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Highway of Heros

Big Cliff

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I don't know how long this has been around, a friend just sent it to me. I thought it was too beautiful to not share it.


The attached YouTube video is of Ginny McIlmoyle, The song was written by a local writer and a production company saw Ginny perform it on a show in Warkworth and got everyone together to do this video. It is a great song and video shot in Belleville at the Armories with footage from re-patriations at Trenton.


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We travel the highway - I taught my kids this year - my son is in awe of why people have to have war to get freedom(Age 7). In fact we stopped and watch seven heros on our way to 115 this year. He understands but is sad for the families as i think everyone on the site would be


God bless their families as a immigrant Australia to canada we are almost one - i will ensure my kids are proud - thank you for sharing

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The number of replies to this thread doesn't lessen the hitting power of this video and song. It is a very touching and heart felt tribute to our fallen soldiers. I just had to pass this along to all my email friends and family. Thanks for posting it Cliff.


I am sure it tugged on the heart strings of everyone who watched the video whether they are for or against the political agenda.


In my opinion it is not about the cause, it is about our brave soldiers doing the job and giving the ultimate sacrifice.



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Thx for posting this Cliff. I drive over the Harmony Bridge in Oshawa everyday to and from work. It is a very powerful thing to see this in person. No matter your opinion on wars...you just have this feeling of respect for the sacrifices these people have made for YOU.


God bless them and there families.

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When you are standing on one of those bridges waiting for the processional to pass sometimes you think what am I doing here, its too cold, too dark or just too long of a wait. When they finally arrive and pass your bridge, it all becomes clear. You had to be there, you wanted to be there and you wouldn't want to be anywhere else at that particular time. This video is a wonderful tribute to those who rode the Highway of Heroes and I thank you for sharing it with me.

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Thanks Cliff....


I had never seen that, but I have read about the re-expatriation process in an Armed Forces magazine at Woseley barracks here in London last summer.


It is truly amazing, and rightly so too, how our HEROE'S are brought home and the RESPECT they are afforded once they reach Canadian soil.


That video brought tears to my eyes this am. It is a reminder to me of how grateful I am to be a Canadian.


I shared it on my Facebook page as well.. Maybe others will do the same on theirs too ;)



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Thanks for that Cliff. It really hits home and is very well done. Actually it seems to me to hit home a little harder at this time of year.

My heart, thoughts and prayers for the folks over seas at this time of year and especially to those who have lost a loved one.

Be safe and thanks.


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Thanks -- a beautiful and touching song that we all need to hear.






I don't know how long this has been around, a friend just sent it to me. I thought it was too beautiful to not share it.


The attached YouTube video is of Ginny McIlmoyle, The song was written by a local writer and a production company saw Ginny perform it on a show in Warkworth and got everyone together to do this video. It is a great song and video shot in Belleville at the Armories with footage from re-patriations at Trenton.


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