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Cut bait question .. can I use a fish not in the "live" bait section


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I have read that in some US states that they use sunfish for bait for big cats .. the regs dont have sunfish listed as "live" bait.


some people use shrimp, mackeral, and who knows what else from the grocery store


my question is if I cut it up as cut bait does it become organic bait opposed to a sunfish??

Edited by brifishrgy
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I think sunfish are considered game fish, therefore illegal to use as bait. I could be wrong, but that's the way I understand it.





yes .. a sunfish whole is a sunfish .. if I lop a filet off of it and toss it in the water is it still a sunfish or is it now considered organic bait .. I have sent the MNR the same question .. weather or not I get a reply I will have to see


you hear about people using perch eyes as bait .. but its not a perch .. its organic bait


salmon/trout eggs get used as bait because its organic bait


the filet of the fish should be the same .. just want to be sure before I try it

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Dunno if this helps - had a friend asking about using actual perch skins (after fileting & eating the meat) on a wood body, clear coated etc. to produce a stick or crankbait.

MNR C.O. buddy said that technically charges could be laid because perch are a game fish, the skins are part of said fish, and more complex charges could be laid if said bait was used where perch don't occur naturally.

I argued the live vs. not alive, and I think I lost (he was a little better at legalese than me).

The regs do say "only the fish species listed below..." at the top of the list, and sunfish aren't on it.



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The regs do say "only the fish species listed below..." at the top of the list, and sunfish aren't on it.




you didnt finish the sentence .. page 10 of the regs


"Only the fish species listed below may be used as live bait"


according to that sentence if its dead it doesnt matter what you use

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That was the idea I too had, brifishrgy. The answer I got (which we've all heard before) is that the regs we get copies of are summaries of volumes of legislation. Bottom line, I was told it's still classed as live even if its dead unless specifically excepted (i.e. salties in certain circumstances).

I only put the start of the sentence in to identify the section of the regs as opposed to making any point.

What I'm merely suggesting is that I wouldn't do it just because of what I've read & heard. I don't see the words "dead" in that section so I'm not going to make any determination about it.



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A friend who has been a career C.O. his entire working life since he graduated college targeting this profession. Read up a little higher in the thread where I talk about perch skins. That was the specific conversation I had with him.



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A friend who has been a career C.O. his entire working life since he graduated college targeting this profession.




Thanks .. that is what I was looking for (I missed the CO part the first time)

Edited by brifishrgy
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You are most welcome!

I just wish I had won the argument but he had the law on his side (go figure eh?)! The use of real skins seemed like a novel idea. Bottom line was it was part of the fish whether dead or alive, and classed as a game fish to boot. I'll have to stick to beating him at cribbage from now on!



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It would seem like that wouldn't it? Especially since (I'm told) the law was enacted to prevent introducing non-indigenous species (e.g. perch to a trout lake etc).

I'm way out of touch with using roe, but isn't there an exception for it in the regs somewhere? I don't currently use it personally and can't remember from years ago when I did.

Never had that discussion with my friend and can't recall seeing anything about it, but I wasn't looking either. Might it have something to do with how they're preserved?

Just took a quick look at the summary and I didn't find anything about roe at all! Time to e-mail my buddy.



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Dunno if this helps - had a friend asking about using actual perch skins (after fileting & eating the meat) on a wood body, clear coated etc. to produce a stick or crankbait.





Then I guess these are illegal too...........http://www.luckycraft.com/ProductNews/realskin_gerald.htm

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Dunno if this helps - had a friend asking about using actual perch skins (after fileting & eating the meat) on a wood body, clear coated etc. to produce a stick or crankbait.





Then I guess these are illegal too...........http://www.luckycraft.com/ProductNews/realskin_gerald.htm


That was from 2007, a prototype product, and in the states is my first observation.

2nd would be "what species" of skins were used (didn't read the whole thing - dial-up!)?

3rd - did the baits get released in Ontario or kept south of the border?

4th - I'd have probably bought them & used them IF I hadn't already had the experience I had just a few weeks ago (that's when the perch skin discussion happened) - they look COOL!



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Here is a tid bit you may want to try and onces you do you will never use real meat again. I have been working the last 10 years with all kinds of things other then meat to put into the head and see what happens. I have run tests with same flashers and same heads with one of them with meat and one with fake stuff. The action is so good with fake that 80% of fish came off of fake. Try it yourself. leather belt, thin rubber,old boat bumber, mouse pads, the list is endless. just cut up into strips same shape as cut bait. the best part of it it you can take hit after hit and never have to change your bait. I have one bait I have used now for the last 9 years and its stil working today and that bait has well over 200 salmon on it.

Like i said once you get the bait you feel works good for you, you will find yourself never using real again.I charter and have not used real in 9 years now and trust me when I tell you it works just fine. the other little trick is get away from tooth pics. I use a small screw and screw it into the head and the bait then I paint the head of the screw to look like an eye. Hope this help. if you need any help Pm me

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I would not use Sunfish for bait. Sunfish are not legal baitfish, dead or alive. Besides, you really don't want to waste a nice fish fry....would ya?


would I use sunfish as bait?? probaby


is it illegal .. well thats debatable (and what I am trying to find out)


salmon guys use herring strips for salmon but they are also not listed in the baitfish section

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Sunfish and Rock Bass make great cut bait for cats every bit as good as sucker, but there not listed as baitfish. The problem is if your using these fish for cut bait you are spoiling the meat which can be used for consumption and therefore you are violating the law.

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