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I truly believe that Iggy has a bet with his buddies in the states that he believes Canadians are so gullible and he is so smart that he can run up here and be running the country within say 2 years.

Probably has a dollar bet on it or something. Thats what I think he really cares about this country.


And choosing between 2 evils, Harper or Iggy, is still choosing evil.

Why spend 300 million for no difference.

Lets wait till somebody else shows up to the party. And I don't mean Bob Rae. Although, he is a step above Iggy.

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I truly believe that Iggy has a bet with his buddies in the states that he believes Canadians are so gullible and he is so smart that he can run up here and be running the country within say 2 years.

Probably has a dollar bet on it or something. Thats what I think he really cares about this country.


And choosing between 2 evils, Harper or Iggy, is still choosing evil.

Why spend 300 million for no difference.

Lets wait till somebody else shows up to the party. And I don't mean Bob Rae. Although, he is a step above Iggy.

Hes CIA Ha Ha Ha Ha

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Hes CIA Ha Ha Ha Ha



No. He is just a smart ass thinking he can pull the wool over our eyes. He has no passion for this country other than wanting to run it. He has no plan for this country, no vision.

I don't necesarily agree with the way it has been heading, but at least there was a goal in mind.

He is showing off for his American buddies. I can just see them rolling on the floor laughing at him on TV

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As soon as we get a majority, they will start a whole bunch of new spending and raise our taxes. Just what do you think needs doing so badly right now.

We have health care, and we have cops. Personally, I think we could just sit tight for a while.


Ya know... ya may be right.

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Your Marijuana example is over exaggerated as usual from the opponents. Lets try raising sexual consent to a minority from 14 to 16. I think it has passed already thanks to Stockwell Day. Can you imagine someone having legal sex with your daughter of 14. That is absurd. One of the bills held up by the opposition is the curbing the power of judges to sentence convicted criminals to house arrest rather than jail time on a variety of more serious crimes. No your Maryjane example is not one of them. We are talking about Breaking and Entering (see how you feel if your place of safety and you have been violated) Auto theft, and Violent sexual offenses. These are all thought out Bills that the lefties criticism is what you have mentioned. Oh my God, we'll be like the Americans. Also there is another Bill for automatic prison time to 10 years in serious cases. All in all, at this time there are too many criminals getting away with murder with no deterrent because of our current criminal system. At Least he has done something. Did I mention Arctic Sovereignty thanks to your Global Warming Panic or Prediction. Yea your right. Bad Link but thanks for forcing me to do some Homework. read and weep Buddie.



He is basing these new laws on the American system, he also really wants to privatise the prisons.

Harper is only taking an interest in Arctic Sovereignty now the ice is melting opening up the North West passage, and he's not doing anything to improve the lives of First Nations people up there - he is just building a couple of shiny new (expensive) boats.


Shouldn't "i" be capitalized LOL!!!!


Fiberals had their time and they blew it....

I would like to see a blue majority and be done with it.

If they screw it up then I'll consider that next time around.


If Iggy wants to go to the polls it'll be a mistake.

Fiberals are loud, but I have a sneaking suspicion Canada will send him a message

he's not expecting....


Harper keeps tacking on confidence motions to all the bills he passes. The other parties pass it (no matter how much they dislike it) or an election is called. Then Harper fills the airwaves with stuff about how the other parties are 'making a power grab'



Instead of an election and spending 300 million why not give every Canadian an equall share of the money to give the economy boost


Well thats what the stimulus plan was supposed to do, most of it hasn't got out to people yet due to Harpers cabinet being awful


You're really in denial aren't you Bigfish? the PM is not the PM? wow you lefties really do look at things differently. I agree with Winston Churchill.


he didn't say that, he said that the majority of Canadians didn't vote for him, which is true. Only about 35% did.


harper's done an admirable job all things considered. i am sick of my left leaning peers here in southern ontario. you can spin it anyway you want but the fact is, his party won the election - deal with it for the whole term. the whole bloc, ndp, liberal 'power grab' last year was an insult to canadian voters. let's just piss away another $300 mill.


How has he done a great job? As I said up there he and his cabinet failed to acknowledge there was a serious problem until October, then completely failed to respond to the recession, his finance minster was caught flat out lying about how bad the deficit was, created the largest federal deficit in Canadian history after running on a campaign of no deficits (this is after obliterating the surplus and contingency funds with an ill-advised and cynical GST cut), cut the Charter Challenge fund severely, like Mulroney before him and was caught giving money earmarked for research and green energy stimulus to bail out the Oil Sands companies when they started making a loss. And this is all with the giant head start Canada had on most countries because our banks didn't collapse that's thanks to all the regulation we have (that Harper opposed in 1998)


And that's just financial stuff without even going into how he relaxed environmental planning laws (so that companies now have the power to decide THEMSELVES if they break planning laws), outright LIED about the attempted coalition government last year (he relied on people not knowing how Parliamentary governments work) and sending a memo to senators to intentionally make the senate dysfunctional. i.e. "forget" to show up to meetings, schedule meetings during inopportune times, "lose" communications, etc.


The worst part is that he prohibits MPs from speaking to constituents and the press in their own words (all communications must be vetted by the PMO), refuses to appear on Canadian news channels citing concerns about "bias" and "unfair coverage" despite evidence to the contrary, yet appears on the Fox News Channel regularly so its actually really hard to find solid infomation about stuff his governments doing, its all shrouded in secrecy!

Edited by alctel
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The worst part is that he prohibits MPs from speaking to constituents and the press in their own words (all communications must be vetted by the PMO), refuses to appear on Canadian news channels citing concerns about "bias" and "unfair coverage" despite evidence to the contrary


I'd like to see some evidence of the contrary. You won't find it on CBC,CTV, The Red Star, The mope and wail or any other msm outlets. Hell the whole wafergate scandal was lies cooked up by the liberal masters of the newspaper publishers to make him look bad. They never report on anything good he does, they only try to make him look bad.I don't blame him for not talking to the media hacks and liberal shills who provide free advertising for them.


he didn't say that, he said that the majority of Canadians didn't vote for him, which is true. Only about 35% did.


I think you need to reread his post.


Ummmm isn't Harper the PM? he beat the other 2.



No...he didn't.


Well I think that when you have 144 seats and the next closest party has 77 you've beat them. You losers always like to trot out that the majority didn't vote for him by combining the votes of all the other parties, the same could be said about pretty well all the PM's and that's the way it works. I had to sit through years of that liar chretien who only got in because the vote on the right was split you could say the same thing about that crook.


You can't have it both ways.... the PM can't be responsible for the recession and not be responsible for the recovery. That's lefty logic.....doesn't make sense.


You can say that both parties are the same but they aren't......one stole millions from taxpayers and the other did not.

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A little humour!


I asked my friend's little girl what she wanted to be when she grows

up. She said she wanted to be Prime Minister of Canada some day. Both of

her parents, NDP supporters, were standing there, so I asked her, "If

you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would do?"


She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people." Her

parents beamed, and said, "Welcome to the NDP Party!"


"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I told her. I continued, "But you don't have

to wait until you're Prime Minister to do that. You can come over to

my house, mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you

$50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy

hangs out. You can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."


She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in

the eye and asked,


"Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can

just pay him the $50?"


I smiled and said, "Welcome to the Conservative Party."


Her parents still aren't speaking to me.


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I'd like to see some evidence of the contrary. You won't find it on CBC,CTV, The Red Star, The mope and wail or any other msm outlets. Hell the whole wafergate scandal was lies cooked up by the liberal masters of the newspaper publishers to make him look bad. They never report on anything good he does, they only try to make him look bad.I don't blame him for not talking to the media hacks and liberal shills who provide free advertising for them.


You really can't be argueing that a PM and cabinent that refuses to talk to the press and does all its dealing in secret is a GOOD thing? Really?


And as for bias, Canada has one of the most right wing media in the Western World and it ranks extremely low on the free press ranking - 90% of print media and almost all radio and TV stations are owned by one of two familys. Harper gets away with SO MUCH and hardly any of it is reported on, instead non-stories like the wafer thing gets brought up (which was a load of crap by the way, he was put in a terrible position and I would have done the same thing in his place). The CBC is pretty much the saving grace at the moment, but its had to fire a bunch of journalists due to having its budget cut recently so the news quality is going to go downhill.



Well I think that when you have 144 seats and the next closest party has 77 you've beat them. You losers always like to trot out that the majority didn't vote for him by combining the votes of all the other parties, the same could be said about pretty well all the PM's and that's the way it work

s. I had to sit through years of that liar chretien who only got in because the vote on the right was split you could say the same thing about that crook.


The difference is that the BQ, Greens, NDP and even the liberals are a lot closer to each other than the Conservatives, and especially Harper (who was a Reform party member and pretty much the furthest right PM Canada's ever had)


You can't have it both ways.... the PM can't be responsible for the recession and not be responsible for the recovery. That's lefty logic.....doesn't make sense.


He wasn't responsible for it, I never said that. That was stupid free-market advocates in the US and greedy banks slashing the regulations regarding loans that were in place since the 30's depression (to stop things like this happening again).


He DID make it far worse by cutting GST RIGHT before the recession draining all the emergency funds, and then completely screwing up the stimulus package which meant we are only just limping out of it, despite not having any of our banks collapse. Not to mention the finance minister lying about where the money went, certain places not getting stimulus funds because 'harper doesn't like them' (actual quote about why Toronto got virtually nothing), etc etc





You can say that both parties are the same but they aren't......one stole millions from taxpayers and the other did not.


Well the conservatives took large amounts of money ear-marked for green energy projects and northern first nation communities and just gave it to their oil sand buddies in Alberta. As well as calling a 300million election weeks after promising not to do so. Does that count as stealing?



A little humour!


I asked my friend's little girl what she wanted to be when she grows

up. She said she wanted to be Prime Minister of Canada some day. Both of

her parents, NDP supporters, were standing there, so I asked her, "If

you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would do?"


She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people." Her

parents beamed, and said, "Welcome to the NDP Party!"


"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I told her. I continued, "But you don't have

to wait until you're Prime Minister to do that. You can come over to

my house, mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you

$50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy

hangs out. You can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."


She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in

the eye and asked,


"Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can

just pay him the $50?"


I smiled and said, "Welcome to the Conservative Party."


Her parents still aren't speaking to me.



This was an old Republican joke from America, nice to see it got this side of the border eventually. If she really would have wanted to join the conservative party she would have given the homeless man $5 to do her chores, and kept the 45 bucks for herself, spent it all on jewellery and then complained how lazy the homeless man was.

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The west needs to get over their paranoia of Toronto. Our seats are representative of population, which seems the fairest way to do it.


With all due Respect...

I would guess thats the exact response most western folk would expect from us Southern Ontarians LOL!


In truth the system "seems" fair to us I suppose but in reality there is a vast difference in how people feel on platforms & issue from the 2 respective areas.

I can totaly see how frustrating it could be to see 90 of the west voting Blue based only to see the red win time and time again.

These people are neighbors, friends, family, and co-workers who talk politics together, and share common ideals...ideals that may not be popular in the GTA

So to see their entire area/province/ Western Canadas votes overturned by one very small geographical area its not hard to see where the frustration might fester.

I'm not saying I have the answers but I can understand their frustration with a populus vote in the GTA running the country.

The east feels it just as much and Quebec....well they don't help the situation at all when they vote for the Bloq.


Sure we have more people living here in Ontario so I guess the majority rules, but its a dangerous game to make the west feel alienated when it comes to how we're governed....there are seperatist Parties gaining stength out there as well because they are not being represented.


I wish I had the solution but I don't have it.

I just know telling the West to get over it might be a bit insensitive.

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And as for bias, Canada has one of the most right wing media in the Western World and it ranks extremely low on the free press ranking - 90% of print media and almost all radio and TV stations are owned by one of two familys. Harper gets away with SO MUCH and hardly any of it is reported on, instead non-stories like the wafer thing gets brought up (which was a load of crap by the way, he was put in a terrible position and I would have done the same thing in his place). The CBC is pretty much the saving grace at the moment, but its had to fire a bunch of journalists due to having its budget cut recently so the news quality is going to go downhill.


You can't be serious, the media is in the tank for the cpc? if that was the case, which it isn't, why wouldn't they use it to their advantage like the libs do? that's why the PM has shunned them. I provided plenty of examples for you of lefty bias and you only agree that the cbc is leftist. wow.


I find it funny that Michael Ignatieff is saying that the reason we are in a deficit and jobless is because of harper. hahaha, of course it has nothing to do with the world recession! lol , no wait its harpers fault that the world is in recession.



Actually it pretty much his fault that it was so bad


This is you saying it was his fault now you are saying it wasn't what you said. I think you need to read your own words in post 30. Yo learn your lessons well from your liberal idols. Kinda like bob rae saying iggy never supported the coalition, when his signature is on the document.


You can say that both parties are the same but they aren't......one stole millions from taxpayers and the other did not.



Well the conservatives took large amounts of money ear-marked for green energy projects and northern first nation communities and just gave it to their oil sand buddies in Alberta. As well as calling a 300million election weeks after promising not to do so. Does that count as stealing?


No, it doesn't count as stealing and let's see some proof that the money went to personal friends of the PM, there was plenty in adscam. You just pull things out of a hat like a typical lefty and you think if you say it enough times it will be true. Your arguments are so full of holes I could use them to tie my roebags(gotta get something fishing related into this conversation!...lol) :lol:

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You can't be serious, the media is in the tank for the cpc? if that was the case, which it isn't, why wouldn't they use it to their advantage like the libs do? that's why the PM has shunned them. I provided plenty of examples for you of lefty bias and you only agree that the cbc is leftist. wow.


They do use it to their advantage? Thats why they bought the 'COILITION GOVERNEMTS ARE UNANTURAL AND A POWER GRAB' line last year and repeated it, despite colilition governments being extremely common in parlimentary systems. No one calls him out on his lies, at all, otherwise they will lose all access to the government. If you want me to reference your examples, the red star is hardly a msm outlet, and the Globe and Mail and CTV are both owned by CTVglobemedia which bankrolls right-wing candidates and has ties to the Fraser Institute which is what I was saying before.


The CBC isn't particularly leftist either.


This is you saying it was his fault now you are saying it wasn't what you said. I think you need to read your own words in post 30. Yo learn your lessons well from your liberal idols. Kinda like bob rae saying iggy never supported the coalition, when his signature is on the document.


Read what I said again - he didn't cause the global recession, but he sure as hell made it a lot worse for Canada. Also I am not a liberal and won't be voting for them, please stop presuming that I am! I especially don't like Iggy



No, it doesn't count as stealing and let's see some proof that the money went to personal friends of the PM, there was plenty in adscam. You just pull things out of a hat like a typical lefty and you think if you say it enough times it will be true. Your arguments are so full of holes I could use them to tie my roebags(gotta get something fishing related into this conversation!...lol) :lol:


Well please start picking my arguments apart then if they are so full of holes, especially about how Harpers cabinet mismanaged the recession economy and then lied about it repeatedly


Also explain what you mean by 'typical lefty' 'typical lib' etc, since you use that almost every sentence

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Guest gbfisher
The fact that Harper can't beat the other two should have told him to step down. The country needs a new face and a new direction. Other leaders have run minority governments quite effectively, but Harper cannot. Time to move on Stephen.



LOL. He never got over losing the election back in highschool to the guys who hung out in the parking lot. All day...... :lol:


Looky me now.......... :rolleyes::wallbash:

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ther leaders have run minority governments quite effectively, but Harper cannot.


You don't think that perhaps, just maybe, possibly, on occasion, or even quite often....the opposition goes out of its way to make it difficult for them?


Its a minority government...would the PC's make it easy had the situation been reversed last time around?

Harper is doing a pretty bang up jon in a what many would easily classify as a disfunctional Parliment.


One thing I do know is the Fiberals were SO desperate to get back in they were willing to share the bed with SEPERATISTS....


Who else will they jump in bed with for their own personal gain?

Allthough I do not want an election I invite it...

If Iggy pulls the plug Canada will hang him out to dry...mark my words, thats right...I said mark 'em

Quote me, write it down and if I'm wrong hang me out to dry and mock me all you want.

The liberal Minorty is a vocal one, but they are still a minority and should he pull the plug we'll see the same result.

So if Iggy wants to waste another couple million dollars of tax payers money to seal his fate in politics I say let him try.

with a little luck the PC will get even more seats.


harper's done an admirable job all things considered. i am sick of my left leaning peers here in southern ontario. you can spin it anyway you want but the fact is, his party won the election - deal with it for the whole term. the whole bloc, ndp, liberal 'power grab' last year was an insult to canadian voters. let's just piss away another $300 mill.


Bingo...this is exactly what Most canadians are thinking when they hear election rumors.

We think of the last escapade with the SEPERATISTS.

We're tired of the LIBERALS....

Let it go, you lost...its over....sit down quietly, and let the next kid have a turn....nobody likes a complainer....sounds like kindergarden does it not LOL!

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Read what I said again - he didn't cause the global recession, but he sure as hell made it a lot worse for Canada. Also I am not a liberal and won't be voting for them, please stop presuming that I am! I especially don't like Iggy


I read what you said


I HATE HATE Harper and the mess he has got Canada into
Actually it pretty much his fault that it was so bad


I assumed you were a lib because of the way you defended adscam and the stolen millions, good on ya for your opinion of iggy!


You throw things out there with no proof alctel,( PM gave money to his buddies,unfair news coverage, doesn't help natives...etc) a characteristic of many leftists, and if the cbc isn't left enough for you then you certainly are a lefty.....not that there's anything wrong with that.


We're all entitled to our opinions, ours are very different from one another and it doesn't look like we'll convince each other to change. I'm sure we could go back and forth for days and still believe what we believe. I agree with you on one thing.........we disagree!


Actually we agree on 2 things if your comment about iggy is sincere. ;)

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Bingo...this is exactly what Most canadians are thinking when they hear election rumors.

We think of the last escapade with the SEPERATISTS.

We're tired of the LIBERALS....

Let it go, you lost...its over....sit down quietly, and let the next kid have a turn....nobody likes a complainer....sounds like kindergarden does it not LOL!



Did you actually read any of the points people have being made about why so many elections are being called, because of confidence motions? Or why Harper and his cabinet have done a terrible job? Or are you too busy making up words like 'fiberals'


Politics isn't like a sports game, you can't just cheer on the red team because thats who you support, you have to hold people accountable

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I read what you said


Actually it pretty much his fault that it was so bad


I assumed you were a lib because of the way you defended adscam and the stolen millions, good on ya for your opinion of iggy!


You throw things out there with no proof alctel,( PM gave money to his buddies,unfair news coverage, doesn't help natives...etc) a characteristic of many leftists, and if the cbc isn't left enough for you then you certainly are a lefty.....not that there's anything wrong with that.


We're all entitled to our opinions, ours are very different from one another and it doesn't look like we'll convince each other to change. I'm sure we could go back and forth for days and still believe what we believe. I agree with you on one thing.........we disagree!


Actually we agree on 2 things if your comment about iggy is sincere. ;)


Ok, lets agree to disagree and leave it that :)

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Did you actually read any of the points people have being made about why so many elections are being called, because of confidence motions? Or why Harper and his cabinet have done a terrible job? Or are you too busy making up words like 'fiberals'


Politics isn't like a sports game, you can't just cheer on the red team because thats who you support, you have to hold people accountable



The problem about that is whom has the issues with the motions....Politics bud.

Those motions mean Nadda, zip zilch...its positioning, nothing more, and its nothing new either.

Its a constant threat with minorty governments,

Welcome to the wonderfull world of politics.


If you think Harper is doing so bad your entitled to your opinion, but if you think any of the others are going to do any better I'd suggest you

Take a long hard look after you remove those red tinted goggles LOL....


Bottom line is most people are sick of the Fiberal Party.

Suck it up

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will be exact same result - conservative minority - Harper hasn't pissed off those who voted for him last time, but hasn't won any new friends either. I'd like to see them get a majority to see what they can do, but with the big southern ontario vote I can't see it happening

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The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his

house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a

fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant

is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so

he dies out in the cold.







The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. So far, so good, eh?


The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate, like him, are cold and starving.


The CBC shows up to provide live coverage of the shivering grasshopper, with cuts to a video of the ant in his comfortable warm home with a table laden with food.


Canadians are stunned that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so while others have plenty.


The NDP, the CAW and the Coalition Against Poverty demonstrate in front of the ant's house. The CBC, interrupting an Inuit cultural festival special from Nunavut with breaking news, broadcasts them singing "We Shall Overcome."


Sven Robinson rants in an interview with Pamela Wallin that the ant has gotten rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his "fair share".


In response to polls, the Government drafts the Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti-Discrimination Act, retroactive to the beginning of the summer.


The ant's taxes are reassessed, and he is also fined for failing to hire grasshoppers as helpers.


Without enough money to pay both the fine and his newly imposed retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.


The ant moves to the US, and starts a successful agribiz company.


The CBC later shows the now fat grasshopper finishing up the last of the ant's food, though Spring is still months away, while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he hasn't bothered to maintain it.


Inadequate government funding is blamed, Roy Romanow is appointed to head a commission of enquiry that will cost $10,000,000.


The grasshopper is soon dead of a drug overdose, the Toronto Star blames it on the obvious failure of government to address the root causes of despair arising from social inequity.


The abandoned house is taken over by a gang of immigrant spiders, praised by the government for enriching Canada's multicultural diversity, who promptly set up a marijuana grow op and terrorize the community.



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ok im quite enjoying these valid points but lets face it almost all politicians take big kickbacks and appoint their buddy's in high paying positions. lets face it if i was pm and there was a senate seat open and my best fishing buddy was just fired from his job i would try to slip him in there. the part that annoys me is that almost all politicians take kickbacks to accept contracts for their departments




400 needs to be repaved they might not tender offers saying that the company has an excelent track record and the work needs to be done asap

the costs then explode to three times the original estimates

the length of time of construction is double the estimated time frame

to make up this money governments make people buy FISHING LICENCES

and we all get screwed paying way to much income tax

and we get stuck in traffic when we are all just trying to make it over to BPS

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whats good here is that everyone has decent opinions and at least make an effort to follow whats going on.


I really hate those voters who dont follow anything and will always vote one way,just because of something that happened 40 years ago.

i know for fact alot of voters,italians etc in my area only vote liberal because thats who let them into the country 30 yrs ago and have NO idea whats going on at all. i hate those type of voters. and they are always the first ones to have that giant liberal sign on there front lawn.

and the GTA seem full of these types

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