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10/06/09 pics


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Got on the water at about 10 am yesterday. It was and overcast day with the wind variable and gusty at times, the ambient temp was 71*F... The water surface temp was 70*F.


Fishing started out slow with just some little catfish being caught, then I got a good hit and brought a real nice slab Crappie to the boat. Instead of landing it with the net, I tried to lip it... and guy was full of piss and vinegar, thrashing around and jumping out of the water a couple of times. Before I could get my thumb in his mouth while trying to avoid the 3 other razor sharp hooks on the Sabiki rig, the hook came out of his mouth and I watched him dart back down to the depths... I just kind of smiled to myself and said "Bye-Bye"! All that was around noon.


At about 2 pm the fish started surfacing and busting schools of Shad on top of the water, most were like this little Striper with some White Bass about the same size thrown in for good measure.



I did get a decent little Spot while casting to the schools though:



I was also getting action on the Sabiki rigs, catching more slab Crappie (I starting landing them with the net after losing the first one ;) ), Spots, and a couple landlocked saltwter Striped Bass!


At 3 pm the water behind the boat started boiling with schooling fish, so I picked up the rod with the trusty Roostretail on it and made a couple casts... 2 strikes and no hookups, 3rd cast a little White Bass about 8" long nails the lure... I'm about 2 cranks of the reel bringing him in and the rod with the heavy Sabiki rig goes off and starts peeling some drag, so I "waterski" the little White Bass in and just let him have enough line to stay in the water at the side of the boat until I can get the rod with the heavy Sabiki rig in. I lift the rig rod out of the holder and it's a good fight, I got the line up so I could see the first fish on the rig and it's a nice eater Stripe... and I see a second tail and figured it was 2 nice eater Stripes, so I did the "dead lift" on the rod and brought the whole rig into the boat... and this is what I saw:



I was a little surprised to see the small Stripe on the second hook, but quite surprised to see Mr. Slab Crappie on the bottom hook! Usually the fish school together in the same size class and almost always the same species! All I can figure is that the Crappie was cleaning up the killed Shad that were sinking to the bottom. I suspect there was another eater size Stripe on the 3rd hook but it got off while I was futzing with the little White Bass.


I unhooked those 3 fish, then unhooked the White Bass, then reeled in the light Sabiki rig rod to find I had a "barely legal" (9") Crappie on it! It was quite the commotion there for a few minutes... but after that, the wind picked up and the sun peeked out and the fish quit biting. Oh well! It was fun while it lasted!!! B)


This is what I ended up taking home for supper!



There was a 4th Crappie that got cleaned before I remembered to take a pic... The largest Crappie is 13"


Well! I was a good 5 1/2 hrs on the water, and I was home and had the fish cleaned by 6 pm!

Edited by GCD
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Great report, fish and pics Glen :thumbsup_anim:

Got to love the sudden action on them Sabiki rigs B) AWESOME :thumbsup_anim:


Congratulations on the tripple header :clapping:

Looks like you got's yourself a nice meal and good time on the water!!!

Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work :Gonefishing::canadian:


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It would be hilarious if someone unlucky enough not to know who and where "the Dawg" is came on and thought it was some happy go lucky poacher's report...what with the mulitple hooks/lines in the water :lol: :lol:

Way to go GCD...thanks for sharing :D And LakerJessy says thanks for keeping your shirt on :blush:

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Yer choking the poor bugger. :P;)


Nice report there redneck


Something tells me that one didn't make it to the pan :dunno:





When are you inviting me over for dinner?

I'll pay for the beer if you get the plane ticket! :thumbsup_anim:

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OMG another fishing report from the young Alabamer :w00t:


3 fish on one line I would love to experience that.


For a guy who has seen alot of rain lately you still have and awesone tan.


What's up with the camera shots not one out of focus?


Did you get a new camera or finally learn how to use the thing!


Great fish pics and report Glenn !!!!!



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Were you looking over your shoulder when you were hooking those three different fish on the hooks..


The truth is always more entertaining than a lie! ;)



It would be hilarious if someone unlucky enough not to know who and where "the Dawg" is came on and thought it was some happy go lucky poacher's report...what with the mulitple hooks/lines in the water ...I've had to explain that one a couple of times on here. :lol:

Way to go GCD...thanks for sharing And LakerJessy says thanks for keeping your shirt on ...if I'd known she was offended by my nudity, I would never have taken it off the first time! ;)



When are you inviting me over for dinner?

I'll pay for the beer if you get the plane ticket!


I'll swing by and pick you up the next time I'm in the area! B)



OMG another fishing report from the young Alabamer :w00t:


3 fish on one line I would love to experience that.


For a guy who has seen alot of rain lately you still have and awesone tan... What can I say?!... I'm a yard Dawg, not a house Dawg! B)


What's up with the camera shots not one out of focus?...just wait, there'll be more out of focus shots :rolleyes:


Did you get a new camera or finally learn how to use the thing!...where are your "self-timer" pics?... practice makes perfect yanno ;)


Great fish pics and report Glenn !!!!!





Thanks for the kind words y'all! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by GCD
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