coin we have a LOON, not a LONN.Hence the name LOONie.

We dont want people callin ya a redneck, rightwhistling.gif

Ok....now carry on.

The Canadiasn economy is so attached to the US ecomony, that we could slide a curly hair between the 2. If the US economy goes teats up, the Canuck economy will without a doubt sink right behind it.So as long as thats true, i want Billy Bob to be mt best friend.canadian.gif


I dont think that is true. Sure alot of our exports to America would cease, but so would our imports from China.Which means we could start producing things on our own. We have the technology and the resources.


America on the other hand, without Canadian aid would take forever to pick itself back up. Once their economy does a nose dive, we could use them for cheap labour.lol

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Guest Johnny Bass

Hey. I noticed you didn't have anything to say about the worlds greatest nation.


The US dollar is at par with the Loonie. Secondly? The international community is losing confidence in the dollar as the international reserve currency. If that were to happen? Your dollar would do a nose dive. The only thing propping up the dollar right now is that Asia is buying American debt and reserve currency.


No comment?

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Your economy is much more tied into ours than you can even imagine....so if our nest eggs go so does yours...... :whistling: Watch what you wish for.... :o

BillyB, your country doesn't have a nest egg. You guys sold the farm long ago. Your social security is NOT funded. The US doesn't have a dime in the bank to support future obligations of all the old people. The boomers are tipping the scale now...soon their weight will crush what is paid in. Medicaid is in a similar mess. You've run massive deficits for 10 years and the party will soon be over. On top of that you have the Boomers getting to the age where they are REALLY going to need services and you guys just don't have the money. Too much of your population are simpletons who always voted to get the cheapest taxes possible and soon you are going to have to pay the most MASSIVE credit card debt in history. America WAS the greatest country in the world. Kind of like Britain at the turn of the century...the sun is setting. Yes we are tied to America but who wants to be tied to a dead weight? Resources can be sold to anyone. Canadian companies are already decreasing the amount of business they do with the US. You folks are going to hurt us but the real hurt is already being felt south of the border, you should know this. The US has hurt the whole world with the massive corruption and fraud that you folks call the housing crisis. No one went to jail for that trillion dollar fraud. You guys brought down a number of international banks and small countries with that bogus housing paper.


It gets worse, no one is talking solutions down there either. The Tea Party is the answer???? The TP wants more tax cuts and less oversight of the crooks who put you in the spot you are in now.

Edited by scuro2
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Guest Johnny Bass

Thats a pretty scarey place to be sitting man.How long do you think it would take the Yanks to absorb us as just another state.Push to shove, the survival instinct is the strongest of our primal instincts, and history shows that what they want, they get.its better we share now rather than give it up later.The way i see it anyways.



Well they are already annexing us as we speak. But rather than total annexation, they are keeping us separate to exploit our weaker dollar(cheap labour).


Actually, America lost both wars with Canada. Thanks to help from the British.


All we need is a few nukes as deterence.


Hey, I dont mind sharing with our neighbours. What I do mind is being taken advantage of.

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Well they are already annexing us as we speak. But rather than total annexation, they are keeping us separate to exploit our weaker dollar(cheap labour).


Actually, America lost both wars with Canada. Thanks to help from the British.


All we need is a few nukes as deterence.


Hey, I dont mind sharing with our neighbours. What I do mind is being taken advantage of.



I don`t know about cheap labor.Canada has one of the highest paid workforces in the world.As far as the British go, the came to our rescue because we were a colony back then.I doubt very much if they would be willing to stick thier necks out for us now. As far as Nukes, did you live through the cold war and the Cuba crisis. I did, and i am scarred to this day by the fear and uncertanty that i lived through.

Being shown how to put a gas mask on and how to curlup into a ball to try and hide from the blast and EMP, at 7 years old.No 7 yr old should have to live that.

We need to spend money in hybrid technology. bio fuel, wind and sun energy.Hydro based electricity,passive solar energy and other non polluting renewable and sustainable energy sources.



but the money hungry goats posteriors running our GOV will never let this happendunno.gif

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Guest Johnny Bass

I don`t know about cheap labor.Canada has one of the highest paid workforces in the world.As far as the British go, the came to our rescue because we were a colony back then.I doubt very much if they would be willing to stick thier necks out for us now. As far as Nukes, did you live through the cold war and the Cuba crisis. I did, and i am scarred to this day by the fear and uncertanty that i lived through.

Being shown how to put a gas mask on and how to curlup into a ball to try and hide from the blast and EMP, at 7 years old.No 7 yr old should have to live that.

We need to spend money in hybrid technology. bio fuel, wind and sun energy.Hydro based electricity,passive solar energy and other non polluting renewable and sustainable energy sources.



but the money hungry goats posteriors running our GOV will never let this happendunno.gif


Really? Don't you remember when Mulrooney made the free trade agreement? And he was shipping in all kinds of cheap labor that was willing to work for cheap(China, India, Pakistan)? Manufacturing jobs took a big hit. They started hiring immigrants at $7 an hour. Which before that the average was $10-$12. Now its back to $10 but alot of them are hiring through these American job agencies, which dont have to give you raises or pay you benefits(this used to be automatic). Absolute Bull!!!!They save money on that alone.


If America dared attack Canada? Do you think the international community would just sit back and watch? The nukes are insurance. Its not like anyone would engage in a nuclear war. No one would win.


I totally agree with switching to alternate energy but the stinkin rich are making too much money off oil and electricity and wont convert unless they find a way to market the altertnative energy for the same amount of profit they make now or more.

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Really? Don't you remember when Mulrooney made the free trade agreement? And he was shipping in all kinds of cheap labor that was willing to work for cheap(China, India, Pakistan)? Manufacturing jobs took a big hit. They started hiring immigrants at $7 an hour. Which before that the average was $10-$12. Now its back to $10 but alot of them are hiring through these American job agencies, which dont have to give you raises or pay you benefits(this used to be automatic). Absolute Bull!!!!They save money on that alone.


If America dared attack Canada? Do you think the international community would just sit back and watch? The nukes are insurance. Its not like anyone would engage in a nuclear war. No one would win.


I totally agree with switching to alternate energy but the stinkin rich are making too much money off oil and electricity and wont convert unless they find a way to market the altertnative energy for the same amount of profit they make now or more.




Don`t be too tough on our american brudders, I love the good ole US of A where else can you get a free AK47 when you buy a car!!!


Good Bless American and all this talk of attacking and nukes is stoooooopid!! :wallbash:

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Don`t be too tough on our american brudders, I love the good ole US of A where else can you get a free AK47 when you buy a car!!!


Good Bless American and all this talk of attacking and nukes is stoooooopid!! wallbash.gif




There is no real solution.It is what it is,and its our own fault for letting it happen.

Nite all, sleep well in your cozy warm electrically heated homes.Keep it hot,you are paying to do so anyways.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Don`t be too tough on our american brudders, I love the good ole US of A where else can you get a free AK47 when you buy a car!!!


Good Bless American and all this talk of attacking and nukes is stoooooopid!! :wallbash:


lol. I have nothing against our American brudders, but when they talk about how great their nation is? They have to know the truth.




There is no real solution.It is what it is,and its our own fault for letting it happen.

Nite all, sleep well in your cozy warm electrically heated homes.Keep it hot,you are paying to do so anyways.


Its funny you should mention that. When my family went to Mexico for a few weeks? I was left to look after the house. I deciced to turn the heat right down(in the winter), since I was never home. Guess what? The bill came in exactly the same as if they had never left......

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Went on a tour of the Sir Adam Beck hydro plant here in Niagara a few years back.

The guide told us that 80% of the hydro produced goes directly to the states. Then sold

back to us at a higher rate if we need it.

In regards to our other natural resources, most of them have been sold off to other


The basic necessities of life which most are on their way to private hands will be

the down fall of our standard of living.

What has happened to Greece, Ireland, and Portugal is next, is what we can expect

here. But before that happens here, most of the middle class, that's most of us, will

be wiped out.

Google has a ton of information, if one can stomach it.


Agenda 21 and or 1984, just around the corner.


We the people have the power to turn this around, but that would mean giving up

our current life style, and actually taking responsibilty and getting others doing

the same, contacting our MPs forming peaceful protests, running ads in the paper etc.

Requires lots, and lots of work.


You willing to give up your current lifestyle and putting your nose to the grindstone

and getting others to do the same.......


Hey I would love to talk and recommend more on this subject, but I have to watch the end of the game,

and get the latest scores.....


A lot of cheap talk, as we bend over, with out even asking our handlers for some K-Y jelly.

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