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Has anyone had this reaction to a black fly bite before?

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I was fishing mid-river with my nephew yesterday and as I was helping him get some weeds off this hook I got hammered by some flies.


One bite really stung but I brushed it off. 4-5 hours later I notice I can't move my wrist and that my hand is balloon shaped - big-time painful, stiff, and swollen. Has anyone had this happen before from your standard black fly bite?




My hand today is still really swollen, but at least I can see my knuckles again and the pain has subsided a little bit.


Out of thousands of career bug-bites, this is definitely the biggest reaction I have ever had.



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thats not a reaction bro.. if its from a black fly then its most likely a bacterial infection. i've been bitten 100's of times its never happened to me but my cousin got it bad once, a few bites and his leg was swollen like crazy! go see a dr man, benedryl wont do squat for an infection.

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ya same as me you would be allergic to insect bites go to the drug store and get some reactine



i bet it is itchy as hell and you keep scratching it the more you scratch the bigger it will get


I really wish I could say that it got that big from me scratching it, but I've scratched it once and I stopped myself. It was that big on its own sadly. I iced it and slept with it elevated. I'll go to Shoppers soon and try some reactine.

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thats not a reaction bro.. if its from a black fly then its most likely a bacterial infection. i've been bitten 100's of times its never happened to me but my cousin got it bad once, a few bites and his leg was swollen like crazy! go see a dr man, benedryl wont do squat for an infection.


The swelling has gone away almost completely now - I think I might be out of the woods here - there has been very limited pain today and I think it's pretty much clear. I'll still see what they say at the pharmacist.

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definately a reaction. a bacterial infection would not take effect that quickly. see a doctor. you will probaby be tested (skin tested) and may have to carry an Epipen in the future. I have to have one for a shellfish allergy.


benydril works well as a quick fix, but you should get looked at by a doctor for sure.

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different insects will give you different levels of histamine personally my self its deer fly that are the worst my son is Miskito my nephew is black fly like you and it swells the same for him make sure what you get has antihistamine in it

and if you stll are not sure go see the pharmacist they will help you out they know allot of stuff

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My girlfriend gets this every season. Its allergy related, but her doctor adviced that it was infrequent enough that prescription meds weren't worth it. Maybe there is a preventative treatment available if you know you are going into the bush. The black flies are almost gone in my neck of the woods though, but horse/deer fly is possible too.

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I am allergic. Bees will kill me.. (unless I have access to my Epipen and quick...)


I am also allergic to Horse flies. Deer flies are not a problem.. but like you when a horse fly bites I swell big time!


I have lived with this for years... buy some Benedryl and keep it handy. It is better then a hospital visit. Trust me I know.



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Just got back from Shoppers and picked up some Benadryl. The Pharmacist told me to take a few now and keep it in my tackle box. I concurred. He said a doctor probably wasn't necessary but if it gets any worse in the future to get an allergy test.


Thanks for all the help guys. Guess this is a more common reaction than I originally thought.

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