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Got pricked with a fish spine


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Four days ago I poked the palm of my hand on a big ol bass' spine. It never really got infected or hurt in anyway.


Then this morning I woke up to this. You can clearly see the area that I got poked in (arrow). And th hives/spots were all over my body. But only my hands were itchy. The only reason I am thinking it has to do with the spines is cause out of nowhere it becam red.


Has anyone else ever experienced similar symtomes in relations to fish spines?



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i would say go to the doctor or a pharmacy to check it out...have you disinnfected it yet or added lotion to stop the scratching?


The first thing I did when I got back that night was to put some antibiotic cream on it.


And I do not have anything at home for the itch. Going out soon to have it looked at.

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Definitely looks like an allergic reaction.


If you go to any walk in clinic they will just tell you to go get benadryl and sleep on it!


Gotta love our health care system!


In the US they would run a million tests (assuming you have health insurance lol)

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Puncture wounds can be very dangerous!!!... NEVER put a topical antibiotic on a puncture wound!!! This will cause the top to heal over trapping any foriegn substance or particles underneath!!!


You may try lancing the original wound with a sterile needle and soaking your hand in hot (as hot as you can stand) epsom salt water.


... but I say Go To The Doctor!!!

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I just found this on the web.


1.If the puncture wound is contaminated, the victim should consult a doctor as soon as possible for a tetanus vaccination or booster shot. Wounds of the feet, those that cannot be cleaned right away, and wounds made by animals all have a high risk of contamination


There is fish slime in your puncture wound... this is not good!

Edited by GCD
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Yeah but like the "Dawg" was sayin your not eatin the slime---and I'm sure has a touch of bacteria in it.


Best to err on the side of caution here---sometimes the simplest looking of injuries can turn into big problems unattended.



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Looks like an allegic reaction. My wife gets this same reaction to certain things. As you get older you can develop a reaction to things that didn't bother you before; it happened to her.


Benadryl is good advice (same as the doctor told my wife).


For disinfectant - iodine or hydrogen peroxide on the open wound. No good if it's skinned over. If it were me I'd make sure the puncture is well-open and give it a good shot of iodine.


I would say it's not very likely you have a piece of spine in it. The spines are flexible, not very brittle.

Edited by Jocko
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It does look like an allergic reaction, but also looks like it's becoming infected as well!


... but I may be wrong on both counts.



It may be this!!!



































... have you noticed any hair trying to sprout from the afflicted area???

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while some allergic reactions dont appear immediately 4 days is extreme to show symptoms. its possible you got into something else just prior to the reaction, as the rash is most definitely a reaction due to its tendency to not be local to the injury. infection wouldn't explain the rash but would explain increasing tenderness, reddening of the area and joint pain starting near the injury and spreading. blood poisoning results in extreme, and i mean EXTREME pain of the joints and serious swelling.


just to be sure you should catch the fish and put a stake thru its heart.

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OK ..two things ... one - infection ... definitely ... and very common from fish related cuts ... fastest cleanup ... wash your hands in warm water with a little comet or peroxide.... cleans it right out and kills literally everything ...


Second thing ... pretty likely .. but not for sure ... an allergic reaction to something ... could be the slime or could be the bacteria in the slime ... again quite common ... fast acting and relatively safe is ...REACTIN OR BENEDRYL (BUT I WOULD RECOMMEND TALKING WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST IN CASE YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE IT COULD REACT WITH)...dont drink alcohol ...

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That rash is defenitely a reaction to something. If the red area of the sting becomes larger or spreads that is due to infection. If you start having a fever then you know there's something wrong and you should be going to the ER. A Doctor will most likely give you benedryl and possibly an antibiotic for precautinary reasons.

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As a kid I used to play with perch and bluegills that were 'living' in my uncle's "white bucket". I'd get poked and had similar reactions to what you have. The next morning I had rashes that itched a little on my hands and arms - A day or two later they were gone. Since then, I haven't experienced anything like that for almost 20 years despite getting spined by some feisty sunfish and perch.


With that said, getting cut or poked by fish spines or other fishy parts is definitely no laughing matter. A few years ago, my aunt told me a story about one of her friends getting a small cut while holding a pike by the gills. The pike thrashed a bit and his hand slipped. He received only a small nick. 3 days later it was infected to the point where he had to have several fingers amputated.

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