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Rice Lake


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There's a lot of confusion over what is open on Rice after Jan 1st. My understanding is that walleye is closed for one more year. What ever you are fishing for be sure to check the regs. The MNR seminar that I attended said that they know a lot of anglers are confused but there will be no leniency as regards fines.

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There's a lot of confusion over what is open on Rice after Jan 1st. My understanding is that walleye is closed for one more year. What ever you are fishing for be sure to check the regs. The MNR seminar that I attended said that they know a lot of anglers are confused but there will be no leniency as regards fines.


It is our responsibility to know the regulations...if there is confusion then they should ask in forums such as this or call the MNR for clarification...


I doubt they (MNR) will ever open pickerel (walleye) for icefishing in the Kawarthas (Except Scugog) The main reason for the new size and possession limits is to try to get them to rebound...


Panfish, Pike and coarse fish only will have a year round open season but again, read up on possession limits for perch, crappie and sunfishes including bluegills...

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It is our responsibility to know the regulations...if there is confusion then they should ask in forums such as this or call the MNR for clarification...


I doubt they (MNR) will ever open pickerel (walleye) for icefishing in the Kawarthas (Except Scugog) The main reason for the new size and possession limits is to try to get them to rebound...


Panfish, Pike and coarse fish only will have a year round open season but again, read up on possession limits for perch, crappie and sunfishes including bluegills...

I'm with you on this one Beans. We all have to be aware of the new regs and that walleye are a species of concern in the Kawarthas (otherwise being protected).

Please put those wally's back down the hole as quick as possible. I'm sure most anglers that have fished in the Kawarthas over the past 25 years have seen the walleye population decilne and understand the reasoning behind keeping them closed during the winter.

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I'm with you on this one Beans. We all have to be aware of the new regs and that walleye are a species of concern in the Kawarthas (otherwise being protected).

Please put those wally's back down the hole as quick as possible. I'm sure most anglers that have fished in the Kawarthas over the past 25 years have seen the walleye population decilne and understand the reasoning behind keeping them closed during the winter.


We can only hope that the courts and the MNR will come down hard on any poachers and will nail them to the wall with hefty fines as a deterent to others...

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We can only hope that the courts and the MNR will come down hard on any poachers and will nail them to the wall with hefty fines as a deterent to others...

I think we first need to worry about there being enough CO's on the water to properly enforce the new regulations to begin with. This creates a lot more area for them to cover. As much as I'd like to believe that most will comply with these regs, I have a feeling there will be plenty ignoring them. <_<

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My guess is the same CO's that work the Kawartha's in the summer will now be working it in the winter !!

Keen observation. :rolleyes:


I'm just trying to say that there doesn't seem to be an ample number of CO's in Southern Ontario relative to the number of anglers and bodies of water. Perhaps (and hopefully) I'm wrong on that one.

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My guess is the same CO's that work the Kawartha's in the summer will now be working it in the winter !!



That's great!



I've fished the kawartha's for over 20 years, and I've NEVER been checked by a CO, or cop on the water. Never even seen one out there!!!!!!


I've been checked on scugog on the ice, but nowhere else.



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I have a feeling the walleye fishery of Rice Lake is gonna take a hard hit this winter. :(


My understanding is that crappie feeding on Walleye fry is far more of a drain on the walleye fishery then us fisherman ever will be.


So I would think that the winter season will do way more good then harm with regards to the walleye numbers.


Time will tell.



It looks like it is skinned over pretty good. Play safe out there on the opener everybody.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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I have a feeling the walleye fishery of Rice Lake is gonna take a hard hit this winter. :(

There are simply not enough CO's to cover it consistently.


Maybe after this season, they'll change the regulations next winter.



Man, this debate seems to want to continue despite your reply having absolutely no relevance to the OP's original question. Guess I am fanning the flames a bit though by even replying.


A change in the regs will not increase poaching IMO. The vast majority of license holders are aware of the regulations and will put any incidental catches back where they belong. People that are going to poach, will poach no matter what. Having an open ice season isn't going to change that. You think someone that catches an OOS walleye is going to keep it just because there is an open season now - get real. These are the same people that would abuse the system in the "regular" season. BTW - people have been catching walleye in rice and the tri-lakes for years in winter - they have native status that allows that right.


Scugog has had an ice season for walleye for a long time, so have other areas, have those fisheries taken a hard hit? There aren't enough CO's now to cover the spring/summer/fall season why do we need more enforcement just because we now have an ice season for pan fish?


I suggest all the arm chair biologists, like yourself and many other that have made assinine comments on this board like yours, keep it to themselves. Your comments have no basis in fact or science. I will leave that aspect of fishing to the experts, like the ones at the MNR that given the go ahead to EXPAND recreational fishing opportunities in this great province.

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To stay on topic.



The ice on Rice Lake looks good. Stay away from the river/current areas, most panfish will be on the flats and weedline drop offs anyway.


The best part is that Rice and all other Kawartha lake are going to be open for fishing.

I love the photo of the ice huts sitting on shore in Bewdley.


The increase in angler oppourtunities is fantastic for this area on many different levels; tourism, business, youth angler recruitment, panfish lunch, etc.


Hope to see you out on the ice.



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I'm curious as to how many people on this board took the time to fill out the MNR survey last year when this all came up. People that didn't take the time to fill out the survey shouldn't be complaining about the new regs. They had the chance to voice concerns when this was first brought up. I was talking to a guy from the MNR and he said only 100 surveys were filled out...which leaves 99 other people besides myself who actully took the time!

Edited by eyefish
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I'm curious as to how many people on this board took the time to fill out the MNR survey last year when this all came up. People that didn't take the time to fill out the survey shouldn't be complaining about the new regs. They had the chance to voice concerns when this was first brought up. I was talking to a guy from the MNR and he said only 100 surveys were filled out...which leaves 99 other people besides myself who actully took the time!


I leave 98 more people :thumbsup_anim:


I also went to two of the meetings :clapping:


I can't wait to pound some slabs on my home lakes!! Its gonna be a sweet winter for sure!!!!


There will always be bad apples in every bunch. Leave it to a fishing message board to bring out nothing but the worste!! You can't win, they will whine with no fishing, and they will whine with fishing......Just go fish and be happy!! I know I will :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:



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Man, this debate seems to want to continue despite your reply having absolutely no relevance to the OP's original question. Guess I am fanning the flames a bit though by even replying.


A change in the regs will not increase poaching IMO. The vast majority of license holders are aware of the regulations and will put any incidental catches back where they belong. People that are going to poach, will poach no matter what. Having an open ice season isn't going to change that. You think someone that catches an OOS walleye is going to keep it just because there is an open season now - get real. These are the same people that would abuse the system in the "regular" season. BTW - people have been catching walleye in rice and the tri-lakes for years in winter - they have native status that allows that right.


Scugog has had an ice season for walleye for a long time, so have other areas, have those fisheries taken a hard hit? There aren't enough CO's now to cover the spring/summer/fall season why do we need more enforcement just because we now have an ice season for pan fish?


I suggest all the arm chair biologists, like yourself and many other that have made assinine comments on this board like yours, keep it to themselves. Your comments have no basis in fact or science. I will leave that aspect of fishing to the experts, like the ones at the MNR that given the go ahead to EXPAND recreational fishing opportunities in this great province.


First off, I did not mean to crap on the OP's thread with what I said, nor did I intend to scrutinize the new open ice season. Personally, I do not have any experience ice fishing, and don't plan to try it, it's just not my thing so I suppose I should not really be speaking on this topic. I was merely voicing my opinion on what could happen to the walleye fishery Rice has to offer. Regarding the native fisher people you mentioned, I personally do not believe they have much of an impact at all, it's not like the numbers of walleye they consume are anywhere near the numbers of fish "consumed" on Nippissing, but I am only speaking out of observation.


The comments I made were simply based on the fact that Rice is one of the best and closest walleye fisheries closer to the GTA, and with the new season, I felt that it will face much more pressure than it's used to. This is the first time Rice has allowed ice fishing no? I do however agree with the point you made regarding the expansion of rec. fishing opportunities to not be limited to just the spring/summer/fall, if it gets more people introduced to this great sport, then I'm all for it.


Nevertheless, I apologize for the 'asinine' comments I made. I did not intend to offend anybody in any way whatsoever with my thoughts. Hope anybody who was offended by my comments accept this apology.


Happy fishing to all,


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Hey Fishindude:


Don't worry about voicing your opinion, that's why it's yours.


The new winter angling oppourtunities are for panfish, pike and course fish only. Walleye is not open for angling. Any Out Of Season fish are to be released as quickley as possible.

This new season should only benefit the walleye in the lake. Removing a bunch of adult panfish during the new season will reduce the number of predator/competitor for young walleye.

Besides Scugog is closer to the GTA and has allowed winter walleye angling and it still is a great fishery.



If you change your mind and want to give winter angling a try, feel free to come out and join us at the Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival. Holes and gear will be provided if required. It should be a lot of fun.




Also the number of surveys completed about the proposed regulation changes was over 900. Lots of members of this board took the time to voice their opinion.



Have a great holiday.

Edited by Michael Brown
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