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OPP / CO blitz on Southern Georgian Bay


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It's so funny when people cry about living in a police state when in fact they don't...read the Highway Traffic Act and you'll see that you can be pulled over if you're not committing a traffic violation...


If you want to complain about living in a police state go live in Russia or China and see what a police state really is like and when you have no civil liberties and can be jailed without just cause for speaking your mind then you can complain.

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Sometimes 5 minutes of inconvenience time can be spent meeting your local constabulary, you never know when you may need his help some day and then he remembers what kind of a RICHARD you were. Richard is the long form name for D. You want to check my paperwork, feel free, nothing to hide.

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It's so funny when people cry about living in a police state when in fact they don't...read the Highway Traffic Act and you'll see that you can be pulled over if you're not committing a traffic violation...


If you want to complain about living in a police state go live in Russia or China and see what a police state really is like and when you have no civil liberties and can be jailed without just cause for speaking your mind then you can complain.


so my idea of what a police state is different then yours...well not really, it's just the degree of the civil liberty that are being stomped on


if I can be harassed/ stopped by a cop when I have done nothing wrong and he is doing it just because he can , that is a police state

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I kinda like the occasional opportunity to show the leo's that I'm law abiding. Seems to me that if more of us had the attitude that we have nothing to hide it might put more pressure on the criminal element who are hiding stuff. As it is I think too many folks want to be confrontational with law enforcers just because they have some notion their rights are somehow being infringed upon. If you have nothing to hide then what right is being limited? I don't get it. Is the very rare inconvenience of a roadside booze check not worth helping keep the real drunks off the roads? And if you get caught then doesn't that justify the check? To resist law enforcement in any way is just helping the bad guys IMNSHO.



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then maybe they can come into your bedroom in the middle of the night just to check up on you..after all you are not doing anything wrong so why be upset


nope, I believe with each right no matter how small/ how unimportant it seems that they take way, we are one step closer to that police state

and I have seen cops step over the line because they felt they could

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This letter will not tip off any poachers. Note how they say they are going to be conducting them THROUGHOUT the season. Thanks for the letter telling us that there will be a blitz once or twice sometime between now and mid march.

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Then when you need help...call the COs because they have nothing to do and get more respect....



And if you feel your rights are being infringed based on a 2 second traffic stop then your time must be golden and you're far more superior than anyone on this board or in this province.


Its kind of funny...you complain about poachers and people keeping more than their limit but when it comes to other laws you don't think their fair....kind of hypocritical...


Oh and by the way the Superior Court of Canada has ruled that a traffic stop to check if you're a licenced driver and have all the documentation is NOT an infringement if your rights

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Quite frankly, I don't mind getting stopped at all. I figure the guys out there checking for insurance, license, and registration are doing me a favour; they are taking the guys that don't have licenses and/or insurance out of the mix and the sooner the better as far as I am concerned.


Advertising that there is going to be a blitz is a very effective stratagy for keeping those that aren't complying with the rules off the trails and ice, they now know that there is a good chance that they will be caught. The whole point is to keep them off the sleds/ATVs in the first place.


Lots of people won't drink and drive when they know the ride programs are out and about but will take the chance at other times. All it would take is for someone to get creamed by some guy on a sled with no license or insurance and I'll bet there would be a lot of people screaming blue murder about it.


So if the OPP want to stop by and check me out any time, I'm usually fishing Sturgeon Lake somewhere around the Goose Bay area. Green Polaris ATV, camo floater suit. If they are cold and want to get warm, want a coffee, or just a bathroom break they are more than welcome to come into my house. And yes, I carry my license, registration, and insurance with me when I am out, right beside my fishing license.


Oh, and there is one very cute OPP officer up here that could come into my bedroom in the middle of the night and I wouldn't mind a bit! :P Sue on the other hand might take exception to it though! ;)

Edited by Big Cliff
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then maybe they can come into your bedroom in the middle of the night just to check up on you..after all you are not doing anything wrong so why be upset


nope, I believe with each right no matter how small/ how unimportant it seems that they take way, we are one step closer to that police state

and I have seen cops step over the line because they felt they could


I guess I'm just not paranoid enuf to be a Canuck then.



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Gotta remember that when they are asking you for your paperwork they are smelling your breath. I don't mind being stopped out on the soft water in the summer. I've met and gabbed with most of the OPP water unit at one time or another either out on the water or at Picnic Island while getting ice cream cones for the kids. If you have everything in order, you have nothing to worry about.

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I have my own insurance...I don't care if the other guy does.

With no fault insurance, mine pays me for what I am covered for and then its their problem to get it out of the other guy. The only reason we all have to have it is because the insurance companies want it that way.

You don't need a drivers license to drive a sled..unless you have had it taken away for impared driving.

Ownership matters not. If it looks stolen they just run the numbers on the side of it.


Why do they have to stop every sled on the trail?

Up here we go through this every day we go out.

Edited by Dara
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ya the trails suck! i've been stopped 3times in one day! and each time they check me for my papers? and im like you remember me? and they are like sorry we have to check everyone! :huh:

first time in 6years i didnt buy a trail pass, im glad i didnt with the raise in price, poor winter conditions and the bothersome cops on the trails.

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Then when you need help...call the COs because they have nothing to do and get more respect....



And if you feel your rights are being infringed based on a 2 second traffic stop then your time must be golden and you're far more superior than anyone on this board or in this province.


Its kind of funny...you complain about poachers and people keeping more than their limit but when it comes to other laws you don't think their fair....kind of hypocritical...


Oh and by the way the Superior Court of Canada has ruled that a traffic stop to check if you're a licenced driver and have all the documentation is NOT an infringement if your rights



what laws don't I think are fair?


I complain about how some cops abuse and use the law


and as for being stopped, my time may not be golden but it is my time and I feel stopping me, questioning me, harassing me without probable cause is wrong and diminishes my rights....


and as far as COs and breaking fishing regs, I see a lot less abuse of powers by COs then I do by Cops


however, when the CO went into the guys rented cabin and searched it, I was one of the first to say it wasn't right .the lodge owner never should have let him in it

and it was an abuse of power by the CO

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I have always felt that the Holiday Ride Blitz is the "Gill-Net" method of policing.


The Ride-program orthodoxy is so entrenched that other forms of policing that doesn't ensnare everybody is not explored.


Consider if the same man hours were applied to the small minority of habitual Drivers who Drink.


Would "Think of the children's" MADD subsidize this?




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I have always felt that the Holiday Ride Blitz is the "Gill-Net" method of policing.


The Ride-program orthodoxy is so entrenched that other forms of policing that doesn't ensnare everybody is not explored.


Consider if the same man hours were applied to the small minority of habitual Drivers who Drink.


Would "Think of the children's" MADD subsidize this?





Is the primary purpose of RIDE programs to scare those of us who might be tempted to drink and drive, or to catch lawbreakers? How many of you think twice about driving after a few drinks when you know the RIDE guys are out? It's the difference between crime prevention and just catching a few miscreants.



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John, I think there is some merrit to what you are saying. Still, it boggles my mind that 16 000+ people get nailed for DUI in this province alone every year. 80% of tehm are first time offenders. That adds up almost 130 000 Ontarians being charged with a DUI at least once in the last 10 years. Scary isn't it...


I think tax dollars would be better spent on educating people about drinking and driving, rather than handing the money over to the a program that ends up drasticly changing people's lives as a consequence of being charged with a DUI. The law is now 0.05 for a 3 day suspension. Most people would be in shock to know two beers with a feed of wings or 2 glasses of wine with a nice meal would easily put them over that limit.


Simply saying don't drink and drive is obviously uneffective. People never respect that they are gambling with other peoples lives when they get behind the wheel, they only think about what may happen to them, and if people realized just what might happen and how serious the consequences are, we wouldn't be talking about this.


Anyways this discussion topic really isn't about RIDE programs per say, its about teh Police spending our money in a productive manner. The problem bloils down to, who polices the police???

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.05 and a 3 day suspension is stupid


No a 12 hour suspension and no consequence of drinking and driving is much better.



At .05 most of us on this board would say i've had too much to drink. People don't realize that .05 is not one or two drinks. I had 6 beers in one hour and blew .045 and I was in no condition to drive



Keep in mind in the US .05 is the legal limit

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.05 is the not the limit in all states, only some. .045 after 6 beers in one hour? what machine? yeah 6 beers in hour, of course you were in shape to drive. You would have blown way over .08 in a real breath analyzer.


Nope...it was a roadside that was brought to the get together and no i wasn't in any shape to drive


that also include a burger and ribs lol

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