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What a crock.

Tony Martin admits that he knows his constituents don't want a gun registry but he doesn't care. He is voting the way HE wants to. WE pay his wages, WE elected him to put represent US, not his personal beliefs.


He says that police associations support the registry. Of course they do. It restricts our freedoms and makes their job easier.


This is the problem with politicians nowadays. They get in power and think they are personally running things. We are not their flock. They work for us and should do what we want..






Martin will vote against gun bill

PARLIAMENT: Sault MP will not support move to scrap registry


Posted 1 day ago



Sault MP Tony Martin is sticking to his guns -- or rather, the gun registry.


He plans on voting against a Conservative private member's bill later this week that, if passed, would see the abolishment of the Canadian gun registry.


Bill C-391, put forth by MP Candice Hoeppner (Portage-Lisgar), and now into second reading, would ultimately abolish the registry for long-gun owners.


It also proposes to destroy all existing registration records for long-gun owners.


Martin, who admits that the gun registry system isn't perfect, said it is endorsed by many groups and associations, including the Canadian Police Association and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, and is a tool used to protect society as a whole.


Recently, the Sault Ste. Marie Conservative Association called on Martin to support the bill and end the registry, which the Conservatives call wasteful and ineffective.


The campaign, which includes radio ads paid for by the Conservative Association, encourages area residents to make their views known to Martin prior to the Nov. 4 vote.


The Conservatives are also pointing the finger at Liberals, who initially implemented the legislation.


Martin said he's received a number of phone calls but won't change his position on the issue.


"I understand the strong sentiments of the area residents and I've given this issue long and hard thought," Martin said. "but the statistics show that violence with long guns has been reduced significantly since the registry was brought in and that's sufficient enough to support retaining the registry."


Conservative association president Josh Pringle said "it's obvious that Mr. Martin is not listening to his constituents."





Pringle called the registry, established under a Liberal government, "a complete disaster" that needs to be scrapped.


"The time is now for Mr. Martin to listen to his constituents and use his free vote as they request," Pringle said.


Sault Ste. Marie's federal Liberal candidate Christian Provenzano said the issue is about politics and not policy.


H e charged that the Conservatives,


over the past four elections, have run against the gun registry but haven't introduced a government bill to scrap it.


"If they were serious about it, it would be a government bill, not a private member's bill," Provenzano said.


"The core issue here is not about gun control but about how to implement a registry to law abiding farmers and hunters and gun owners without infringing on their rights," he said, arguing that abolishing the registry is not the answer.


Provenzano said he's spoken to many gun owners, hunters and farmers about the issue, one that he is personally working on.


Martin agreed that instead of having the registry scrapped, he'd rather see changes made to it that will increase its effectiveness, reduce intrusiveness and lower costs of maintaining it.


He also wants to see the Canadian government working closer with the U. S. government to reduce gun smuggling, put more police on the streets, increase funding to keep kids out of gangs, add more guns to the list of restricted weapons and take stronger measures to limit the sales of guns on the Internet.


Provenzano said that he would "rather fail while trying to unite the people rather than succeed by trying to divide them," a common tactic he says is used by Conservatives.

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i left a message on tony's voicemail about this the other day..

i guess it didn't have an impact eh?



I called his office today and was told that he would return my call.

The woman that answered the phone had no interest whatsoever in why I was calling

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Are you surprised about any of this Dara???



I'm a bit suprised that he can stand there and say "You people don't know whats best for you. I will show you the way"

It really bothers me.


How are your MP's voting on this?

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"but the statistics show that violence with long guns has been reduced significantly since the registry was brought in and that's sufficient enough to support retaining the registry."


I would love to see those stats. Wonder where he gets them from. :wallbash:

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I recieved a form letter from my MP when I asked for a response from her. All I got from the letter was she was going with the flow.


This is the 2nd form letter I have got from her on two different inquiries.


For the simple fact she sent another form letter Ms Oda will not get a sinlge vote from my household again.

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I recieved a form letter from my MP when I asked for a response from her. All I got from the letter was she was going with the flow.


This is the 2nd form letter I have got from her on two different inquiries.


For the simple fact she sent another form letter Ms Oda will not get a sinlge vote from my household again.


Going with what flow...and why.

A hundred and sixty thousand dollars a year..you realize thats $80.00 an hour. Do they do eighty dollars an hour worth of work?

Lemmings follow the flow, and not for eighty dollars an hour..for money like that, you make up your own mind...or listen to the people that gave you the job.


They say, oh, I'm really busy...for eighty dollars an hour, you better be busy,,,and doing something too.


Oh yeah...I never got my call back...he musta been busy

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A hundred and sixty thousand dollars a year..you realize thats $80.00 an hour. Do they do eighty dollars an hour worth of work?

Lemmings follow the flow, and not for eighty dollars an hour..for money like that, you make up your own mind...or listen to the people that gave you the job.


Dara your math is screwed up.

What makes you think they work anywhere near 40 hrs a week/ 2000 hrs a year. :rolleyes:

The great majority don't even come close to those numbers.

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the shame of these guys voting their way or changing their minds is how it silences the majority. If 400,000 people in a municipality elect an official because they are Pro (insert whatever issue) that is how the people have their say. when the elected official votes AGAINST (insert issue) then the voices of 400,000 voters have been silenced, or worse, have contributed to the opposition of the issue. Our system of democracy falls flat on its face when elected officials roll over. However the officials due it time and time again without penalty. You know in France they burn down their establishment every hundred years or so.....

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