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Tracker boats!BEWARE!!!!

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Looking into it as we speak,I just have to be careful how i express my thoughts and feelings about this all!


I know exactly how you feel Wayne. My tracker pro guide 16 SC has 52 hours on it and it has cracks all over just like yours. I drove 9 hours to bring the boat to the repair shop that they told me i HAD to use (grumpy's marine) in Newmarket. Now, 3 weeks later, they tell me that they don't use them as a warranty repair centre anymore so i have to drive back out there and bring the boat somewhere else. I explained to them that i traveled 9 hours to bring it to grumpy's and they said that there is nothing they can do. This company is unbelievable, I have no clue how they are still selling boats.

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Well it's been how many weeks!Called tracker marine at bass pro were the boat is, they are still denying the warranty, manufacture is saying no, boat has been repaired before, dealer says no it hasn't, i'm really about ready to go postal on these folks!Bassically they have all washed there hands of this boat, leaving me holding the pot!\anybody on here know anyone in the coast guard who could help me out with the safety issue end of this, ,mentally i'm whipped with this whole deal and can't think right, anybody with any ideas of how to deal with this or avenues to take ,please contact me! not a really great time to be laid off, i have no money to persue a lawyer,Guyz for the sake of sanity don't purchase a tracker boat, they don't stand behind there products!


You don't need a lawyer. Take them to Small Claims Court (the limit is 25K now - not 10K like it used to be). It will cost you $75 to file the claim and you'll have a few other expenses along the way.


Small Claims Court works quick and in my history it works well! You have a serious case here as you've been seriously screwed and the ignoramuses at Tracker are just delaying and delaying and keeping their wallets tucked away.


Here's a general outline of what a SCC case would entail:


1) You file a claim - $75

2) You serve tracker with the claim

3) They have 20 clear calendar days to file a defense, if they don't, you file for default judgment and win on the spot.


In my history of taking people to SCC for unpaid accounts at work, everyone has paid and not filed a defense.


If you go to trial, you'll have settlement conferences and the whole shabang.


I can help you out with it if you choose to go that route. It's a good route to go and they'll probably call offering to fix your boat as soon as the claim lands on their desk. They won't want to invest that kind of time.




Best of Luck (and remember, I can help you, free of charge, with the SCC process if you feel inclined to go that route).



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Well, I know what kind of boat I will NOT be buying...


I hear that for sure . . . this company sounds absolutely disgusting.


And again to Wayne - I, for one (and everyone seems to), really appreciate you sharing this with all of us. You're saving people the same stress you're going through by showing us this and that deserves a big thank you!

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I hear that for sure . . . this company sounds absolutely disgusting.


And again to Wayne - I, for one (and everyone seems to), really appreciate you sharing this with all of us. You're saving people the same stress you're going through by showing us this and that deserves a big thank you!

Thanks Bill

I really appreciate the offer for help and the kind words, it's nice to have some encouragment when your down and stressed out.Thanks Wayne!

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I know exactly how you feel Wayne. My tracker pro guide 16 SC has 52 hours on it and it has cracks all over just like yours. I drove 9 hours to bring the boat to the repair shop that they told me i HAD to use (grumpy's marine) in Newmarket. Now, 3 weeks later, they tell me that they don't use them as a warranty repair centre anymore so i have to drive back out there and bring the boat somewhere else. I explained to them that i traveled 9 hours to bring it to grumpy's and they said that there is nothing they can do. This company is unbelievable, I have no clue how they are still selling boats.

Send me some pics if you can of your damage, let me guess it's from hard trailering!! LOL! :sarcasm:

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Went sunday on fathers day to pick up my boat, was told to take it home or risk having storage fees applied to it,

It still stands at warranty is denied, they say it has have bondo in it, and damage is from hard trailing.

Spoke with my insurance company on monday, they are going to try put it threw but at not sure how i will make out, as it was not hit or impacted, looks like i'm screwed again, but we'll see, as far as i am concerned, hard loading as they say it would come under impact, but we'll see, here are some pics from today of the boat and the cracks, if you look at the first pics i posted you'll see the damage as it was before tracker got it, these pics showw where they scratched the hull and banged the cracks inward, also notice the angles of pics i took of the hull to prove of no impacts by me to the boat, the hull is straight and dent free.













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If it were me (but then again I take things way overboard sometimes to prove a point when I feel like I have been wronged), I would spray paint the side of the boat with neon paint saying "Buying a Tracker? Hear my story." (using removable paint of course) and park it outside bass pro while handing out flyers with your story on it. I would also spend a few dollars and create a web page with your story on it and paint your web address on the boat.


As far as I know, there is nothing illegal/malicious in doing this. You are merely trying to share your story with the world. No need to bad mouth Tracker - just tell it like it is.


Heck, I would even drive the boat right down to the heart of Toronto during the G20 this weekend and try to get world wide coverage. No doubt some media down here will pick up your boat story just to show that the G20 covers a wide range of issues and protests.


Call every news media to tell them what you are doing - I guarantee some will show up - especially if you tell them you want to bring it down to the G20. And make sure one of the news media you call is A-Channel news - these stories are right up their alley since their market encompasses a lot of boaters and copy Tracker Boats with your planned date of protest.


If they are smart, Tracker will take care of your problem before you move forward with your plan.

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If it were me (but then again I take things way overboard sometimes to prove a point when I feel like I have been wronged), I would spray paint the side of the boat with neon paint saying "Buying a Tracker? Hear my story." (using removable paint of course) and park it outside bass pro while handing out flyers with your story on it. I would also spend a few dollars and create a web page with your story on it and paint your web address on the boat.


As far as I know, there is nothing illegal/malicious in doing this. You are merely trying to share your story with the world. No need to bad mouth Tracker - just tell it like it is.


Heck, I would even drive the boat right down to the heart of Toronto during the G20 this weekend and try to get world wide coverage. No doubt some media down here will pick up your boat story just to show that the G20 covers a wide range of issues and protests.


Call every news media to tell them what you are doing - I guarantee some will show up - especially if you tell them you want to bring it down to the G20. And make sure one of the news media you call is A-Channel news - these stories are right up their alley since their market encompasses a lot of boaters and copy Tracker Boats with your planned date of protest.


If they are smart, Tracker will take care of your problem before you move forward with your plan.

Before i do anything i'm going to let the insurance access the boat, they assured me they have the experts to check it over and then at least i have a documented accessment of the damages,and of course this means traveling to toronto and the risk of getting arrested and not to mention the exspense,I've e-mailed several news media places, as of yet no responses, been weeks, i'm getting all my ducks in place, ,All i can do is wait! Time costs nothing!I was thinking of putting a poster on it when i picked it up but thought better of it!

Edited by waynechute
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It seems odd that the dealer doesn't mind the manufacturer calling them liars. That pretty much would end any relationship I would have with a boat maker.

I understand every maker is going to put out a clunker from time to time, but it is how you handle your mistakes. not your successes, that shows your credibility.

It would seem at face value, Tracker has none.

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Here's a thought. I've been following this thread and think I have a sense of the timelines. I wonder if it was made clear enough to Tracker that this damage was clearly done before you received the "new demo" boat from them. It seems obvious to me that someone did some repairs, evidently before you took delivery, and whoever was responsible for selling you the boat (Tracker or a dealer) owes you an explanation and service, not just buck passing.


As long as you're convinced that the timelines have been made abundantly clear to Tracker and the dealer involved then I think you should give them fair warning that you're taking this to the next step. That next step could be litigation, small claims court, or trying to involve either a national tv/newspaper (Dale Goldhawk style) or the Consumer Protection people. Heaven knows there's enough legislation out there designed to protect the consumer against unethical business practices. Frankly I think the tv/newspaper route is a great alternative. I wouldn't think Tracker or their dealers would be too happy about having the story on tv or in the Star with the Tracker name splashed all over it. It becomes a relatively cheap problem to solve compared to a load of bad publicity in a highly visible medium.


All the best with it.


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Another option would be to get a copy of the construction standards for boats for the time it was built and see if they cheaped out somewhere. If you can show it doesn't meet the standards and you can collect some support from others with the same problem then petition for a recall on all of them. If it doesn't meet construction standards it doesn't matter if it was "hard trailed" or not.

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Here's a thought. I've been following this thread and think I have a sense of the timelines. I wonder if it was made clear enough to Tracker that this damage was clearly done before you received the "new demo" boat from them. It seems obvious to me that someone did some repairs, evidently before you took delivery, and whoever was responsible for selling you the boat (Tracker or a dealer) owes you an explanation and service, not just buck passing.


As long as you're convinced that the timelines have been made abundantly clear to Tracker and the dealer involved then I think you should give them fair warning that you're taking this to the next step. That next step could be litigation, small claims court, or trying to involve either a national tv/newspaper (Dale Goldhawk style) or the Consumer Protection people. Heaven knows there's enough legislation out there designed to protect the consumer against unethical business practices. Frankly I think the tv/newspaper route is a great alternative. I wouldn't think Tracker or their dealers would be too happy about having the story on tv or in the Star with the Tracker name splashed all over it. It becomes a relatively cheap problem to solve compared to a load of bad publicity in a highly visible medium.


All the best with it.



I'm with JF here. The most expeditious route IMHO is the media, TV, Newspaper, maybe even Outdoor/Fishing Mags. You still have the legal route if all else fails. Sounds like you have pretty darn good documentation of the facts.

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I'm with JF here. The most expeditious route IMHO is the media, TV, Newspaper, maybe even Outdoor/Fishing Mags. You still have the legal route if all else fails. Sounds like you have pretty darn good documentation of the facts.


It might be tough to get industry specific mags to jump on this as they probably have substantial revenues from the Tracker name. OTOH I don't recall seeing Tracker spending big bux in Ontario news media. That makes it a perfect target of opportunity for them.



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So if you go on rough roads, or rough waters or if you ever powerload, the Trackers will fall apart? And thats okay with them?

A boat should be designed for the LIKELY uses it will receive. A fishing boat will be trailered on crappy roads, it will take nasty waves, it will rub docks, knock the occasional rock and be power loaded...none of those things are outside the reasonable use of a fishing craft.

Its not a tea pot...its a boat..made of metal.

All the boats I have had endured all that and more and never leaked....but then again, mine were all riveted hulls. I still see 40 yr old Springboks out there with more war wounds than a Navy ship.

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Wayne my insurance guy said the same thing LOL, I'm going to for now leave it up to the adjuster and boat damage investigator, i was told i will receive any and all findings from his/her reports. The insurances findings should be all i need to take this to the next step,i really hate to put it threw insurance, and believe me i have told them nothing but the truth, tracker says it's hard loading that caused the damage, then the insurance has the option of proving them wrong, as well as telling me if in fact it has bondo in it,then i'll procede from there.

It really is a shame, i did very much like the boat.

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I'm with JF here. The most expeditious route IMHO is the media, TV, Newspaper, maybe even Outdoor/Fishing Mags. You still have the legal route if all else fails. Sounds like you have pretty darn good documentation of the facts.

I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for media coverage. TV stations and newspapers get bombarded with stories like this - and much worse - pretty much every week. Like it or not, boats are considered luxury items and there isn't a whole lot of sympathy for problems with so-called luxury goods, especially when some people out there can't even buy food.


Fishing magazines aren't likely to print this kind of story either because (1) they don't want to alienate Tracker as an advertiser or prospective advertiser, and (2) it's just not the kind of content readers are willing to pay for. I won't even go into the potential legal ramifications.


Sorry to be a wet blanket, but after 25 years in the publishing business I have to tell you that's reality.


If neither the dealer nor Tracker corporately are willing to fix your boat, your only real option is to either call the insurance company or pursue it through the courts. Good luck.

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The lemons thing in front of BPS with your boat out front is your best publicity I guess. It will let you tell your story a few times and start getting reactions from the store too.


Well...except BPS will just call Vaughn mall security and they would tell him to get off their private property and possibly bar him for 6 months-1 year+.

Online media could reach many more people. Other Bass fishing forums, Boating forums, etc.

The small claims court idea mentioned earlier sounds like a good bet if the insurance company does not come to the rescue. Best of luck and I hope it gets fixed/replaced to your satisfaction.

Edited by Syn
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I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for media coverage. TV stations and newspapers get bombarded with stories like this - and much worse - pretty much every week. Like it or not, boats are considered luxury items and there isn't a whole lot of sympathy for problems with so-called luxury goods, especially when some people out there can't even buy food.


Sorry to be a wet blanket, but after 25 years in the publishing business I have to tell you that's reality.


I'll defer to your experience in the reporting trade, but it sure would be fun to try.



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This has my attention now:

The first step is to read this site thoroughly.


You’ve got lots of material for this.


The Consumer Protection Branch takes this stuff seriously. Use them.

There might be some help here:



Then check this out. Interesting reading about Tracker Marine. Is this the company you’re dealing with?


Some interesting stories there.


Sure looks to me that with the story you've got to tell there's gotta be someone there who'll listen.


But failing that I wouldn't give up totally on the media. They just need a story with people appeal. And people love stories in which the little guy gets justice from the big bully corps.


I'm gonna check out some possible sympathetic ears in the media.


This is kinda interesting. Obviously I can't promise anything but it can't hurt to make a little noise. Someone with a concern for what's best for the boat company may get wind of it and decide to stop the bleeding.



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