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Toronto Sportsmen's Show


Toronto Sportsmen's Show  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you plan to attend this year's show at its new venue in the Metro Convention Centre?

    • Are you kidding? I would never miss the Toronto Sportsmen's Show.
    • Absolutely - I want to see the new layout and features.
    • Not sure - I'll see what other people have to say about it.
    • Not a chance - it costs too much to take the family.
    • Not a chance - parking downtown will be a nightmare.
    • I already bought my stuff at the Spring Fishing Show.
    • I can go to Bass Pro Shops or Le Baron for free.

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The Toronto Sportsmen's Show opens on Wednesday and runs through Sunday, March 21 at the Metro Convention Centre.


With the show having moved from the CNE to the Convention Centre this year, do you plan to attend? Why?


If you don't plan to go, then why not?


Just curious.

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Guest gbfisher

Miller said they can't have guns on the property......Liberal communist pinko.....lmao


So much for the CNE............Not sure who's loss it will be in the long run.


You can take one vote off..." I would never miss the sportsman show"

Edited by gbfisher
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Going down with my dad possibly on Wednesday – No real purpose of going other than the fact we’re both free and have nothing better to do in the evening. First time going to the Sportsmen show in almost 10 yrs. Taking the TTC down so parking won’t be an issue. Eating an early dinner and then going down for 5pm – we don’t expect to spend more than 3hrs there anyway. Admission is $5 which isn’t too bad.


Might pick up a new fishing baseball hat if I can find one that fits or is free – Been wearing my lucky hat since high-school (unwashed :D )

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I heard through the grapevine Mariko Izumi might be at the show...That's another great reason to go :D


"Ms Izumi...Will you sign my T-shirt?" :wub:


As long as you don't lose control and beg to sign hers. :P



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"Ms Izumi...Will you sign my T-shirt?" :wub:


Mike, Mike Mike......you just want her to TOUCH your T-Shirt. If she does, the shirt will end up like your baseball cap....never ever washed.

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Stopped doing the sports shows at least 10 years ago. They are all shadows of what they once where. I'd rather spend my day off fishing.


You raise an interesting point crappieperchhunter.


I've discussed this with a number of people and I wonder if it is also a matter of perspective. I recall back when I first attended, it was like Xmas again. I had been buying gear at Canadian Tire and learned about places like Lucky Lou's and Lebaron and Fishing Plus and others. It was awesome. It was still nothing but a giant infomercial/flea market, but hey it was new and exciting and killed time in the winter. Plus lots of lodges to gather propaganda from to plan the yearly trips. Foolishly sold my self to the telemarketers by entering "free draws" and the whole nine. Probably the highlight of those early trips was getting a free Export A hat signed by Italo and Henry way back before they got busted for poaching. I remember Italo asked what I fished for and I said mostly bass and pike, and he wrote "Good luck with those Walleyes!"... Wish I had kept the hat!!! :)


As time went on, it got less and less interesting to attend as a consumer. Then I started attending as an "expert" (so-called) to help consumers with their purchasing decisions. That got tired even quicker than being a consumer. Now when I go - it is to see friends and/or help out with a non-profit club org so I can at least feel I spent my time doing some good. I already know about most new products because of the internet. I can also find pretty much every cottage that goes to the show on-line. If I buy a boat, chances are good it will be from someone I know or the states. I did make an emergency trip down there a few years ago to ride an elephant with my daughter which is not something I can do easily elsewhere. The Camels at the zoo scare me. lol


So I'm wondering did the shows really change all that much or has my perspective changed? I know I am much more jaded in my viewpoint than I used to be and much more experienced as an angler. Surely that impacts my perspective.


I answered absolutely, but the complaints you list are very legit. I'll meet a buddy at Yorkdale, grab breakfast and then TTC down and then we'll hit Bass Pro after. I have to admit I'm quite curious to see what the new digs are like.

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Solo and I were discussing the shows just last week and he brought up a very good point.

That being the internet being the downfall of these shows. Since the net became popular you see fewer and fewer exhibitors, especially outfitters. Back in the day the only way they could drum up business was to attend the shows, but now they use the internet to advertise their services. If you are looking to go on a fly out somewhere just Google it and you can spend hours pouring through info on the area you want to go to. Back in the day you had to go to the show, see the outfitters and pick up a brochure.

Even tackle shops are selling there wears on the internet and don't bother to hit the shows. LeBaron's used to have a huge presence at the shows, then several years back they stopped going.

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your poll options don't cover all the bases...

i'll probably be going, mostly to score some good deals and take the gf out for a day. she'll get a kick out of it at least.

anybody know of admissions coupons or promotions? i don't feel like paying the whole price...

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your poll options don't cover all the bases...

i'll probably be going, mostly to score some good deals and take the gf out for a day. she'll get a kick out of it at least.

anybody know of admissions coupons or promotions? i don't feel like paying the whole price...





They have $5 after 5 pm deal. Also save $2 buying online.

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the highlight of those early trips was getting a free Export A hat signed by Italo and Henry way back before they got busted for poaching. I remember Italo asked what I fished for and I said mostly bass and pike, and he wrote "Good luck with those Walleyes!"... Wish I had kept the hat!!! :)



ohh god that made my icecream shoot out my nose :lol: thanks


make note to self next time Im in waterdown :lol:

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I haven't been to the show in 20+ years, but for some reason I've decided to attend. I'm going to take the day off and my wife & I are going to spend the day at the show and BPS later.


But I'm concerned about driving downtown and finding parking.


I'll be coming from the west - could someone give me a suggestion on the best/easiest way to use public transit to get down town ?


I'd really appreciate it.



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Solo and I were discussing the shows just last week and he brought up a very good point.

That being the internet being the downfall of these shows. Since the net became popular you see fewer and fewer exhibitors, especially outfitters. Back in the day the only way they could drum up business was to attend the shows, but now they use the internet to advertise their services. If you are looking to go on a fly out somewhere just Google it and you can spend hours pouring through info on the area you want to go to. Back in the day you had to go to the show, see the outfitters and pick up a brochure.

Even tackle shops are selling there wears on the internet and don't bother to hit the shows. LeBaron's used to have a huge presence at the shows, then several years back they stopped going.

Yup, that's exactly what I was getting at in my little comment. The internet has changed so many things....not all for the better, but, it is like having a library in your home!

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I haven't been to the show in 20+ years, but for some reason I've decided to attend. I'm going to take the day off and my wife & I are going to spend the day at the show and BPS later.


But I'm concerned about driving downtown and finding parking.


I'll be coming from the west - could someone give me a suggestion on the best/easiest way to use public transit to get down town ?


I'd really appreciate it.




Get on the GO train in Port Credit. Abut $10. each round trip. No worries about driving or parking downtown.

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