holdfast Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 irishfield said: Don't do it too much kid... one day you'll wake up and look like this... OR This
bigfish1965 Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 holdfast said: Boo HOO, I got a good Avatar for you...SWEET CHEEKS Well, you won't be needing yours for awhile.
Cudz Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Johnny Bass said: Well my daughter APPARENTLY has swine flu, but yet no one else around her has contracted it. Go figure. I guess she was special?? If it is a flu and it is contagious? How does that work? My situation exactly. One daughter has it and we were forced to get the shot (except for the child who has it). My wife and 2 of my other children got the shot. I am supposed to get it tomorrow at 830 but I can`t make it. I am kind of thinking I might not get the shot but then who knows. So many conflicting reports. I am a teacher and teach North (actually west) of Orillia. I would say I have about 5 kids per class missing. That is above normal. I have a hard time believing this is an issue but when perfectly healthy kids are starting to die it becomes a bit scary.
trout-eater Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 JPD said: Here's an interesting read on a site that was sent to me by a good friend who deals with the human body all the time..Swine Flu Article I personally don't believe in getting a shot as I agree that our bodies become stronger by fighting things off. For people with medical conditions or weaker immune system, yes it can help but for someone who is perfectly healthy it's a shame that they would let their body get lazy! JP i stopped reading this thread when i got to this reply. not sure if anybody covered this already. but everybody should get the flu shot. yes including a shot for the H1N1. you might be stong enough to fight the virus there JPD, but what about your kids, parents and others that aren't as "strong" as you. what are you going to say when somebody you know gets the virus from contracting it from you. just because you know your body can fix it's self, others can't, and that's how it's keeps on spreading, with people like you. wash your hands before you eat kid's
Cudz Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Rick OBanion said: Well, you won't be needing yours for awhile. Now that is funny!
bushart Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 trout-eater said: i stopped reading this thread when i got to this reply. not sure if anybody covered this already. but everybody should get the flu shot. yes including a shot for the H1N1. you might be stong enough to fight the virus there JPD, but what about your kids, parents and others that aren't as "strong" as you. what are you going to say when somebody you know gets the virus from contracting it from you. just because you know your body can fix it's self, others can't, and that's how it's keeps on spreading, with people like you. wash your hands before you eat kid's Don't think it's legal to eat kids?? This painter's gettin the shot---regret sucks Bushart
canadadude Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 trout-eater said: i stopped reading this thread when i got to this reply. not sure if anybody covered this already. but everybody should get the flu shot. yes including a shot for the H1N1. you might be stong enough to fight the virus there JPD, but what about your kids, parents and others that aren't as "strong" as you. what are you going to say when somebody you know gets the virus from contracting it from you. just because you know your body can fix it's self, others can't, and that's how it's keeps on spreading, with people like you. wash your hands before you eat kid's This is exactly right, the idea of getting vacinated is not only to protect yourself but to rid the potential of the virus spreading and mutating and rid it from the population, much the same as small pox, polio and other deadly viruses
Chris Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Quote Tell that to the families of the people who have already died. Many deaths Kemper...many more to come. Not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes bad things really do happen. C'mon.....just as many people die from the regular flu each year. IMHO this is yet another example of the countries biggest drug dealers (phamaceutical companies) cashing in on.....you guessed it ......FEAR! Fear sells people, you should know that by now!!! Lot's and lot's of huge profits to be made and our gov't. is right in bed with them. Just like they are in bed with big oil and insurance companies. A few years ago the flavor of the day was West Nile Virus.....Don't hear anything about that anymore do we? This is typical knee-jerk reaction to fearmongering. Maybe I'm wrong but, if we had politicians or a political party that could actually be trusted I would consider getting the shot. To me that is the real shame here if in fact this threat is as real as they claim. Many, many Canadians and Americans no longer have any trust in their leaders and that is a sad state of affairs. Yeah maybe I'm just another conspiracy theorist......but I'd rather be that than someone who blindly trusts the most powerful criminals we have on the planet. They lie, cheat, steal and waste billions.....you gonna trust THEM with your health????? Not me.
canadadude Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 ChrisS said: C'mon.....just as many people die from the regular flu each year. IMHO this is yet another example of the countries biggest drug dealers (phamaceutical companies) cashing in on.....you guessed it ......FEAR! Fear sells people, you should know that by now!!! Lot's and lot's of huge profits to be made and our gov't. is right in bed with them. Just like they are in bed with big oil and insurance companies. A few years ago the flavor of the day was West Nile Virus.....Don't hear anything about that anymore do we? This is typical knee-jerk reaction to fearmongering. Maybe I'm wrong but, if we had politicians or a political party that could actually be trusted I would consider getting the shot. To me that is the real shame here if in fact this threat is as real as they claim. Many, many Canadians and Americans no longer have any trust in their leaders and that is a sad state of affairs. Yeah maybe I'm just another conspiracy theorist......but I'd rather be that than someone who blindly trusts the most powerful criminals we have on the planet. They lie, cheat, steal and waste billions.....you gonna trust THEM with your health????? Not me. The world health organization, the entire medical profession and the worlds governments are all on the take to help manage huge profits for the pharmaceuticle companies........give me a break
cityfisher Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 ive been sick for like 6 days....hopefully im at the end of it.. who knowws really
Cookslav Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Ok heres a thought to ponder for those freaked out by the H1N1 Scare. According to The Ontario Ministry of health on a national Averages 500-1500 flu-related deaths occur per year in Canada.... According to the Public health agency of Canada 89 anadians have died of swine flu(and swine flu related) deaths over the past year and a half.... Annual Flu epidemics world wide are thought to result in between three and five million cases of severe illness and between 250 000 and 500 000 deaths every year... while apparently 5,000 have died globally from H1N1 so far... That is no reason to panic IMO? These numbers don't lie... Its fairly apparent that this has been blown up much larger then it needs to be thanks to our media coverage. Its sad that some people died...it always is when people die, but this is nothing to panic over. I have to echo Kempers origional thoughts on the matter. Its a flu...a really bad flu But when you look at the numbers its nothing to get worked up over, and my guess iss 300 kids missing school is more then likely a combination of a few sick kids, and a healthy dose of panic but I guess we'll see when this all blows over. Get the shot if feel you need it, don't if you do not trust it....talk to your doctor, and get the facts. For those inclinded to read a bit on the subject http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/provid.../flumap_mn.html http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/h1...illance-eng.php
Jer Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 I've got serious mixed feelings on this one. I've never had a flu shot to my recollection...and never had what I would think was a case of the flu either. I get the odd cold and maybe a short bout of "stomach flu" occasionally. What concerns me about H1N1, although it doesn't seem to kill in huge numbers, it's who it kills. It seems the young and healthy are most at risk, with the most severe symptoms. Fatality numbers from seasonal flu outbreaks are usually heavily padded with the deaths of many elderly and otherwise compromised individuals. The flu being the straw that broke their back, so to speak. When we see a strain that kills an otherwise apparently healthy young hockey player within a couple days of not feeling well, that's scary. Anyways, I'm still torn on the subject.
Governator Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 I'm getting the seasonal flu shot for the first time and then I do plan to get the h1n1 as well. I'd rather take comfort in knowing I'm doing what I can to protect my 2 month old who can't get any of the shots.
canadadude Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 (edited) The idea of vacination is to catch the H1N1 in it's infancy and not have hundreds of thousands of deaths.....this flue strain is very severe and seems to infect portions of the population that have good immune systems in place. If this strain reaches epidemic proportions it's to late and very hard if not impossible to control, maybe it is blown out of proportion but I think the health organizations of the world see the potential of this becoming a very bad pandemic. It's better to take precautions now when the flue is at a controllable level then to wait and have thousands of deaths just to prove the skeptics wrong. Edited October 29, 2009 by canadadude
ADB Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 (edited) trout-eater said: i stopped reading this thread when i got to this reply. not sure if anybody covered this already. but everybody should get the flu shot. yes including a shot for the H1N1. you might be stong enough to fight the virus there JPD, but what about your kids, parents and others that aren't as "strong" as you. what are you going to say when somebody you know gets the virus from contracting it from you. just because you know your body can fix it's self, others can't, and that's how it's keeps on spreading, with people like you. wash your hands before you eat kid's So you're saying that everytime you're sick you stay home? Because if you went out, you'd be spreading a virus, just as you're accusing JP of doing. It's a fact that people who aren't as "strong," as you put it, die every year from the normal flu strain. It's unavoidable. People who get the flu shot still get sick, and it'll be the same with the H1N1 vaccine. We can't live in a bubble. Do your best to boost your inherent immune system by doing things that are a lot more natural that getting a shot - get a proper amount of sleep, cut down on sugar, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, take vitamin supplements, cut out coffee and smoking. Doing these things is a lot more helpful to society than getting a flu shot that hasn't been proven effective. My parents never believed in getting shots. I haven't been immunized for anything, except for any shots I got when I was born. Polio, the mumps, rubella, and the flu - I suppose I'm succeptable to all of these, but yet, I haven't ever had any of them. I've never had the flu, unless you count a seasonal cold. And the same goes for my brother who hasn't had any vaccinations either. Why would I start getting shots now? If the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine are so effective, then those who are immunized shouldn't be worried by the people who elect to not get the shot. They should be protected, no? Yet they're still worried. Doesn't this defeat the purpose? Edited October 29, 2009 by ADB
bigfish1965 Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 ChrisS said: C'mon.....just as many people die from the regular flu each year. IMHO this is yet another example of the countries biggest drug dealers (phamaceutical companies) cashing in on.....you guessed it ......FEAR! Fear sells people, you should know that by now!!! Lot's and lot's of huge profits to be made and our gov't. is right in bed with them. Just like they are in bed with big oil and insurance companies. A few years ago the flavor of the day was West Nile Virus.....Don't hear anything about that anymore do we? This is typical knee-jerk reaction to fearmongering. Maybe I'm wrong but, if we had politicians or a political party that could actually be trusted I would consider getting the shot. To me that is the real shame here if in fact this threat is as real as they claim. Many, many Canadians and Americans no longer have any trust in their leaders and that is a sad state of affairs. Yeah maybe I'm just another conspiracy theorist......but I'd rather be that than someone who blindly trusts the most powerful criminals we have on the planet. They lie, cheat, steal and waste billions.....you gonna trust THEM with your health????? Not me. Chris, the 'big bad pharmaceutical companies' (yeah the same ones that came up with the polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine etc) make far more money off those who do NOT get the shot. Treatment costs far more than prevention...always has. Maybe you don't hear about West Nile because of all the pesticide programs put into place to combat it. I read that many of us who lived through and where exposed to the last swine flu may be immune to this one which is why it is hitting the younger kids harder this time. Last spring all you conspiracy guys were saying that H1N1 was a made up story when the W.H.O. said it would be a pandemic this fall. They were right about the pandemic. But I would rather trust my doctor who has accurately and successfully diagnosed and treated me through cancer and a few other maladies than the paranoid ramblings of conspiracy addicts.
Greencoachdog Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 I just called to get mine... I can't get one, they're doing all the high risk folks around here first. I'm reasonably healthy so I can't get one right now. ... if any of the nonbelievers would like to mail me their dose, I'll pay the postage!!!
blaque Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 From south of the border (Buffalo area) Soooooo, Back to the original question. Im feeling less than fiine lately........like that feeling you get when you know your gonna get a cold. But its holding off for now My neice was diagnosed with the swine last week.........she went to school feeling a little congested, the nurse took her to her office and masked her and sent her home immediately. She went to the Doc.....got the swab, and 4 days later the test results were positive for swine. She was never really bed ridden...........symptoms werent really terrible at all. Shes better and cleared to go back to school. Another neice now has it, and said she went to the doctor and they didnt even test her..........they said H1N1.........go home and rest and stay home from school. i find that strange, Id like to know if i have swine flu or regular flu if i go in for a check up. I dont have numbers down here but ive only known these 2 family members that have been diagnosed with it. Heard thru the grapevine that lots are out of school though. I dunno......havent had any issues at work yet
charlesn Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 1 thing to consider about statistics. They can be misleading if not taken in context. Sure lots of people die from the regular flu every year. But how many otherwise healthy young strong people die from it. A large percentage or virtually none? That is what seems to be scary about this strain is that it can kill people that are otherwise young and strong and healthy. I guess I should be happy that I am becoming old and infirm. I'm going to get the shots for sure to try to protect my little kids, but on the fence as to whether they should or not. Will probably rely on the pediatrician's advice for that one. Scary that they had to "rush" the vaccine, but at the same time, what use will the vaccine be to us next fall... Complicated world we live in. As to the original question, my wife, 3 year old and 16 month old have all been sick for 2 weeks, I have been sick for 11 days with the worst of it appearing to be behind all of us. Went to see a doc and they said it was "viral" which is a good thing?
gdelongchamp Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 My wife and all my children had the flue two weeks ago, lots of coughing and teary eyes. some cramping. Some missed school some didnt. My son who also had it and got better and returned to school has come down with a different virus now and is out of school again and on tamiflu. Excessice coughing, trembling and weakness. I have not had any of it but I got my flu shot yesterday just the same. Better to be cautious then to be distrustful. Signed, "the old guy of the family"
Guest Johnny Bass Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 (edited) Rick OBanion said: Chris, the 'big bad pharmaceutical companies' (yeah the same ones that came up with the polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine etc) make far more money off those who do NOT get the shot. Treatment costs far more than prevention...always has. Maybe you don't hear about West Nile because of all the pesticide programs put into place to combat it. I read that many of us who lived through and where exposed to the last swine flu may be immune to this one which is why it is hitting the younger kids harder this time. Last spring all you conspiracy guys were saying that H1N1 was a made up story when the W.H.O. said it would be a pandemic this fall. They were right about the pandemic. But I would rather trust my doctor who has accurately and successfully diagnosed and treated me through cancer and a few other maladies than the paranoid ramblings of conspiracy addicts. Actually the name of the game is flipping a buck these days. No one cares about long term investments. People want to make money and want to make money over night. A relative of mine also contracted the west nile virus. Half her body was paralized and she was in a coma. She's ok now but still....There is no way the west nile virus could have gotten here if it wasn't introduced. It is not contagious. Even though my daughter has the swine flu? Still dont believe it is a threat on the scale the media paints it out to be. Could these people have introduced this virus to make a buck? Do you think people are expendable when it comes to making money? If you ask these war generals, they will say yes. I may sound a bit cinical, but I've seen enough to know the level of corruption that exists in our society. I'm curious to see how many others have contracted this desease at my daughter's school. So far, no one in her family, or anyone else that has been around her has contracted the desease. How does that work if it is so contagious? And how is it that healthy kids are dying and others not? Different strains? If there is a vaccine, maybe they should get a vaccine that protects against the stronger strains. I wonder how many people will die from side effects of the vaccine? Not that you will ever hear about it. If you are an elderly or have a new born living with you, than that is fine....Other than that? I wouldn't advise it. Edited October 29, 2009 by Johnny Bass
bushart Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 It would be nice to be able to see back in time and witness how many skeptics were around when the Spanish Flu hit (Within the last century)...and... what they had to say when... Towns were closed down....bodies in boxes stacked on loading docks cause they could'nt bury them fast enough (USA)....probably those pesky pharmaceutical companies made up that kids song "I had a little bird and it's name was enza-----I opened up the window and in-flew enza" Through life if I've learned anything about human nature it is that there will always a group that will be more than willing to take up a stand even though it is backed by the best science of the day. AAAH---global warming----Stupid BC had too many pine trees anyway and salmon we can do without. Yes I may be wrong when I get my shot----but I will take solice in the fact that I made the decision based on my research and did what I could do to help myself and my family. Bushart
steverowbotham Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 When I studied Animal Pathology, I remember my professor saying that there is a strain of pig flu and if it ever got to humans, we'd be screwed. It's scary stuff, dont take it lightly
Guest Johnny Bass Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 (edited) The most deadliest plagues of the world have come from swines. Was it a natural occurance or a method of population control, who knows....They seem to pop up every so many years. Oh and these viruses you get on your computer??Who profits the most? Give up? The anti-virus producers. Without viruses they would be out of a job. It would only make sense for them to be the ones pumping out the viruses. Edited October 29, 2009 by Johnny Bass
Greencoachdog Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 I suspect that some of the nay sayers may be Trypanophobics making up excuses for their fear. I used to suffer from it... it was probably the 21 rabies shots I recieved at the age of 3 that had something to do with it , but I know now that the little stick of a hypodermic needle is either going to help keep me from getting sick... or recover faster if I am sick! Suck it up and get the shot Candy -es!!!
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