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Gun registry


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When my dad was a kid in school he took his gun and hunted on the way home.

Try that now.



My dad used to shoot trap at epps and reload his shotgun shells in machine shop at park street ( mid 70's) . He took 2 shotguns to school on the buss and put them in his locker. I tried to take my compound bow on the bus in a case ( 1998 ish) and you would think I was trying to take over the world.


The world has changed, I almost wish I could have lived back in the day. I hate being told when I can or cant fart these days.

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I hate being told when I can or cant fart these days.


You go ahead and fart all ya want,,,,,just down wind please.LOL




Back in the day,,,,,,,,,,,,Im sure many wish they were,BUT,many in todays world,could never do it.




I have always wished I was back in the 50,s,60,s. Feel like I have been ripped off.Sorta speak.Back when it was ,ok to do.Excepted,normal everyday thing.



Where am I going with this?????????

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You guys are making me feel old.


We had a shooting range at my school and from grades 5 to 8 I shot after school. No one tried to kill anyone in the school, no goth no emo's no jocks, no real cliques and no CELL PHONES, even though there were some lunnies myself included. If you know what you are you can always spot it in someone else. :P


Dara to finish the thought, some of the changes they want to make are to eliminate renewal fees and the penalties, misfish is speaking of, they also want to eliminate some redundant jobs, I agree this was a tax grab, I don't agree with the registry for existing long guns unless they are semi-auto capable of easily being modified to fully auto. Unless your hunting man I don't see the need for an automatic weapon.


I know the only press this issue gets is when the police budgets are being discussed and this registry becomes necessary a tool for law enforcement. And we all know some tools are useful some aren't and some in the hands of neophytes can lead to dangerous ends, which is my fear that someone hacks into the database and gets access to all the info or the government of the day uses it for political purposes ie election demographics.


Remember big brother was created during the 30's and is growing in it's power via the fear created by our politicians in their effort to try and convince us they are making legislation to protect us :rolleyes:


I'd love to go back in time but the technology we have to-day with respect to fishing is hard to give up. I like my Loomis rods and flippin jigs and would be hard pressed to go back to the fibreglass, closed faced reel and red devils spoons. They didn't have kevlar so my boat would be alot slower.


I don't mind they crap that goes on to-day but I see the use of the word "LIKE" as a staple in the vocabulary of to-days youth as a far more detriment to our society, illiteracy, than a dysfunctonal gun registry.


Conservative governments let us make our own mistakes and then make legistation, liberals just make legislation and then realise they made a mistake. :)

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The problem with the registry, aside from the cost is that it's only usable purpose is to allow easier confiscation. This is what the Toronto Police are doing. They are getting reports of each gun owner in the area who have had their license expire, which does happen for one of several reasons and then going to that persons house and confiscating their firearms. During this confiscation they are also looking for any other offense that they feel they can charge the gun owner with to make a good show in front of the media. Look we just took X number of guns off the street (like they were ever on the street to begin with) and taken away all this armour piercing ammunition (pretty much any jacketted round is evil and armour piercing) and saved countless lives (because this old gun owner is obviously some kind of gangster). They have now ruined some old guy's life, cost him whatever savings he has to fight the charges and done nothing to protect the city from the people who are commiting crimes. All this from the registry. If there was no registry that money could be put towards actually fighting crime and not about taking guns away from some old veteran or deer/duck hunter.

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The problem with the registry, aside from the cost is that it's only usable purpose is to allow easier confiscation. This is what the Toronto Police are doing. They are getting reports of each gun owner in the area who have had their license expire, which does happen for one of several reasons and then going to that persons house and confiscating their firearms. During this confiscation they are also looking for any other offense that they feel they can charge the gun owner with to make a good show in front of the media. Look we just took X number of guns off the street (like they were ever on the street to begin with) and taken away all this armour piercing ammunition (pretty much any jacketted round is evil and armour piercing) and saved countless lives (because this old gun owner is obviously some kind of gangster). They have now ruined some old guy's life, cost him whatever savings he has to fight the charges and done nothing to protect the city from the people who are commiting crimes. All this from the registry. If there was no registry that money could be put towards actually fighting crime and not about taking guns away from some old veteran or deer/duck hunter.





Please get your facts straight. What they are doing in Toronto is going through the handgun registry trying to clean up that mess. And it is a mess...Yes there will be some long guns involved as well but no "old guys life" or anyone else's has been ruined. They can either get the licence to be able to keep the guns or have them sold or destroyed or deactivated..Their choice. They are only holding them for safe keeping until the law is complied with. And again this is the handgun registry where the possession licences have expired.


The biggest problem and opposition with the long gun registry as I see it is the fact that non registration of individual fireamrs now makes a criminal out of law abiding gun owners. People like to compare it registering vehicles and such but if you don't register your car and you get caught driving it on the road you aren't risking a criminal record and seizure of all your other cars.

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Please get your facts straight. What they are doing in Toronto is going through the handgun registry trying to clean up that mess. And it is a mess...Yes there will be some long guns involved as well but no "old guys life" or anyone else's has been ruined. They can either get the licence to be able to keep the guns or have them sold or destroyed or deactivated..Their choice. They are only holding them for safe keeping until the law is complied with. And again this is the handgun registry where the possession licences have expired.


The biggest problem and opposition with the long gun registry as I see it is the fact that non registration of individual fireamrs now makes a criminal out of law abiding gun owners. People like to compare it registering vehicles and such but if you don't register your car and you get caught driving it on the road you aren't risking a criminal record and seizure of all your other cars.


Ah......Excuse me........ Here is what they seized."Nearly 400 firearms have been pulled off the streets as Toronto Police pursue Project Safe City."


"Of those weapons, about 150 were hand guns and about 250 were long guns."


Almost 2 out of 3 is not some. It is clearly the majority of what was siezed.

I am tired of the misinformation. The long gun registry's purpose was to deliberately reduce the number of legitimate gun owners. First by creating such a terrible system that people would turn in their firearms rather than go through all the rigamorole. Then allow the police to search and seize without a warrant. Then when they have reduced the number of legitimate firearms owners to a politically insignificant number to make it illegal for anyone to own a firearm. The creator of this was Allan Rock and are we lucky that we got rid of that " little Stalin in waiting". He made speeches in Europe where he stated that nobody outside of the police or military has a reason to own firearms.

Let's talk about the loss of a fundamental right in a free and democratic society and that is your right of protection from the government to search and sieze without a warrant. If you were one of the worst crimminals, like, let's say a child sexual preditor, you would have that right. But because you go duck hunting you are deemed as unworthy of that protection under the law. This part of the legislation alone is an affront to your dignity as a citizen of this country. I am ashamed of our response or lack of ,to this heinous piece of legislation. The long gun registry has done no one any good.

Cars are not guns. No body would leave a firearm worth $30,000+ "parked" on the street. This is why we need to register vehicles.

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Ah......Excuse me........ Here is what they seized."Nearly 400 firearms have been pulled off the streets as Toronto Police pursue Project Safe City."


"Of those weapons, about 150 were hand guns and about 250 were long guns."


Almost 2 out of 3 is not some. It is clearly the majority of what was siezed.

I am tired of the misinformation. The long gun registry's purpose was to deliberately reduce the number of legitimate gun owners. First by creating such a terrible system that people would turn in their firearms rather than go through all the rigamorole. Then allow the police to search and seize without a warrant. Then when they have reduced the number of legitimate firearms owners to a politically insignificant number to make it illegal for anyone to own a firearm. The creator of this was Allan Rock and are we lucky that we got rid of that " little Stalin in waiting". He made speeches in Europe where he stated that nobody outside of the police or military has a reason to own firearms.

Let's talk about the loss of a fundamental right in a free and democratic society and that is your right of protection from the government to search and sieze without a warrant. If you were one of the worst crimminals, like, let's say a child sexual preditor, you would have that right. But because you go duck hunting you are deemed as unworthy of that protection under the law. This part of the legislation alone is an affront to your dignity as a citizen of this country. I am ashamed of our response or lack of ,to this heinous piece of legislation. The long gun registry has done no one any good.

Cars are not guns. No body would leave a firearm worth $30,000+ "parked" on the street. This is why we need to register vehicles.



nicely said



it was toted as a way to save lives to cut down on crimes and get illegal guns off the street


the gun registry has never prevented one crime

the gun registry has never saved one life

and the gun registry has never got one illegal gun off the street


criminals don't register guns..duh

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Caper I think you need to better explain how the handgun registry is a mess in Toronto. There may be a few expired licenses around, but those were all from legitimate owners...not the punks on the streets...so it really is just another waste of police time.


Hammercarp. I agree with you except for one part. you said that they got rid of 400 firearms off the streets of toronto.

They weren't on the streets...they were in homes, likely fairly safe as well.


Like they say, fear a government that fears its citizens being armed.


This has nothing to do with safety for anybody except the government.



Hows that for paranoid.



they really gotta think about the laws they make a bit more.


1st..bicycle law for kids..how many kids do you see not wearing helmets.

smoking in a vehicle with kids...come on

cel phone law while driving...i don't see any difference now..everybody is still driving talking on em...or hands free which is just as dangerous.


These laws all cost millions of dollars to make...why bother spending the money if they aren't going to be enforced.


They would be called idiots for busting a kid with no helmet, but come across an unregistered single shot 22 and they are heroes.

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nicely said



it was toted as a way to save lives to cut down on crimes and get illegal guns off the street


the gun registry has never prevented one crime

the gun registry has never saved one life

and the gun registry has never got one illegal gun off the street


criminals don't register guns..duh



legal owners don't carry their guns on the street...but you know what...there is no law against carrying your 30-06 uncased down young st..or having it in the gun rack in the back window of your pickup truck

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I believe you missed my point. I didn't say there was any effectiveness to the long gun registry, in fact i agree it's a complete waste of money. As i said it makes criminal out of law abiding people.


All of those checks are done on the hangun registry not the long gun registry. Project safe city in Toronto is about visiting people who have hanguns registered to them where they no longer have a possession licence. The misinformation was that these people are getting charged because of licencing issues which is false. There are no warrantless searches and the gun owners are given an opportunity to get their licenceing up to date and they can have the guns back. Not sure where those numbers came from but i can tell you from what I know there are a lot of unlicenced handgun owners out that that need to update their records.

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Thanks for the pm Caper.

It sounds to me like somebody has ben sitting on their butts instead of doing their job.

Why all of a sudden such an interest in expired handgun licenses.

I hear you that you are not for the registry.

Possibly if our politicians actually cared about safety instead of just making a name for themselves, (man do I hate Allen Rock) they would have spent the billion on checking the licenses back then rather than now it could have done some good.


How come nobody is complaining that the job hasn't been done for so many years.



Oh look at me..I'm gonna come up with a new law to make my people safe...instead of using the ones we already have


I'm done with this...its disgusting

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You guys twisted and turned this thread.LOL I did however,enjoyed the reads.


Like I said,alls good now.No matter whats going on out there,ya got to take the good with the bad.


carp and moun all ya want.We voted them in,so be it.



Looking forward to some rested days off to hunt some wabbits with my 22. :D

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